Friday, December 28, 2007
Green Stool And Dizziness
five minutes had passed since Steve placed the harness and down the front to the window of the cafeteria. The others were seated and the excitement was almost palpable, but no one spoke and focused on listening through a "baby" sound "Steve recounted the situation.
Steve had discovered it was not long a stronghold of survivors.
- Damn ... This has been a bloody slaughter. "He said for his communicator.
His voice sounded weak and interference. No wonder he was a pretty spoiled pileup and thickness of the ceiling and the floor should be large enough so as to reach its maximum range. After all, nor the manufacturers would have imagined that I would serve this situation.
- Go to check the condition of the food damn! - Enrique shouted to the recipient even knowing that Steve could not hear.
- Can I pick up and I say this? "Rebecca said as she stood up quickly.
Paul looked at her and shook her head. I knew he was useless without contributing anything to the group. Of course, these situations you have to do real stupid things in search of something to show that vouchers.
- No, Steve knows what he must do.
face He sat disgusted and bored. To comfort Paul sat beside her but before he could say anything, Steve's voice heard again
- I think there's food here for a regiment, and also a first aid kit ... It is seen that tried to stop a bleeding. "His voice had a tone of disgust clear noticed that despite the interference.
- What's Your Story? - Rebeca said on his side - all this I mean.
She turned to her. He had a sad face and the look he remembered that everyone there had been a tragic story, but he did not. He could tell all family and close friends were all safe, unless the infection has spread too far.
- In a friend's house. - He said trying to avoid going into details and pretending like I was listening to Steve, but only the static of walkie sounded
- Is she all right? - It cost him say.
- Luckily, yes. "He replied with a warm smile trying to reassure the girl. - At least until we broke up, but it's a strong girl, you know fend.
- Go ...
One of those immortal awkward silence filled the room, even Steve seemed complicit in this silence.
The quiet was broken when he announced that Steve had some sort of problem
- Shit! Cortade He heard the speaker of the small receiver and a long static.
Without a word he rose, drew his pistol strapped to his belt and went to the window. Rebeca was already facing under the window, looked into his eyes for a second and Paul threw his gun at her, she grabbed a quick motion and slipped his bare hands clutching the cable harness. He came to the window to see that Rebecca had already gone out the window. Henry and Louise were at his side looking down with eyes wide and fearful.
- the hell do!? "He said Luisa angry. - Why do not you come down you?
Paul did not know what to say to calm her down without fear that further cagara. Fortunately or unfortunately diverted all attention when Rebecca's voice sounded through the receiver.
- Steve has slipped and hurt himself in one foot, it seems that they were sheltering, are English soldiers ... are all dead. "He said calmly.
The group of three people sigh of relief almost in unison.
"Well, at least there are no zombies down there."
- OK, now rises. - Henry said as he looked sideways at Paul angry.
did not seem to have liked anything that Rebecca has gone down to see what happened to Steve. Is a mistake to coerce the cooperation of a member.
"She wants to help, are useful and perhaps hands ever have to rely on it"
This thought did say it out loud, but it was more prudent to alter environment. In the completely surreal situation of constant danger in which they were, the group should not be separated.
He retired to sit in front of a computer. Perhaps it was time to look "something" on the computer.
is completely isolated from its environment while drumming at an incredible speed in search of the perfect proof needed to indict the company ZAC of fatal neglect and pollution to the population of a lethal virus.
was so absorbed that he had not realized that Steve and Rebecca were at his side until Rebekah said.
- What are you looking at?
instinctively closed the file that was open.
- Seeking that was done in this company - invented quickly.
- This is a company specialized in the medical and chemical. Surprised
only thing he could think to do was look at Steve. Ankle had swollen up leaning on a chair while putting ice. He noticed that I had the whole back bloodstained soil probably where it had fallen to slip.
- But what ...? He quickly rose from his chair and staggered a few steps away, by the suddenness of the movement, the chair fell with a crash
all looked at him and remained silent. Paul I looked at each and every one like a cornered animal.
- Steve, get a shower now. "I ordered
Pablo Enrique's face changed, as if suddenly began to understand.
- You're right, go to shower. Ya!
- But what? "Asked Rebecca did not understand the situation.
- Steve becomes soaked with blood that could be infected - Enrique said, these words fell like a lead over all.
between Henry and Louise helped bring him to the bathroom taking care not to touch any part of blood. Paul and Rebecca were alone in the room.
- Think that could be infected right now? He asked alarmed the girl.
- do not know, I think for the skin infection is not possible, because otherwise I already would be one of them. "Replied trying to convince yourself that he was right.
the computer was still on so I saw no other alternative as to kill time, it was decided to seek further information, could even find out if Steve was infected. The shower was heard in the distance, while the files roared past in their eyes. Until finally found what he wanted.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Blaze King Wood Stoves Ontario
just spent 10 minutes since I had managed to reach safety at this U-shaped room, full computers. By stifling heat and soporific caused by poor ventilation of the room. The windows could be opened in any way, had a very thick and it was necessary to open a key and no one bothers to open at the moment. They were too tired to do anything other than sit in one of the chairs or even on the floor and relax, everything happened very quickly.
Paul was sitting with her legs spread in a chair so that your arms are supported backup. I was in a half sleep, took all the breath he had missed during the last hour, just hoped that they could not find them there.
The only thing that seemed a little more active was skinned young Paul brown saved from being a promising candidate for infection. Restlessly paced the room with a foam ball in hand that continued to tighten. Five minutes passed
well, until Henry spoke and his voice boomed dramatically due to the acoustics of the place prepared.
- Well, I think we've rested enough, now I wish that we analyzed our situation together. Okay?
all nodded.
- The first thing you do not already know your name, boy. "He said as he looked at Paul.
- Err. Well, my name is Paul. -Rising from his chair.
