Saturday, December 8, 2007

Can You Take Xanax And Provera

elbos @ 2007-12-09T01: 29: 00

no idea how long he had been absorbed by reading the documents, but in that interval, those infected had gone out there and was aware of only one thing could separate them from one victim had found food more accessible.
felt I should do something. If you had not noticed when the noise ceased would have had time to do something, now possibly whoever is close by there now would be dead or worse.
decided he had to take the opportunity to get out of this trap in which they had gotten. She grabbed her backpack and looked for a second the computer still on.

"If ..."

not think twice sought the tower of the computer, unplugged and removed the casing leaving it a pile of cables, cards and fans. He knew what he wanted, so I boot not care about the hard disk and put it in his backpack that weighed as well. And have time to take a look in depth when out of town.
adjusting his backpack in one hand and the other clutching his gun free to the door with determination. Arriving a few meters from it automatically opened, startled adopted a defensive posture, of course self defense classes had been useful, if it were not for them may now be joining the ranks of the lost souls who wander the city looking for food constantly.

went out the door and turned to sight down the stairs. Indeed, had been behind the door, it was filled with dirt and blood and smelled foul. Trying to support the arches
headed for the stairs. There seemed to be no one around so he began to descend the stairs. The first four or five minutes were pretty good and that was his mistake. Guard down.
all happened very quickly. A deafening noise coming from your right just shook the foundations of the building and raise a cloud of dust, but luckily was able to shelter behind a nearby wall. He saw absolutely nothing in dense smoke, trying to sharpen the ear above the debris falling from the roof got disordered voices heard a crack. Her heart sank, they were voices of living people. He ran to meet him but suddenly he stopped the doubt that they were not with good intentions, the last time anyone had hoped had ended on a stretcher unconscious and unaware that he had done. Only when he heard the hysterical cry of a woman responded. Down the steps that remained to lower the first floor of a stride and ran the race throughout the hallway without any precaution. The very idea of thinking among those who were his friends made him run even more. Her chest hurt from running and his legs trembled in a mixture of fear and excitement, the sounds were getting closer and I could hear the footsteps of someone accelerated.
Across a corner he bumped against a person rather more corpulent that he fell to the ground on his back, between the saw dust he had rammed. It was an older man about 50 years old, short dark hair and naturally curly, his plaid shirt was really dirty in the dust spots and guess what Paul thought dried blood, and wore blue jeans over a broken face seemed very old, like someone had been years in prison. His eyes were an endless surprise.
In his hands he wore a sliding shotgun hunter that I was just pointing as he lay on the floor.

- Say something. He said, barely moving his lips
- What ...?

left to sign up to point to the hallway where he came from. A young girl came running toward them, behind a woman she was easily recognized as the mother of this.
Someone was firing behind them and the glow produced by firearms was reflected clearly on the wall towards the corner which had appeared the two girls, despite the thick dust.
looked into the eyes of this man and it was as if they had read my mind. Paul got to his feet and pulled out the gun while the man advanced a couple of feet away with both hands gripping the gun. The firing ceased, and he feared the worst, his new partner had reached the corner and was pointing to something that Paul could get an idea of what it was, came stumbled and fell to the ground to better target prone. What looked to her stomach. One wall of the building was completely destroyed and the nose of a pickup truck crossed it, there was much blood on the ground and the engine was steaming through the moon itself rotates the truck was going more zombies where the moon should have been . Some of them had entered and Paul would rather not see it as not many would rather not see things that had happened but it was inevitable.
A couple of people were being literally devoured by a score of zombies while a third tried vainly shoot from a few meters. With the roar of gunfire was useless to shout something, got up and ran to where the boy was reloading his gun. Grabbed him by the shoulders and pull him, were too close. A pungent smell of rotten attacked them like a slap in the face.
Although the smell of putrefaction and fermentation were everywhere in those days, had not felt before anything as intense and focused as he sensed in that moment. Almost dragging
could take it from there before the first infected left what little remained of the other two to face them. He would not look as had been the bodies.
ran down the aisle three, the two women were waiting. Paul finally step up and lead the group by this labyrinthine building, had not visited too well inside the building but if he knew where there was a large and secure site. The Hall of medical outcomes analysis. Here were concentrated the majority of computers and was a computer room and then divide a large room with tables, laboratory equipment, doors of this room were reinforced and the windows facing the street had a considerable thickness.

"To know they were doing there for that security needed"

That thought her face lit up, maybe I could find out more about the virus searching through computers. Expected not only lost, were the five with Paul in his head for ten minutes past endless stairs, hallways and no one spoke monotonously and without slowing down. The tension was becoming more tangible, the distance between the endless corridors, the creatures were following not long ago were human but now there are only a shadow of its former state. The halls were becoming narrower and less enlightened. Were coming and, a few meters and you would safe or at least for a while.
He could see the solid pale yellow door, a slight smile on his face. Eased the passage to open the door but her smile faded when the knob would not turn, it was locked. After several attempts, pushing and pulling, knowing he would not move even an inch, dropped near the door. It felt like a huge idiot.

"Only you can save yourself ..."

dared not look at the faces of his new teammates. He stood at the door looking like an indecipherable puzzle.
felt a hand on his shoulder

- Me let?

A long blonde hair stood in his range of vision. It was the young girl who was with his mother, was wearing a blue shirt looked pretty clean jeans and shorts, on the feet wore white sneakers and wearing a waist belt rather unsightly.
From it take something like two wires of metal that Paul could not see clearly.
She squatted in front of the lock and the objects he had taken from his waist began to inspect it.

- One of three linear ... "She said to herself.

did not know what those words but it was enough to know who knew what he was doing.

The narrow hallway was quiet, no noise and there was talk of another kind. Paul had just realized he was breathing through his mouth since he was that smell on the ground floor, I could breathe normally, did not smell anything in particular but better so I smell something. The whole town always smelled of stale or worse, was the easiest and quickest method to determine if there zombies around, the smell that is foul, but that was normal.

"They were dead after all and like all dead, broken."

was assuming they were dead, but according to two reports he had read not to not an hour, did not mention anything about the subject die if returned to resurrect.

* CLICK * He

thoughts aside and looked toward the door, the girl looked at the smiling group, had a beautiful smile, his teeth were tiny and well-aligned and her mouth was small as well as symmetrical. I try not to stare too long, looked away to hide back as if he had heard something.

"It is time to try to link"

had to force himself to think that, in these times, friendships can last a short time.
The door was already open, waited until everyone was inside, man with the shotgun was in the hallway and looking at Paul without any trace friendly.
Trying to avoid his gaze toward the door, the man walked toward him and stood in his way.

- Do you have any injuries? "He said in a serious tone and hold his weapon

- I am not infected. "He answered bluntly.

- I have to make sure I do not want to take unnecessary risks. "He responded like an automaton.

Paul took the back pack and shirt and turned around on itself with arms raised and hands open.

- Enough? "He said beginning to feel angry.

The blonde girl was leaning against a wall watching with a sly smile, walked toward him.

- Do not get pissed off at the old Henry, just trying to protect us. "He said and he pulled the shirt he had thrown to the ground.

- Okay. - Really he would have done the same, he thought.

He put on his shirt, grabbed the bag reluctantly and went into the room, while Henry took from his pocket a small spray and sprayed the walls of the hallway, after it entered the large classroom.


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