elbos @ 2007-11-07T22: 24:00
under the first rungs of a ladder with the heart to point out through the mouth, silently and stealthily, every Once more they heard strange noises, like a whisper from someone who was about to lose his sanity.
was about to go down to the landing between floors when he saw them. Some in civilian clothes, others with lab coats, but all with the same expression and the same gray skin color. Luckily they had not seen him, retreated a few steps trying not to make any movement too sudden to attract his attention, looked back and saw a door cautiously and quite different from the others. Twice the size and without knob, a large sign above the door frame read:
A growl I turned my head, but was relieved, not near, another grunt almost followed this frustration, two faced infected, a half broken arm went to the other's face, this gave him a swat it away.
seemed that they were communicating.
With nerves on the verge of overflowing, and thinking, no ... Praying for communication between them is invalid, went back up and move slowly toward the door. A reader touch to the left of the door, which seemed quite new, was all that separated him from entering the file, maybe something in there will serve to explain what on earth had happened. Almost smiling to himself, he finger on the sensor, I knew it would not work but do not lose anything.
Tan was just a moment but enough. A shock came to the brain so deafening hum, ko to leave half, did not realize it had fallen flat on the ground until he felt a severe pain came in waves from the knees
But ... the door had open.
increasingly confused and missed it up rubbing his knees, took one last glance toward the stairs, luckily they had detected his presence, and entered the dimly lit room. The door shut with a hiss at the end of passing it, the building had own electricity, so power cuts continued in the city had no effect on the building.
Yet it appeared that no dome light to function, was only illuminated by the light given off by a big screen, at least five feet wide and high.
The sound of static fills the entire room, it was hard to think with that incessant noise, the farther into the room to discover that the noise source was in a television on without any tuning, but at least it worked. Unable to find command of that television, went to change it manually on TV, crouched changed channel but surely building the antenna was not working.
turned off the TV and could not avoid a little moan of anguish when the black reflection of the screen behind, and dangerously close to an emaciated woman, walking awkwardly toward him, no time to think grabbed from behind, hands Rotten and his fingers like claws, trying to bite instinctively dropped to the ground with what the awkward unbalanced infected, which was not expected was the speed of the zombie was placed on top of it and struggled to bite. I had not seen a zombie face so close ever, presented a startling appearance, it seemed impossible that he was alive. His eyes whitish rotting skin, his skull had several signs of violence and dirty and disheveled hair, the color of his skin was blue-characteristic of them and because of the lack of irrigation surely, his face may have been beautiful once, but could not entertain to look at what we fought to kill him.
While trying to hold the neck to bite, there is not a clumsy motion of her arms, she managed to scratch his cheek.
Now I was really scared.
Without knowing how those forces managed to push it met several meters, maybe it was because of panic or instinct of survival, but the point is that he could join his waist groping in search of the gun and then fired a single shot that pierced sure where once was a dry spot of blood on the forehead of the woman. Immediately raised his hands to his ears.
The sound of a gun in a closed left him temporarily deaf, coughed discreetly, heard nothing, but soon began to hear footsteps accelerated on their way to where he was and they were not few, it seemed that it was in middle of a marathon race and were about to trample.
could feel a huge weight in the stomach and a cold sweat down the back. I was scared, but afraid of truth, and did not care to recognize. Were approaching and do not know what to do.
* PUM *
A knock was heard at the gateway to the file. They're here.
* PUM *
More blows and increasingly did not know how many were gathering there trying to get more fresh meat and did not want to know, luckily ... I still could not enter. There's no escape
that where entered, no windows, no escape
closed his eyes and took a deep breath to relax, the adrenaline rushing through her veins prevented her from thinking about anything, when you open your eyes dead set at that had shot, that face was familiar.
identification even hung the gown. Estibaliz
The soul fell to the feet, I knew, she helped hire him at that company, their support helped to get here
"She saves my ass and I'll kill ... Great"
This further altered her and sat on the chair in front of the monitor. He ran his hand over his face. Scratch, just noticed, did not seem deep but better be safe, took from his pack a small bottle with which he washed his face. More calm and relaxed focused its attention on the monitor. It seemed that the computer was waiting for a command by the incessant blinking bar on the screen, there was nothing else to to entertain and he set out to see which contained that computer. Too many documents, never mind. Plenty of time.
Drugs, DNA studies, stem cells ...
Nothing seemed interesting and was nowhere to be mentioned however vague to tell what the hell caused this disaster.
After 10 minutes of searching found a document that was well hidden in the system, it was a fucking hero Rambo or Terminator style but if you know do their job.
read some documents dating back a few weeks before all this crap splashed around town.
the attention of the general director Johan Patterson:
We look forward
green light to begin studying the new simbioide oil found in the plantation, we had not seen before any body with unique qualities like this, I will not venture but we may have discovered a new way of curing diseases that currently exist or maybe even more ... Perfect the human race. I look forward to your prompt response. Joan
Headquarters Section Chief
Barcelona genetic research
September 15
The following document was quite large with lots of paraphernalia diplomatic, focused on what he called the attention.
[...] After studying
simbioide found at the first side effects of the symbiosis in most patients: With the passage of time the subjects are very susceptible to sunlight, becoming violent and causing the body suffers from a weakness shocking and often fall unconscious. Another problem we found is that the symbiote, which we have called NATZ, plays in the body and becomes a false simbioide, in some cases becoming a parasite that destroys every cell, leading to the death of the subject. This body has intelligence and can be transmitted from organism to organism astonishing ease. To avoid complications we had to eliminate incompatible subjects to prevent its spread. However, not everything has been wasted, some experimental subjects, are developing a prodigious performance and improper powers have acquired their own kind, a brain capacity increased by almost 120%, their tissues are more resilient and in one case invisibility at will, and all within a few hours, who knows if this will continue to evolve.
Finally, during the course of testing, it was discovered that the contagion is not limited to animal beings, and can pose a dangerous risk to plants and organic life forms of any kind.
not yet found an effective way to control this infection. We will review the basis of simbiode vector. and experiment to remedy the side effects.
Until then remove the sample sent to you because it is potentially dangerous. Greetings
Joan Almana
Section Chief
Barcelona Branch
September 19
There was no message but almost all fit. In the process of disposal of the product had leaked the substance, which caused one of those who worked down there that was not compatible with the symbionts infect all the others and they in turn to other, yet remain compatible, the inflicted wounds were fatal.
Paul believed that eluded him something, but had not wanted to eat but the head, just wanted to make it alive. Printed
and documents into his backpack.
He rose from his chair and realized that his clothes are stained with blood and that meant the same as jumping in the ocean with bait tied to the body.
Luckily one of the lockers in that room contained a fairly new civilian clothes and a pocket they found a pistol of the same size as yours. I did not know that over there but what the hell, why would question a stroke of good luck? Was tested and found clothes that were rather large, after all it was a tall nor strong. Once you put your new clothes paused.
no longer hear the zombies banging on the door.
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