- Nice name. "He said the girl with a smile. - I'm Rebecca.
Paul smiled back, now that was fixed. Would have the same age or slightly lower. The brown-skinned boy approached him and offered his hand. Yes he was older, about 25 years.
- My name is Steve, I'm from Ecuador. Yet I have not thanked you for preventing me getting caught those bastards.
Paul shook his hand.
- No that if we do not help at this time we really fucked up ...
The phrase was decreasing its volume until it became the last word in a whisper. Paul felt stupid talking like that. He was not a hero who saves all and end takes the girl.
No, this only happened in movies, was so fucked up like all the other survivors and behaved as if he had everything under control. At that moment he felt ashamed of himself.
- Hi, I'm Louise. "He said a woman's voice.
He turned to greet the last survivor of the group. It was very similar to her daughter and not much older than her, bet that was less than 30 years.
- Do you know where a bathroom? She asked with obvious urgency.
- Eh ... Sure, follow me.
They went together to the door.
- Wait, I also I have to go. - Said Rebecca, rising from his chair.
- Hey, wait. "Henry said quickly. "Here, take this.
He handed the gun to the head of Paul.
- No need, the bathroom is in this same hall, and into the bathroom I will not fire this contraption. "This last was said in a friendly tone.
Henry realized that he was right and again placed the gun on his shoulder
- OK, we'll go riding beds and accommodate this a little better. "He said Steve, looking around as if I had a lot of work.
Paul nodded, walked out the door and closed it behind him.
The hallway stank, but at least there was nobody around. The bathroom was a few feet away, came over. Was open.
- Wait a second here. "He said while the weapon unsheathed.
opened the door slowly and quietly.
not smell as bad as the rest of the room, entered and closed the door. It was one of the largest public baths he had seen in his life.
"Well, after all, this worked nearly two hundred employees"
I had a rectangular shape, to his right was a row of ten basins and in front of these was another row of ten individual toilets to your door. Suddenly thought the possibility that if someone was behind those doors could jump in closer and it just might be able to react.
A cold drop of sweat ran down his back.
At the end of all was a very clean shared showers and appearance of having been used recently.
There was no blood stains or signs of struggle anywhere, but that does not reassured at all because it seemed too strange, the whole city was filled with blood and dirt.
He approached the first row of toilet door and opened it as he aimed a kick in the classic pose of a shooter. The right foot forward while holding the weight on the toes, his right hand holding the gun while his left hand immobilizes your wrist. Remembered as losing the balance in this position with Nizar while practicing at the shooting gallery. Now smile at the memory, and thankful to have had a guardian, not their teaching now would be a stiff or worse.
He went to the second. I was getting nervous, afraid that he slipped the pistol by the sweat of their hands. Deep breath and wiped his hands on his pants.
But before I could not even lift the Beretta, the right door was hit from within.
- Damn! - He cursed to himself
was someone in there and had been scared to death.
* BOOM * Another onslaught. The door opened behind him.
- Is something wrong? He heard the voice of Luisa nervous.
- No, Shut the door. "Cried sharply while returning his attention to the possible new attack.
The door opened inwards, never get it open and certainly the latch was closed.
His heart was pumping furiously and her breathing was rapid, closed his eyes and sighed several times. He had a plan to avoid having to open the door
entered the adjoining bathroom and climbed above the toilet, stuck her head to see a topless woman hit the door taking a run.
If you do not know what world you are living now, help that person out. He had no visible injuries but certainly was infected.
To ensure coughed. The woman turned. Now she regretted having done so.
was missing one eye and he looked great part of the jaw. No more thought, uncomfortably up his arm to show his gun and fire.
The body slammed the door and stand there leaning. No blood flowed after the shot, it was strange.
The room was silent, supposed that there was no one else, because after a pistol shot in the middle of silence would have gone crazy to any zombies that walked by.
The position I was tired so he came down the toilet and walked out the door to warn that it could happen. Girls came and he went to tell the kids that had a body that would have to get out of there for hygiene.
After so long, it seemed that at last the situation seemed to become quieter and more bearable.
The boys dragged the body to the nearby ladder and threw him through the gap, the body sound plummet sounded quite funny despite the situation.
seconds of free fall, waves of zombies approached the body and began to devour it.
"Milk ..."
- does not surprise me at all. "Said Henry. - A lack of fresh meat ...
"Lack of fresh meat ... Damn ... Is it possible?
That thought left him pale and Enrique received
- Boy, I say I do not have the reach, not that it's over. "I reassured. - Come back inside. They walked
as the previous time was the last to enter his mysterious bag Enrique spray and sprayed like an air freshener.
The girls were inside, he had showered. Rebecca with wet hair crouched opening a drawer. And Luisa was just putting the "beds."
all the tables had turned away from the center to place in the classroom next door and put the beds there.
were 3 and 2 twin inflatable mattresses. Above each bed was a mattress cuts quite extensive, as to cover her with no problems.
- Well, we settle here for a while, until things go better ... But we need food.
Everyone looked at Paul waiting for a response. He thought for a few seconds.
- Well, there's a cafe downstairs, not that conditions will be, but is the closest.
- No, this is not possible, we can not fall to the floor below and then go on as before, we Pillari. "He said quite upset Louise.
- Mmm, if there is a way to lose. "Said Steve. Then
reached into his backpack and pulled out a pair of climbing harnesses.
- Does the cafeteria across the street that gives? He asked smiling.
Paul looked out the window, his face changed and it becomes more cheerful.
- We are just above it. He spoke with a tone-excited.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Can You Take Xanax And Provera
no idea how long he had been absorbed by reading the documents, but in that interval, those infected had gone out there and was aware of only one thing could separate them from one victim had found food more accessible.
felt I should do something. If you had not noticed when the noise ceased would have had time to do something, now possibly whoever is close by there now would be dead or worse.
decided he had to take the opportunity to get out of this trap in which they had gotten. She grabbed her backpack and looked for a second the computer still on.
