Sunday, September 9, 2007

Opalescence How Long To Leave In

elbos @ 2007-09-10T02: 31:00


candles a room that had experienced better days were consumed slowly. Between the dim light could be recognized with two figures crouched pose tired. Neither people imagined they would end up hidden in the strait and messy room so long. One of the silhouettes, stealthy as a ghost, approached a window and pulled the blinds with a listless hand movement. The light from a lamp post outside the face brightened. He was a young boy, his face showed no emotion, his lips were sealed with neutral expression, long hair fell carelessly over the sides of the face and clear eyes had a shine off. Slowly sat down on the floor full of papers. The other woman's silhouette is guessed, was crouching with his head between his knees and breathing rapidly.

The boy looked up at her.

- is taking too ...

She looked at him, his face red, denoting that this situation overflowed and stammered and sobs uttered:

- No thought of coming out, right?

He grabbed his hands, he was cold.

- well, here they can not come. -

tried to calm her anxiety she sighed but nodded.

He turned around, grabbing a table crowded Browning of things, checked the charger and put it in the back, holding the belt, his movements were quick and precise it. Then, he grabbed a backpack and opened it, inside was a sub-gun M41K, nuts, two water bottles, chocolate and enough ammunition. It took the gun and put it on the table without a word, adjusted his body bag and walked to the door decided. Behind

heard as she grabbed the gun and whispered.

- Paul, be careful ...

paused a moment, and without turning around, nodded, opened the door and disappeared behind it. And here begins


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