elbos @ 2007-12-29T00: 22:00
five minutes had passed since Steve placed the harness and down the front to the window of the cafeteria. The others were seated and the excitement was almost palpable, but no one spoke and focused on listening through a "baby" sound "Steve recounted the situation.
Steve had discovered it was not long a stronghold of survivors.
- Damn ... This has been a bloody slaughter. "He said for his communicator.
His voice sounded weak and interference. No wonder he was a pretty spoiled pileup and thickness of the ceiling and the floor should be large enough so as to reach its maximum range. After all, nor the manufacturers would have imagined that I would serve this situation.
- Go to check the condition of the food damn! - Enrique shouted to the recipient even knowing that Steve could not hear.
- Can I pick up and I say this? "Rebecca said as she stood up quickly.
Paul looked at her and shook her head. I knew he was useless without contributing anything to the group. Of course, these situations you have to do real stupid things in search of something to show that vouchers.
- No, Steve knows what he must do.
face He sat disgusted and bored. To comfort Paul sat beside her but before he could say anything, Steve's voice heard again
- I think there's food here for a regiment, and also a first aid kit ... It is seen that tried to stop a bleeding. "His voice had a tone of disgust clear noticed that despite the interference.
- What's Your Story? - Rebeca said on his side - all this I mean.
She turned to her. He had a sad face and the look he remembered that everyone there had been a tragic story, but he did not. He could tell all family and close friends were all safe, unless the infection has spread too far.
- In a friend's house. - He said trying to avoid going into details and pretending like I was listening to Steve, but only the static of walkie sounded
- Is she all right? - It cost him say.
- Luckily, yes. "He replied with a warm smile trying to reassure the girl. - At least until we broke up, but it's a strong girl, you know fend.
- Go ...
One of those immortal awkward silence filled the room, even Steve seemed complicit in this silence.
The quiet was broken when he announced that Steve had some sort of problem
- Shit! Cortade He heard the speaker of the small receiver and a long static.
Without a word he rose, drew his pistol strapped to his belt and went to the window. Rebeca was already facing under the window, looked into his eyes for a second and Paul threw his gun at her, she grabbed a quick motion and slipped his bare hands clutching the cable harness. He came to the window to see that Rebecca had already gone out the window. Henry and Louise were at his side looking down with eyes wide and fearful.
- the hell do!? "He said Luisa angry. - Why do not you come down you?
Paul did not know what to say to calm her down without fear that further cagara. Fortunately or unfortunately diverted all attention when Rebecca's voice sounded through the receiver.
- Steve has slipped and hurt himself in one foot, it seems that they were sheltering, are English soldiers ... are all dead. "He said calmly.
The group of three people sigh of relief almost in unison.
"Well, at least there are no zombies down there."
- OK, now rises. - Henry said as he looked sideways at Paul angry.
did not seem to have liked anything that Rebecca has gone down to see what happened to Steve. Is a mistake to coerce the cooperation of a member.
"She wants to help, are useful and perhaps hands ever have to rely on it"
This thought did say it out loud, but it was more prudent to alter environment. In the completely surreal situation of constant danger in which they were, the group should not be separated.
He retired to sit in front of a computer. Perhaps it was time to look "something" on the computer.
is completely isolated from its environment while drumming at an incredible speed in search of the perfect proof needed to indict the company ZAC of fatal neglect and pollution to the population of a lethal virus.
was so absorbed that he had not realized that Steve and Rebecca were at his side until Rebekah said.
- What are you looking at?
instinctively closed the file that was open.
- Seeking that was done in this company - invented quickly.
- This is a company specialized in the medical and chemical. Surprised
only thing he could think to do was look at Steve. Ankle had swollen up leaning on a chair while putting ice. He noticed that I had the whole back bloodstained soil probably where it had fallen to slip.
- But what ...? He quickly rose from his chair and staggered a few steps away, by the suddenness of the movement, the chair fell with a crash
all looked at him and remained silent. Paul I looked at each and every one like a cornered animal.
- Steve, get a shower now. "I ordered
Pablo Enrique's face changed, as if suddenly began to understand.
- You're right, go to shower. Ya!
- But what? "Asked Rebecca did not understand the situation.
- Steve becomes soaked with blood that could be infected - Enrique said, these words fell like a lead over all.
between Henry and Louise helped bring him to the bathroom taking care not to touch any part of blood. Paul and Rebecca were alone in the room.
- Think that could be infected right now? He asked alarmed the girl.
- do not know, I think for the skin infection is not possible, because otherwise I already would be one of them. "Replied trying to convince yourself that he was right.
the computer was still on so I saw no other alternative as to kill time, it was decided to seek further information, could even find out if Steve was infected. The shower was heard in the distance, while the files roared past in their eyes. Until finally found what he wanted.
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