"If ..."
not think twice sought the tower of the computer, unplugged and removed the casing leaving it a pile of cables, cards and fans. He knew what he wanted, so I boot not care about the hard disk and put it in his backpack that weighed as well. And have time to take a look in depth when out of town.
adjusting his backpack in one hand and the other clutching his gun free to the door with determination. Arriving a few meters from it automatically opened, startled adopted a defensive posture, of course self defense classes had been useful, if it were not for them may now be joining the ranks of the lost souls who wander the city looking for food constantly.
went out the door and turned to sight down the stairs. Indeed, had been behind the door, it was filled with dirt and blood and smelled foul. Trying to support the arches
headed for the stairs. There seemed to be no one around so he began to descend the stairs. The first four or five minutes were pretty good and that was his mistake. Guard down.
all happened very quickly. A deafening noise coming from your right just shook the foundations of the building and raise a cloud of dust, but luckily was able to shelter behind a nearby wall. He saw absolutely nothing in dense smoke, trying to sharpen the ear above the debris falling from the roof got disordered voices heard a crack. Her heart sank, they were voices of living people. He ran to meet him but suddenly he stopped the doubt that they were not with good intentions, the last time anyone had hoped had ended on a stretcher unconscious and unaware that he had done. Only when he heard the hysterical cry of a woman responded. Down the steps that remained to lower the first floor of a stride and ran the race throughout the hallway without any precaution. The very idea of thinking among those who were his friends made him run even more. Her chest hurt from running and his legs trembled in a mixture of fear and excitement, the sounds were getting closer and I could hear the footsteps of someone accelerated.
Across a corner he bumped against a person rather more corpulent that he fell to the ground on his back, between the saw dust he had rammed. It was an older man about 50 years old, short dark hair and naturally curly, his plaid shirt was really dirty in the dust spots and guess what Paul thought dried blood, and wore blue jeans over a broken face seemed very old, like someone had been years in prison. His eyes were an endless surprise.
In his hands he wore a sliding shotgun hunter that I was just pointing as he lay on the floor.
- Say something. He said, barely moving his lips
- What ...?
left to sign up to point to the hallway where he came from. A young girl came running toward them, behind a woman she was easily recognized as the mother of this.
Someone was firing behind them and the glow produced by firearms was reflected clearly on the wall towards the corner which had appeared the two girls, despite the thick dust.
looked into the eyes of this man and it was as if they had read my mind. Paul got to his feet and pulled out the gun while the man advanced a couple of feet away with both hands gripping the gun. The firing ceased, and he feared the worst, his new partner had reached the corner and was pointing to something that Paul could get an idea of what it was, came stumbled and fell to the ground to better target prone. What looked to her stomach. One wall of the building was completely destroyed and the nose of a pickup truck crossed it, there was much blood on the ground and the engine was steaming through the moon itself rotates the truck was going more zombies where the moon should have been . Some of them had entered and Paul would rather not see it as not many would rather not see things that had happened but it was inevitable.
A couple of people were being literally devoured by a score of zombies while a third tried vainly shoot from a few meters. With the roar of gunfire was useless to shout something, got up and ran to where the boy was reloading his gun. Grabbed him by the shoulders and pull him, were too close. A pungent smell of rotten attacked them like a slap in the face.
Although the smell of putrefaction and fermentation were everywhere in those days, had not felt before anything as intense and focused as he sensed in that moment. Almost dragging
could take it from there before the first infected left what little remained of the other two to face them. He would not look as had been the bodies.
ran down the aisle three, the two women were waiting. Paul finally step up and lead the group by this labyrinthine building, had not visited too well inside the building but if he knew where there was a large and secure site. The Hall of medical outcomes analysis. Here were concentrated the majority of computers and was a computer room and then divide a large room with tables, laboratory equipment, doors of this room were reinforced and the windows facing the street had a considerable thickness.
"To know they were doing there for that security needed"
That thought her face lit up, maybe I could find out more about the virus searching through computers. Expected not only lost, were the five with Paul in his head for ten minutes past endless stairs, hallways and no one spoke monotonously and without slowing down. The tension was becoming more tangible, the distance between the endless corridors, the creatures were following not long ago were human but now there are only a shadow of its former state. The halls were becoming narrower and less enlightened. Were coming and, a few meters and you would safe or at least for a while.
He could see the solid pale yellow door, a slight smile on his face. Eased the passage to open the door but her smile faded when the knob would not turn, it was locked. After several attempts, pushing and pulling, knowing he would not move even an inch, dropped near the door. It felt like a huge idiot.
"Only you can save yourself ..."
dared not look at the faces of his new teammates. He stood at the door looking like an indecipherable puzzle.
felt a hand on his shoulder
- Me let?
A long blonde hair stood in his range of vision. It was the young girl who was with his mother, was wearing a blue shirt looked pretty clean jeans and shorts, on the feet wore white sneakers and wearing a waist belt rather unsightly.
From it take something like two wires of metal that Paul could not see clearly.
She squatted in front of the lock and the objects he had taken from his waist began to inspect it.
- One of three linear ... "She said to herself.
did not know what those words but it was enough to know who knew what he was doing.
The narrow hallway was quiet, no noise and there was talk of another kind. Paul had just realized he was breathing through his mouth since he was that smell on the ground floor, I could breathe normally, did not smell anything in particular but better so I smell something. The whole town always smelled of stale or worse, was the easiest and quickest method to determine if there zombies around, the smell that is foul, but that was normal.
"They were dead after all and like all dead, broken."
was assuming they were dead, but according to two reports he had read not to not an hour, did not mention anything about the subject die if returned to resurrect.
