Friday, September 14, 2007

Throat Spasms The More I Speak

elbos @ 2007-09-14T23: 15: 00

totally climbed on the roof, helping each other, after a few seconds and were both peering above the area was not a very tall building, but enough to see the awesome spectacle of the street: Lots of people walking awkwardly, many with no body parts like arms, feet and even the chest.
was hard to think rationally that such things were moving, but it did.
The Apocalypse had come. Nizar
and Paul were a couple of minutes watching this whole nightmarish landscape, while far distant shots were heard yet, possibly living people, yet. Paul
Nizar look askance at a bag which contained soil and surprised his grin. Was younger than Paul and that was very strange to keep a straight face, mature, undisturbed. Many of the most experienced soldiers in the country have died from not knowing how to keep the nerves and he was pretty quiet.

- Well, what now where we're going, as you will not fly. "Joked Paul even knew it was funny at the time.

Indeed, the building that went straight into the street Almansa was far enough not to get a jump.

- Sergio is dead. "I cut
- What ...?
- was inevitable, had been infected already.
- Oh shit ...

Paul suddenly felt very depressed and felt anguish for Mary. Nizar

grimaced in a grimace like a wry smile, and pulled out a thick rope wound pack. Small pocket pulled out a small hook that knotted with skill. Paul smiled
The holy rope that had taken more of a jam with her had taken advantage of those infected do not know scale. Sergio was a climber and always carried in his backpack,
The two had learned that night was out of their death, thankfully The night was clear and there was hardly what the clouds with increased visibility.

- Do you like the action movies? He asked Nizar

Paul was immediately changed the face

- Dude ... It will be a joke, right? - Said incredulously.
- Je, can you think of something better? "He said Nizar .- Come on. Hold on to me.
- Can you me? He hesitated
- Do you prefer to ask, please, those infected kind that let you cross the sidewalk? - He mocked

Paul waved his shoulders

- That is what God wants.

Nizar is grabbed even doubtful if you would.

It made several turns on its head and threw the hook into a building about 20 meters bigger than where they were and hit just below the roof.

- Ready?

"One thing we must die ... .- Paul said resignedly.

Without hesitation, Nizar knotted rope to the arm and jumped into the void, and in the pressured air to create a pendulum effect that will go up as much as possible. The seconds were spent endless.

seemed they were going to get when the cable wire reinforced crumbles under the weight, and both were thrown into the building, when it stood being catapulted against the facade. Nizar slammed into the wall of the building and fell to the emergency stairs. Paul had better luck and he went through a window at speed.

Minutes later, Paul stood up in pain with difficulty wiping the glass body that had fallen on his entry had busted a window and was beaten when he fell against a month. He was in a small firm, the table was overturned, broken computer, there were many crystals in the ground thanks to him, blood on the walls and door with broken glass, open.

"The staff here have had a good fight with your boss"
giggled hysterically.

"God, I will pot ... Welcome paranoia"

He put his hand to his waist.

"Shit, the gun ...."

He had fallen, began to search the room taking care not to cut. Suddenly he saw something moving on a glass mirrored floor, something just behind her. Nearly paralyzed by the fear of being unarmed, he bent down and took a piece of window glass, being careful not to cut it. A smell of sour milk came in waves, and it was an arcade. Without thinking twice he turned sharply and fell upon the shoulder as possible zombie at him.
Indeed, with a groan of frustration more than pain, the man fell down. With only a few reflections own youth and physical training, Paul drove the softened glass in the head causing a sickening sound of bones cracking.
The rise was the appearance of this strange, their clothes were tattered executive and stained, and the top of his head still retained a few strands of hair that is glimpsed refined styling, had no visible injuries.
for the broken window he came a little fresh air ventilating the stench of the room.
careful not to slip, with dark blood began to flood the floor joined.

"I lost my gun, I'm locked in a building a few floors of the roof, zombies everywhere and coming storm outside, can be worse?"


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