Monday, December 10, 2007

Blaze King Wood Stoves Ontario

elbos @ 2007-12-10T16: 05:00

just spent 10 minutes since I had managed to reach safety at this U-shaped room, full computers. By stifling heat and soporific caused by poor ventilation of the room. The windows could be opened in any way, had a very thick and it was necessary to open a key and no one bothers to open at the moment. They were too tired to do anything other than sit in one of the chairs or even on the floor and relax, everything happened very quickly.
Paul was sitting with her legs spread in a chair so that your arms are supported backup. I was in a half sleep, took all the breath he had missed during the last hour, just hoped that they could not find them there.
The only thing that seemed a little more active was skinned young Paul brown saved from being a promising candidate for infection. Restlessly paced the room with a foam ball in hand that continued to tighten. Five minutes passed
well, until Henry spoke and his voice boomed dramatically due to the acoustics of the place prepared.

- Well, I think we've rested enough, now I wish that we analyzed our situation together. Okay?

all nodded.

- The first thing you do not already know your name, boy. "He said as he looked at Paul.

- Err. Well, my name is Paul. -Rising from his chair.

- Nice name. "He said the girl with a smile. - I'm Rebecca.

Paul smiled back, now that was fixed. Would have the same age or slightly lower. The brown-skinned boy approached him and offered his hand. Yes he was older, about 25 years.

- My name is Steve, I'm from Ecuador. Yet I have not thanked you for preventing me getting caught those bastards.

Paul shook his hand.

- No that if we do not help at this time we really fucked up ...

The phrase was decreasing its volume until it became the last word in a whisper. Paul felt stupid talking like that. He was not a hero who saves all and end takes the girl.
No, this only happened in movies, was so fucked up like all the other survivors and behaved as if he had everything under control. At that moment he felt ashamed of himself.

- Hi, I'm Louise. "He said a woman's voice.

He turned to greet the last survivor of the group. It was very similar to her daughter and not much older than her, bet that was less than 30 years.

- Do you know where a bathroom? She asked with obvious urgency.

- Eh ... Sure, follow me.

They went together to the door.

- Wait, I also I have to go. - Said Rebecca, rising from his chair.

- Hey, wait. "Henry said quickly. "Here, take this.

He handed the gun to the head of Paul.

- No need, the bathroom is in this same hall, and into the bathroom I will not fire this contraption. "This last was said in a friendly tone.

Henry realized that he was right and again placed the gun on his shoulder

- OK, we'll go riding beds and accommodate this a little better. "He said Steve, looking around as if I had a lot of work.

Paul nodded, walked out the door and closed it behind him.
The hallway stank, but at least there was nobody around. The bathroom was a few feet away, came over. Was open.

- Wait a second here. "He said while the weapon unsheathed.

opened the door slowly and quietly.

not smell as bad as the rest of the room, entered and closed the door. It was one of the largest public baths he had seen in his life.

"Well, after all, this worked nearly two hundred employees"

I had a rectangular shape, to his right was a row of ten basins and in front of these was another row of ten individual toilets to your door. Suddenly thought the possibility that if someone was behind those doors could jump in closer and it just might be able to react.
A cold drop of sweat ran down his back.
At the end of all was a very clean shared showers and appearance of having been used recently.
There was no blood stains or signs of struggle anywhere, but that does not reassured at all because it seemed too strange, the whole city was filled with blood and dirt.

He approached the first row of toilet door and opened it as he aimed a kick in the classic pose of a shooter. The right foot forward while holding the weight on the toes, his right hand holding the gun while his left hand immobilizes your wrist. Remembered as losing the balance in this position with Nizar while practicing at the shooting gallery. Now smile at the memory, and thankful to have had a guardian, not their teaching now would be a stiff or worse.
He went to the second. I was getting nervous, afraid that he slipped the pistol by the sweat of their hands. Deep breath and wiped his hands on his pants.
But before I could not even lift the Beretta, the right door was hit from within.

- Damn! - He cursed to himself

was someone in there and had been scared to death.

* BOOM * Another onslaught. The door opened behind him.

- Is something wrong? He heard the voice of Luisa nervous.

- No, Shut the door. "Cried sharply while returning his attention to the possible new attack.

The door opened inwards, never get it open and certainly the latch was closed.
His heart was pumping furiously and her breathing was rapid, closed his eyes and sighed several times. He had a plan to avoid having to open the door
entered the adjoining bathroom and climbed above the toilet, stuck her head to see a topless woman hit the door taking a run.
If you do not know what world you are living now, help that person out. He had no visible injuries but certainly was infected.
To ensure coughed. The woman turned. Now she regretted having done so.
was missing one eye and he looked great part of the jaw. No more thought, uncomfortably up his arm to show his gun and fire.
The body slammed the door and stand there leaning. No blood flowed after the shot, it was strange.
The room was silent, supposed that there was no one else, because after a pistol shot in the middle of silence would have gone crazy to any zombies that walked by.
The position I was tired so he came down the toilet and walked out the door to warn that it could happen. Girls came and he went to tell the kids that had a body that would have to get out of there for hygiene.
After so long, it seemed that at last the situation seemed to become quieter and more bearable.
The boys dragged the body to the nearby ladder and threw him through the gap, the body sound plummet sounded quite funny despite the situation.
seconds of free fall, waves of zombies approached the body and began to devour it.

"Milk ..."

- does not surprise me at all. "Said Henry. - A lack of fresh meat ...

"Lack of fresh meat ... Damn ... Is it possible?

That thought left him pale and Enrique received

- Boy, I say I do not have the reach, not that it's over. "I reassured. - Come back inside. They walked

as the previous time was the last to enter his mysterious bag Enrique spray and sprayed like an air freshener.
The girls were inside, he had showered. Rebecca with wet hair crouched opening a drawer. And Luisa was just putting the "beds."
all the tables had turned away from the center to place in the classroom next door and put the beds there.
were 3 and 2 twin inflatable mattresses. Above each bed was a mattress cuts quite extensive, as to cover her with no problems.

- Well, we settle here for a while, until things go better ... But we need food.

Everyone looked at Paul waiting for a response. He thought for a few seconds.

- Well, there's a cafe downstairs, not that conditions will be, but is the closest.

- No, this is not possible, we can not fall to the floor below and then go on as before, we Pillari. "He said quite upset Louise.

- Mmm, if there is a way to lose. "Said Steve. Then

reached into his backpack and pulled out a pair of climbing harnesses.

- Does the cafeteria across the street that gives? He asked smiling.

Paul looked out the window, his face changed and it becomes more cheerful.

- We are just above it. He spoke with a tone-excited.


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