* CLICK * He
thoughts aside and looked toward the door, the girl looked at the smiling group, had a beautiful smile, his teeth were tiny and well-aligned and her mouth was small as well as symmetrical. I try not to stare too long, looked away to hide back as if he had heard something.
"It is time to try to link"
had to force himself to think that, in these times, friendships can last a short time.
The door was already open, waited until everyone was inside, man with the shotgun was in the hallway and looking at Paul without any trace friendly.
Trying to avoid his gaze toward the door, the man walked toward him and stood in his way.
- Do you have any injuries? "He said in a serious tone and hold his weapon
- I am not infected. "He answered bluntly.
- I have to make sure I do not want to take unnecessary risks. "He responded like an automaton.
Paul took the back pack and shirt and turned around on itself with arms raised and hands open.
- Enough? "He said beginning to feel angry.
The blonde girl was leaning against a wall watching with a sly smile, walked toward him.
- Do not get pissed off at the old Henry, just trying to protect us. "He said and he pulled the shirt he had thrown to the ground.
- Okay. - Really he would have done the same, he thought.
He put on his shirt, grabbed the bag reluctantly and went into the room, while Henry took from his pocket a small spray and sprayed the walls of the hallway, after it entered the large classroom.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
How To Reset Masterlock Combination Mini
under the first rungs of a ladder with the heart to point out through the mouth, silently and stealthily, every Once more they heard strange noises, like a whisper from someone who was about to lose his sanity.
was about to go down to the landing between floors when he saw them. Some in civilian clothes, others with lab coats, but all with the same expression and the same gray skin color. Luckily they had not seen him, retreated a few steps trying not to make any movement too sudden to attract his attention, looked back and saw a door cautiously and quite different from the others. Twice the size and without knob, a large sign above the door frame read:
A growl I turned my head, but was relieved, not near, another grunt almost followed this frustration, two faced infected, a half broken arm went to the other's face, this gave him a swat it away.
seemed that they were communicating.
With nerves on the verge of overflowing, and thinking, no ... Praying for communication between them is invalid, went back up and move slowly toward the door. A reader touch to the left of the door, which seemed quite new, was all that separated him from entering the file, maybe something in there will serve to explain what on earth had happened. Almost smiling to himself, he finger on the sensor, I knew it would not work but do not lose anything.
Tan was just a moment but enough. A shock came to the brain so deafening hum, ko to leave half, did not realize it had fallen flat on the ground until he felt a severe pain came in waves from the knees
But ... the door had open.
increasingly confused and missed it up rubbing his knees, took one last glance toward the stairs, luckily they had detected his presence, and entered the dimly lit room. The door shut with a hiss at the end of passing it, the building had own electricity, so power cuts continued in the city had no effect on the building.
Yet it appeared that no dome light to function, was only illuminated by the light given off by a big screen, at least five feet wide and high.
The sound of static fills the entire room, it was hard to think with that incessant noise, the farther into the room to discover that the noise source was in a television on without any tuning, but at least it worked. Unable to find command of that television, went to change it manually on TV, crouched changed channel but surely building the antenna was not working.
turned off the TV and could not avoid a little moan of anguish when the black reflection of the screen behind, and dangerously close to an emaciated woman, walking awkwardly toward him, no time to think grabbed from behind, hands Rotten and his fingers like claws, trying to bite instinctively dropped to the ground with what the awkward unbalanced infected, which was not expected was the speed of the zombie was placed on top of it and struggled to bite. I had not seen a zombie face so close ever, presented a startling appearance, it seemed impossible that he was alive. His eyes whitish rotting skin, his skull had several signs of violence and dirty and disheveled hair, the color of his skin was blue-characteristic of them and because of the lack of irrigation surely, his face may have been beautiful once, but could not entertain to look at what we fought to kill him.
While trying to hold the neck to bite, there is not a clumsy motion of her arms, she managed to scratch his cheek.
Now I was really scared.
Without knowing how those forces managed to push it met several meters, maybe it was because of panic or instinct of survival, but the point is that he could join his waist groping in search of the gun and then fired a single shot that pierced sure where once was a dry spot of blood on the forehead of the woman. Immediately raised his hands to his ears.
The sound of a gun in a closed left him temporarily deaf, coughed discreetly, heard nothing, but soon began to hear footsteps accelerated on their way to where he was and they were not few, it seemed that it was in middle of a marathon race and were about to trample.
could feel a huge weight in the stomach and a cold sweat down the back. I was scared, but afraid of truth, and did not care to recognize. Were approaching and do not know what to do.
* PUM *
A knock was heard at the gateway to the file. They're here.
* PUM *
More blows and increasingly did not know how many were gathering there trying to get more fresh meat and did not want to know, luckily ... I still could not enter. There's no escape
that where entered, no windows, no escape
closed his eyes and took a deep breath to relax, the adrenaline rushing through her veins prevented her from thinking about anything, when you open your eyes dead set at that had shot, that face was familiar.
identification even hung the gown. Estibaliz
The soul fell to the feet, I knew, she helped hire him at that company, their support helped to get here
"She saves my ass and I'll kill ... Great"
This further altered her and sat on the chair in front of the monitor. He ran his hand over his face. Scratch, just noticed, did not seem deep but better be safe, took from his pack a small bottle with which he washed his face. More calm and relaxed focused its attention on the monitor. It seemed that the computer was waiting for a command by the incessant blinking bar on the screen, there was nothing else to to entertain and he set out to see which contained that computer. Too many documents, never mind. Plenty of time.
Drugs, DNA studies, stem cells ...
Nothing seemed interesting and was nowhere to be mentioned however vague to tell what the hell caused this disaster.
