Monday, February 4, 2008

Telescope Digital Slr Installation

To my fan n º 1 ^ 3 ^

an hour after taking off, the wound stung, his head was no better, she felt stunned, as protagonist of a story that he preferred to be the first to fall, the city, possibly the entire country was being decimated by infection, of a synthetic virus created by man.
The hum of the blades could not communicate to more than two meters. Yet Paul thought the noise was louder and louder multiplying, Winston pointed to the window of the helicopter.

My team! "I shouted to him to be stuck hearing - There are people who will spend the next few days, we will go to military center to protect, Nizar has given very specific orders!
Paul looked at the opaque glass of the helicopter trying to imagine what kind of people would be treated. Anyway, not going to trust or its shadow over the coming days.

Soon, Rebecca sat at her side. I had no desire to talk and kept looking out the window, pretending not to notice him.

- How are you? - Rebecca inquired aloud.
- Well, not that Nizar noses discovered with much mystery, and I paint I was there, I have an ankle bitten by an infected mad and my head is spinning ... Well, I guess well. "Replied wryly.

Rebecca laughed so sad irony.

- I think I'm going to town, or what's left of it ... To collaborate with Rebecca reconstrucción. "He said sadly almost in his ear.
- A little peace, at last, right? - She smiled, did not know if he had heard perovolvió to look in the mirror as if trying to find something interesting
- Do you want me to stay by your side? "He said nervously, quickly putting her hand on his arm.

Paul's face looked serious, but felt that he was concerned and then faked a smile.

- No, not what I expected and quite hard for me to keep me safe.
- Are you telling me not to protect myself?
- No, I'm saying is that you now have the opportunity to escape from all this, take it.
sit-stay "And like a good girl to expect greater resolve it? Because that is what will happen.
- Do you think that attitude to conquer the world going to solve anything? "He got mad, first did not want to leave her and the other, too dangerous. - Many people are trained for situations of risk has died and we are still alive, let us not turn the wheel of fortune. Rebecca

would replicate when the helicopter suffered a concussion.

- What the hell is it, Victor? - Winston asked over the intercom, alarm.

- Everybody quiet back there! - Relaxing the pilot said as he fought with the cross-currents that shook the helicopter air-temperature sensors of the engine must be obscured by dust, or have been damaged by moisture! According to the dashboard, we have the main turbine are about to burn, but that's impossible.! We are about to land!

"Immediately Paul looked out the window, down a darkened main street gave way to a scene quite cataclysmic, hundreds, perhaps thousands, of men, women and children, a shapeless mass of people crowded in front of what was supposed a great wall of collapsed buildings to purpose. Behind her several cars and helicopters were stacked and then, as a small population of fireflies in the vast darkness, buildings and the largest of all, the tower of TVE. Small buildings

dimly lit. The focus of the helicopters scoured the ground. Paul

narrowed eyes and a helicopter beam avivo an anguish that had momentarily forgotten.

- There's something down there! Cry rising from the seat-fast, almost losing his balance returned to his seat.
- Yes, I've seen something, do not worry, they are of ours. "Said Winston. - Chief desciéndanos building above the lowest

The pilot made a nod, tacked and low altitude.

Down and getting closer, a small building that could be widely helicopter.
Paul looked down, the darkness could not see anything too clearly. I look at the roof as they descended, her eyes widened with terror, in large, occupying the roof that read: HELP

When the helicopter's engine stopped ringing again feel the fear running through his veins. The trip was of course a good night's sleep and wake up again now the nightmare.
helicopter door burst open, turning the head could see Wiston out really fast.

secure the perimeter! - The order came to their ears from somewhere outside. Restless

but afraid, just joined a little while trying to see what was happening outside the window. A few black silhouettes
prompt and coordinated back and forth quickly with rifles and attached to them, lanterns were a macabre dance illuminating every corner. Enrique

looked outside.

- should not look out, sir, is dangerous. - He told the pilot wisely. Enrique

understood the situation and frustrated returned to his seat, but Paul saw something shining on the floor, a few meters from the door.
He got while looking at it and went outside.
The night was calm, the air was thick despite being on the outside and felt cold in nothing but his arms wrapped in a shirt. He did not care, curiosity was bigger, despite knowing that the area was not safe, that bright thing attracted him.
was crouched for a better view on the granite floor was a small metal key with no prints, no signs, nothing. Just a key.
Someone put his hand on his shoulder, startled whirled.

- back to the helicopter, I do not like this. "Said Rebecca, wrapped in a blanket of gray squares that held with the other hand, in a tone of fear that Paul received.

Keep the key in the pocket of the jeans back to the helicopter went to Rebecca grabbed his arm and covering her with a blanket.