After 10 minutes of searching found a document that was well hidden in the system, it was a fucking hero Rambo or Terminator style but if you know do their job.
read some documents dating back a few weeks before all this crap splashed around town.
the attention of the general director Johan Patterson:
We look forward
green light to begin studying the new simbioide oil found in the plantation, we had not seen before any body with unique qualities like this, I will not venture but we may have discovered a new way of curing diseases that currently exist or maybe even more ... Perfect the human race. I look forward to your prompt response. Joan
Headquarters Section Chief
Barcelona genetic research
September 15
The following document was quite large with lots of paraphernalia diplomatic, focused on what he called the attention.
[...] After studying
simbioide found at the first side effects of the symbiosis in most patients: With the passage of time the subjects are very susceptible to sunlight, becoming violent and causing the body suffers from a weakness shocking and often fall unconscious. Another problem we found is that the symbiote, which we have called NATZ, plays in the body and becomes a false simbioide, in some cases becoming a parasite that destroys every cell, leading to the death of the subject. This body has intelligence and can be transmitted from organism to organism astonishing ease. To avoid complications we had to eliminate incompatible subjects to prevent its spread. However, not everything has been wasted, some experimental subjects, are developing a prodigious performance and improper powers have acquired their own kind, a brain capacity increased by almost 120%, their tissues are more resilient and in one case invisibility at will, and all within a few hours, who knows if this will continue to evolve.
Finally, during the course of testing, it was discovered that the contagion is not limited to animal beings, and can pose a dangerous risk to plants and organic life forms of any kind.
not yet found an effective way to control this infection. We will review the basis of simbiode vector. and experiment to remedy the side effects.
Until then remove the sample sent to you because it is potentially dangerous. Greetings
Joan Almana
Section Chief
Barcelona Branch
September 19
There was no message but almost all fit. In the process of disposal of the product had leaked the substance, which caused one of those who worked down there that was not compatible with the symbionts infect all the others and they in turn to other, yet remain compatible, the inflicted wounds were fatal.
Paul believed that eluded him something, but had not wanted to eat but the head, just wanted to make it alive. Printed
and documents into his backpack.
He rose from his chair and realized that his clothes are stained with blood and that meant the same as jumping in the ocean with bait tied to the body.
Luckily one of the lockers in that room contained a fairly new civilian clothes and a pocket they found a pistol of the same size as yours. I did not know that over there but what the hell, why would question a stroke of good luck? Was tested and found clothes that were rather large, after all it was a tall nor strong. Once you put your new clothes paused.
no longer hear the zombies banging on the door.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
D&g With Italian Flag On
With the arm still sore and dizzy from the anesthesia wore his clothes, filling water bottles in the bathroom.
was not hungry, surely the way given intravenous fluids and food while he was sedated.
clothes was adjusted and revised gun ammunition, no problem. Prepared to leave but the door had no handle, no visible opening system. Observed and his mouth turned into a grimace between despair and disbelief, could not open it.
put his hands on the metal door looking for some loophole through which to open, in several attempts pushed the door, but to no avail. Desperate fury struck the door and sat supporting her back against it.
"I call the watchman?"
no time to auto answer to that question shuffled the various exits of that room.
plant was in a quite high therefore ruled out the window, understood apart from noise and subsequent arrival of beings to him, there is only one exit.
Suddenly he raised his head and his eyes widened, he had been a crazy idea but the only thing he could think to go:
ventilation duct. After a look
the roof is located but then fell disappointed. Too narrow.
Unexpectedly the door where he was supported relented and fell back. Feeling real terror of the fragile situation in which he was, shifted as a frightened cat, ended up sitting a few feet away from the door, leaned against the opposite wall and pointed his gun at the opening and its future and more than likely figure that might emerge from the door but saw nothing.
Sitting up without losing the guard approached with caution and good arm holding the gun. He went as far as possible to take a look at the sides of the door. There was nothing anyone.
Believing that once had a lucky break, took the backpack resting at the foot of the bed and turned back to the door, but someone was in it.
With the fear gone into the body and pointed at his head shaking, did not want to waste bullets. Waited for him to come closer for a better shot, however, came, on the contrary, a person collapsed like a pack.
He realized it was not one of them but soon would be. Moved quickly and lay down beside him.
"But what ...?"
The man was almost maimed, without an arm, several pieces of flesh torn and tattered gown as blood-soaked claws and, in a sleeve put B-2.
- Lar ... COF COF go ... see ... you ... - spat blood staining the ground
nervous, not knowing that looked to all sides.
- Where do I go?
- No matter, they will discover-COF ... ... Kill me.
Extending the arm that held even held out a plastic card with a strange logo.
"Do ...
knew he had no choice, no one is accustomed to killing, unfortunately the more you kill, the easier it is to do it again. Drew his pistol, stepped back and released its torture that poor wretch. The roar of the gun echoed in the empty room and let to Paul for a few seconds with an annoying ringing in the ears.
14 bullets. Should take advantage of good to get out of here.
went out the door, he found a fork.
"Right or Left"
was really lost, even though I worked here, had never gone through these halls and less in this building, there was no need nursing technicians.
The hallways looked clean and the monotony particular, had shiny metal walls and the floor was marble corridors of the building all were equal and boringly monotonous. They say when you have to make a choice of left or right, we always choose the dominant hand so I decided to go the right way.
No signs were in the building that those beings have been here.
"But then, that man ..."
tried not to think about what their senses told him, but unfortunately, he had lived all this firsthand.
"... Escape viral Cellar, an unknown virus, no one took responsibility." Isolated
information, did not know what impact has the disaster elsewhere. Although he bristled the hairs on his neck with thought.
"What if the infection has reached other countries?"
had to remove those thoughts from your head if you wanted to stay sane.
"The strange thing is that I have not gone crazy and" Survivor
an apocalypse worthy of a screenplay by George Romero, remembered as the wrong room because he was spared and their closest friends and family.
A call to one of the offices made her to know everything. He picked up the handset but before you say anything, a person had terrified on the floor of the building underground experimental someone had made a mistake in the waste disposal an experiment and to know the effects would remain in quarantine, by the language used is very pessimistic and warned that he did not like. Forthwith
told his family and closest friends and that if he could not call them that night to leave the city. Detained most of the employees of the company by threatening to kill them if they tried to escape, his friend Nizar security forces belonged to the company, which is not exactly modest. Had a technology that would enrage the former Soviet Union, Nizar himself had to prevent employees from escaping.
What had to happen, happened. Waves of infected
citywide pursuit and killing was not like them. As a gore version of Nazi Germany.
The escape could not have fallen behind to pick up Mary, when they wanted to take the car, the road was already a huge river of cars. Unable to leave the city.
course, did not blame her for anything. But her if she felt guilty.
the end, a small group of four people trying to learn that had dimensions that, but the overall electricity cut did not help at all and do not know if there was "Check-Points" of the army.
An army was not trained for these situations, an army that does not know what he was facing, would need help from the UN or NATO and getting pessimistic, I was not sure they could do something against this tide undead. While I was walking
absorbed in his gloomy thoughts, an inner pang pierced from top to bottom. Unable to stand collapsed, the pain was as if they were circulating too cold ice floes through the skin, his head ached as if I had a big hornet buzzing around the brain and could not take it anymore. Trying not to cry for not alerting the infected could walk around, twisted in pain until it came so suddenly as the pain ceased. Half dazed by the pain himself on the wall.
"Damn, what have I done?"
Now is when we felt a deep fear, did not think this would be normal consequences of being admitted to an ICU. They had done something.
Recalling a stranger had said something perfect symbiosis.
With that question in his head, walked reeling and in pain, to find the exit of the building, looking for friends in and out of this nightmare.
His friends, had long had not thought of them, did not even know whether they would live.
"are well"
That hope was one that encouraged him to continue, could have been shot long. No. I was not going to rest until the truth comes to light, I wondered what had happened in fact, find the person responsible for this.
With renewed energy quickened his pace until you reach an elevator.
pressed the button several times but did not work.
"It was rare for me to leave him so easily ..." Addressing
deep breath and steps are minded to go down 4 floors where anything could happen. Sharpening the ear could hear faint noises downstairs, can someone who was alive or not.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Largest Capacity Dvd Changer
Dando gun for loss, Paul left the office taking care not to step on the putrid body of the man, leaving the door creaking, was found in a large office with papers on the floor, sparking computers with monitors broken, tables overturned and blood, much blood. However, the most daunting of all this grim picture were the dozens of fingerprints and blood-stained footprints crisscrossed everywhere, a complete collection, but did not see anyone, but neither could ensure that those footprints were living beings.
Carefully reviewed all the compartments of workers and their tables in search of something that might serve as a weapon, trying to make as little noise as possible, lighting of the place was quite weak, and halogen lit flickered intermittently, the silence in that room I was getting on my nerves. Had just closed a drawer of a smoker when a metallic sound broke the fragile calm, rang again, this time as if he had dropped a spoon on the floor. The sound came from a hallway adjacent to the room turning the corner.
dared not see what happened without a decent weapon, just realize that it had held your breath all the time breathing and was sweating, swollen lungs and exhaled slowly, needed to relax. Reviewed the drawers of the tables were still right and found a small sword-shaped letter opener, may serve as a dagger, although it was not too keen, put it in the belt buckle and again heard that goddamn noise we've been listening for quite some time, this wail of something that previously had been human, that buzz that made you hair stand on end, was like the growl of a dying beast and stalking. Gradually
that sound was multiplying until it seemed that the entire floor was groaning. A disco inferno began to hear through the building, doors opening and closing, the walls were shaking and the sighs, the moans he drilled above the ears. This was a macabre tune when it announced a possible death, the bravest of the brave have put to mourn on the floor like a baby to hear and feel all inside the building
"Now is the hell "
There was no other option but to leave by legs, the fire escape was the end of several corridors crossing was his only salvation, so I ran as much as I could, ignoring the growing crowd coming towards him and the noise grew in a corner of a sudden, was blocked by another infected immediately, Paul attack again as it did with the previous but this one grabbed him off balance to the body and he fell to the ground and drop the backpack. Aching for the fall
rose slowly and located a few feet toward the backpack narrow corridor separating him from salvation, as noted scared grabbed the foot,. The infected was holding him down awkwardly but with anger in his right ankle ready to bite with a mouth dripping blood, but something like darker and thicker.
a kick broke free, stumbled picked up his backpack and ran out the door a push. But all was not yet out of danger, several of these beings are already moving towards the door, glanced could count ten to twelve. He closed the door and leaned against it by exerting pressure, while seeking a loophole.
"no good, they would gain in number and strength"
peering to the surroundings and to his surprise he saw climbing stairs up to two people with individual jackets which they were familiar. The closer was on the gleaming black vests acronym
- Out!
did not need to repeat it twice. Sticking to the wall a few steps down.
The door swung open to make way for the fervent wave hands rigid tooth and looking forward to something to eat.
Too close, one of them managed shoulder deep scratch protected by nothing more than Paul's civilian clothes. From there his memories are confused, dizzy, stung the scratch and could only remember a lot of noise of guns, people screaming and rattle it feels to be inside a vehicle.
When he awoke, his tongue was asleep and felt in the mouth the taste of anesthesia, opened his eyes and found himself in a kind of UCI in which the only table was theirs in the middle of the room, with a dim light and red, everything seems normal except that there was a surveillance camera in the ceiling.
be tried to incorporate, but to get to know what would happen after she had not. A deep voice, very serious, like someone had smoked for 40 years in a row, spoke but does not seem to address him.
- Incredible ...