Soon she had been his only companion, his only outlet for not going crazy, felt it his duty to change things was to protect.

A silver shadow crossed in front of his line of sight at an incredible speed. Instinctively clutched awkwardly while Rebecca took out his gun. I did not know how, but seconds later, the helicopter taking off in a thunderous noise and looked to where he saw the faces look distorted from those who do not sleep.
were men, women and children of all ages and condition. Some seemed to be apparently intact, while others had terrible wounds that went beyond what a normal human being could withstand. The vast majority wore the clothes they wore at the time who became one of those things. Others, fewer, were completely naked or with clothes in tatters because of the weather, accidents or God knows that reason, it is doubly disturbing to the eye.

"Where did they come from?"

His mind was not the response was a small roof with a small door off the building. Except that this time there was no door.

did not see anyone on the team, just a mass of rigid arms stretched toward the couple slipped perilously close to the roof.

"Use the gun? No ... Too. Does the knife? Je ... It is sharp and would be suicide "Even

could hear the beating of wings of the helicopter left the site.

took the girl back without the threat was coming slow and lethal to the roof. I look fast.

"About 20 meters of fall ... Assuming that there is no more down there partying ... "

The fire escape was still intact.

- Baby, do you have vertigo?
- A little - distressed answered, still looking at the mass approaching.

- Go down the stairs, and hide in the first window you see safe. I'll follow you.

- Damn ... Is there another alternative?

- and every second not less.

were already a few feet away, let the hand of Rebecca, who ran downstairs.
Without turning to face those beasts several meters away on the opposite side, reached the far corner.

- Eh! I am here bastards. Come get me! - While not believe what he was doing but had to give it time.

The response grunted painfully infected and approached him.

"A little more ... A little more ... Now!"

was about to throw off his feet to run, but could not slow down, if he failed he was dead. I could feel the breath of the crowd in his neck, jumped onto the balcony of the fire escape metal making a tremendous noise.
His head was still within reach of the rotten and rushed down the steps. A window was open, I assumed that Rebeca was already inside. Going to get in when a body fell to low away from him hurtling to the ground and making an unpleasant noise when falling.

"Damn, what the hungry ..."

In another situation would have laughed at your thoughts, but wanted to find out what would happen if a suicide bomber fell over. Squat passed through the window.
not see anything, it was dark and I could not see beyond one meter. Groping was introduced into the interior.

- Rebecca? He whispered. Noto

a small hand on his shoulder, startled, jumped.

- Shh, I'm here. Listen, "I whispered softly.

-sharpened ear, at first did not hear anything, but began to hear a slight strumming.
could be heard nearby, probably in the same room, nervously tried to scan something in the dark, but in vain, he saw nothing. Loudly cursed his bad luck
Your bag ... It kept a flashlight, but had remained in the helicopter, along with the rest of the team.
His body stiff with tension and felt helpless, I had to find a switch.
He felt the hand of Rebecca and took it. His hand was cold and trembling, stepped forward while the other hand wanted the wall.
He soon discovered that he was in an apartment, stumbled awkwardly over a chair and caused a noise in the silence seemed magnified a thousand times. Rebecca

dropped his hand, try to catch it but was not in the same place. His pulse and exorbitant in itself grew and began to ring the ears. He closed his eyes one second, or so he thought there was no difference.
light suddenly illuminated the whole room, their eyes adapted to darkness at that time suffered.
They were in a small room of a humble dwelling. It seemed that everything was in order, there was no sign that any of those things would come here. Rebecca
was just a few feet away looking at him with wide eyes and face red with blood.

- Did you touch anything? - Asked Rebecca
- Huh? I thought you'd turned on the light.
replied - I'm not for jokes. "Moaned

was about to answer when he remembered the scratching, where did it come from?
The room was a sort of L, could not see who was doing this little sound. He pulled out his gun and checked the magazine.

"10 ... More than enough bullets to kill something"
But I did not have any other charger

- Rebecca, stay behind me.

She obeyed, and could see her decompensated breathing. I was terrified, and understands, because he felt the same way, the last hours had been frantic and adrenaline was taking its toll, ever felt more exhausted.

were careening slowly making a wide circle as Paul pointed his weapon. Gradually

was seeing what was causing this hiss, someone was sitting at a desk against the wall and write something.
Hardly had evidence but it was one of them, a man in his twenties, with long hair and a goatee. He wore a black shirt, horribly dirty and torn.
be fixed not writing anything, was holding a pen brandished as an ice pick and circulated in a disorderly pile of pages and the table was scratched, how long have you been well? He did not turn at any moment, seemed lost in his illness.

"A zombie autistic?"

did not want to find out, and not wasting a bullet, took the knife and with a wave of unrest was directed to its target.


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