Another young voice replied
- Tests confirm a complete symbiosis, we did sir. Dazed and
ardiéndole shoulder, was in a nearby mirror wearing nothing but the typical hospital gown and with a fantastic track on the left hand attached to a bottle of dubious content.
deep voice again to say a few words that time if they were directed towards him
- How are you, Paul?
That voice ... I was strangely familiar.
remained silent - Do not say anything? You should be grateful boy, we've saved lives and also have in you something special ... Paul
clouded in his thoughts, he turned his head to discover that the voice came from a corner where he was an old speaker.
"Qq-happened to me? "Stammered
- you're safe ... I have saved my life but you can not stay ... ... Special. - Seemed to seek the right words to hide something.
"What the hell is this? ... God, that headache"
The voice went on, this time in a hard and defiant tone:
- Seriously. Not dead because I want to go on living, we are interested. Furthermore, you know some of us gives way ... Naughty.
"Why not have me killed? Do you want to talk? "
Before I could answer the stranger spoke again
- I would love to continue this discussion but I have what it takes, we will see in the afterlife.
The speaker gave a click and no longer hear the voice again.
- Hello? Is there anybody there?
shouted through the window to his right he could see outside was falling and a storm was pretty strong and dark, he heard more thunder and the room is lit by lightning.
could not keep waiting for something to happen, had to take the lead. He took off his route carefully, and stood up on shaky legs to get up he saw his clothes and backpack were supported in a chair in the room, to his surprise, the gun was inside.
something is wrong, too quiet, fearing the worst, went to the window and looked out. What he expected.
Neither was in a hospital, or is safe. He was in a building that has spent more time at home: ZAC Nursing Chapter 2
Friday, September 14, 2007
Throat Spasms The More I Speak
totally climbed on the roof, helping each other, after a few seconds and were both peering above the area was not a very tall building, but enough to see the awesome spectacle of the street: Lots of people walking awkwardly, many with no body parts like arms, feet and even the chest.
was hard to think rationally that such things were moving, but it did.
The Apocalypse had come. Nizar
and Paul were a couple of minutes watching this whole nightmarish landscape, while far distant shots were heard yet, possibly living people, yet. Paul
Nizar look askance at a bag which contained soil and surprised his grin. Was younger than Paul and that was very strange to keep a straight face, mature, undisturbed. Many of the most experienced soldiers in the country have died from not knowing how to keep the nerves and he was pretty quiet.
- Well, what now where we're going, as you will not fly. "Joked Paul even knew it was funny at the time.
Indeed, the building that went straight into the street Almansa was far enough not to get a jump.
- Sergio is dead. "I cut
- What ...?
- was inevitable, had been infected already.
- Oh shit ...
Paul suddenly felt very depressed and felt anguish for Mary. Nizar
grimaced in a grimace like a wry smile, and pulled out a thick rope wound pack. Small pocket pulled out a small hook that knotted with skill. Paul smiled
The holy rope that had taken more of a jam with her had taken advantage of those infected do not know scale. Sergio was a climber and always carried in his backpack,
The two had learned that night was out of their death, thankfully The night was clear and there was hardly what the clouds with increased visibility.
- Do you like the action movies? He asked Nizar
Paul was immediately changed the face
- Dude ... It will be a joke, right? - Said incredulously.
- Je, can you think of something better? "He said Nizar .- Come on. Hold on to me.
- Can you me? He hesitated
- Do you prefer to ask, please, those infected kind that let you cross the sidewalk? - He mocked
Paul waved his shoulders
- That is what God wants.
Nizar is grabbed even doubtful if you would.
It made several turns on its head and threw the hook into a building about 20 meters bigger than where they were and hit just below the roof.
- Ready?
"One thing we must die ... .- Paul said resignedly.
Without hesitation, Nizar knotted rope to the arm and jumped into the void, and in the pressured air to create a pendulum effect that will go up as much as possible. The seconds were spent endless.
seemed they were going to get when the cable wire reinforced crumbles under the weight, and both were thrown into the building, when it stood being catapulted against the facade. Nizar slammed into the wall of the building and fell to the emergency stairs. Paul had better luck and he went through a window at speed.
Minutes later, Paul stood up in pain with difficulty wiping the glass body that had fallen on his entry had busted a window and was beaten when he fell against a month. He was in a small firm, the table was overturned, broken computer, there were many crystals in the ground thanks to him, blood on the walls and door with broken glass, open.
"The staff here have had a good fight with your boss"
giggled hysterically.
"God, I will pot ... Welcome paranoia"
He put his hand to his waist.
"Shit, the gun ...."
He had fallen, began to search the room taking care not to cut. Suddenly he saw something moving on a glass mirrored floor, something just behind her. Nearly paralyzed by the fear of being unarmed, he bent down and took a piece of window glass, being careful not to cut it. A smell of sour milk came in waves, and it was an arcade. Without thinking twice he turned sharply and fell upon the shoulder as possible zombie at him.
Indeed, with a groan of frustration more than pain, the man fell down. With only a few reflections own youth and physical training, Paul drove the softened glass in the head causing a sickening sound of bones cracking.
The rise was the appearance of this strange, their clothes were tattered executive and stained, and the top of his head still retained a few strands of hair that is glimpsed refined styling, had no visible injuries.
for the broken window he came a little fresh air ventilating the stench of the room.
careful not to slip, with dark blood began to flood the floor joined.
"I lost my gun, I'm locked in a building a few floors of the roof, zombies everywhere and coming storm outside, can be worse?"
Monday, September 10, 2007
Scholarships For Lazy Eyes
through the door, automatically the features of his face and body tensed.
lights were off, on the carpet covering the whole huge hall with a blue color was a dark and dry, and sides of the hall, closed doors and barred including fast and improvised barricades made of planks. All this left his eyes a desolate landscape at the hotel a hotel for those in one night around 1000 € .
The smell of damp earth and putrefaction became more and more unbearable as he slowly lowered the landing with his footsteps echoing throughout the room. It was midafternoon, when it is visible, and it had rained all day. The board received the keys used to store was empty, the last step down the little staircase, sound of something breaking under his feet did break that awkward silence that reigned throughout the place, not daring to move even an inch.
tried to discern any movement around her, waiting about a minute to see that no the calm was broken. Sighed with relief, but behind him on the floor and spotted a shadow in less than a split second, reacted running outwards. Around him were more of "them" but there was a particular route and should not get out of it. Carefully took the streets, always trying to go through the opening wider and much twisting turning a corner. Every time "they" were more numerous and not just slow, as people think.
As he ran he remembered how the first night it happened, the disaster became a kind of universal selectivity, in which only the strongest survived, at least for a while ...
"They" were closing more and more about Paul and had to turn down an alley that was not within its route.
"Great .... Works ....
Amid the dead was a large tunnel and around the valley to safety.
Paul knew that every second was vital and that it was too late to turn around.
was trapped.
I could hear the cries and smell the putrid breath of them, so I only had a choice: Scale.
looked at the first window of the alley, put his foot on the small balcony of the window and tried reach with hands on the next floor balcony. Came very fair with his fingers and had no time to find best place to go.
Someone or something grabbed his pants, who else but "them".?
People infected with a virus still unknown, which is spread through bodily fluids and blood, its devastating effects ... Simply, transforms a person into a healthy and be good .... In an animal .... Totally enraged, filled with homicidal rage with one goal: Eat and spreading the virus.
Those who laughed at the old zombie movies, eat-brains may now be joining the ranks of these.
cinema has always represented slow, clumsy and without any intelligence, that is partly true, but what nobody knew was that "reason" and can learn things like animals, some already know how to work together to earn their food and this is what really caused the disaster is of such dimension.
Although Paul did not know really how big is this dimension and if it even has affected other countries.
There he was, despair and suffering to reach the second landing of the window, not come, when it was already lost ....
* BOOM * Middle
stunned by the noise, looked up and saw his friend Nizar on the roof of the building, holding black slide a shotgun, Mossberg model, and targeting that state be about to get to Paul, now lying on the ground, with virtually no head and blood splattered all over the street. Nizar
quickly threw the gun on small landing window and fell to him, grabbed the hand of his friend and helped him up.
Paul to go up, leaned over the fence of the balcony and breathe hard with a flushed face of obvious exhaustion. Was safe.
- Thanks, man .... Has been a hair. "He said to catch his breath. Nizar
turned her head to him, nodded in approval and leaned back against the wall.
- Thank God I saw you, the situation is getting increasingly difficult, too infected. He started to say .- I had to go through the roof of the building, the entrance was crowded. I think that is no longer secure the site of the clinic.
- So, where are we going? He was still panting.
- I heard on the radio that apparently are being standardized, as far as it goes, some areas, these include enabling a refugee center on the outskirts.
- No car will be impossible to reach. "He said grimly.
- I know, luckily no one in the garage for employees of the clinic, I hope you have gas.
- will have to try ... "Replied resignedly. Nizar
looked around.
- What about Mary?
- We did not get away in the street Almansa number 4, I think.
- They have to go look.
Paul jumped.
- Well underway.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Opalescence How Long To Leave In
candles a room that had experienced better days were consumed slowly. Between the dim light could be recognized with two figures crouched pose tired. Neither people imagined they would end up hidden in the strait and messy room so long. One of the silhouettes, stealthy as a ghost, approached a window and pulled the blinds with a listless hand movement. The light from a lamp post outside the face brightened. He was a young boy, his face showed no emotion, his lips were sealed with neutral expression, long hair fell carelessly over the sides of the face and clear eyes had a shine off. Slowly sat down on the floor full of papers. The other woman's silhouette is guessed, was crouching with his head between his knees and breathing rapidly.
The boy looked up at her.
- is taking too ...
She looked at him, his face red, denoting that this situation overflowed and stammered and sobs uttered:
- No thought of coming out, right?
He grabbed his hands, he was cold.
- well, here they can not come. -
tried to calm her anxiety she sighed but nodded.
He turned around, grabbing a table crowded Browning of things, checked the charger and put it in the back, holding the belt, his movements were quick and precise it. Then, he grabbed a backpack and opened it, inside was a sub-gun M41K, nuts, two water bottles, chocolate and enough ammunition. It took the gun and put it on the table without a word, adjusted his body bag and walked to the door decided. Behind
heard as she grabbed the gun and whispered.
- Paul, be careful ...
paused a moment, and without turning around, nodded, opened the door and disappeared behind it. And here begins
Calla Lily Decoration Toronto
mine. This blog is devoted largely to writing my stories I'll put order chapters, the first is titled: Report of hell.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Rent To Own Tanning Beds
Buenoooo, how long! I began to tell and I think half a year ago that I have left LJ O_o go, because if that happened to me fast time.
The truth is that I was planning to return soon, I swear xD but between one thing and another (social life, which takes too long xD) I've been postponing, and I do not have time above almost anything and I have abandoned a lot of those things that made me so happy, my poor series, I'm back to 400 chapters each, my forums, my Photoshop and in general all that to and involved in being a few hours on the computer
u_u Well in that time have spent many things in my life, some better some worse, but I am a vague, would be so long to write because I just let some crappy-icons I had made some time ago, because I gave something back with empty hands: P
But mostly I hope sharing my time better and update often, once and for all, to return to the forums and catch up with the series in general catch up on everything. (I'm getting overwhelmed just thinking about it xD)
Jo and see if I change my layout, which is worth me xD
[25] Heroes
[07] AFI
Heroes 01. 04. 07. 10. 13. 16. 19. 22. 25. AFI 26. 29. 32. |
+ Comment and credit please.