elbos @ 2008-02-02T23: 20:00
The noise was deafening, the elevator down at full speed and threatened to be affixed to the ground if not slowing down.
- Infected? She reached to deliver above the din with a lump in the throat.
- I'm staying here to find out "Winston said as a code typed into a nearby panel. - Vamos!
was a sound decompression of the warehouse door, grabbed the railing Winston opened it and pulled laterally with all his might. Opened and all passed inside. Paul looked back to see when the warehouse door was closed and the elevator opened. Could not see more dead bodies piled up in the elevator but no movement.
The door was closed and could not see.
The turn around was the largest room he had ever seen. Media as two apples, boxes filled with metal shelves stacked and packed.
- Come on, do not stay there, we still have things to do, "said Rebecca.
- Wait, I have not yet secured the room. "Winston said most in the distance.
- And how you intend to ensure all this yourself? He laughed Paul
- Okay, if you want to help go to the west side of the room and do not hesitate to shoot if you have problems.
moved away a little, with small steps and arms at the ready. Rebecca was behind the looking for anything of interest.
The shelves were crammed with boxes of what appeared to be drugs, some were open and its contents were scattered on the floor.
"There may be people down here, do not let your guard"
* FuuuuPUM * Paul
suddenly turned half down the trigger. But behind it was just Rebecca with her eyes closed and his face drew the guilt of the noise, still rolling on the floor, jars and packets of aspirin.
The disapproving look and sighed.
They looked at each other with their eyes open, shelves seemed to have fallen somewhere.
- Winston? "He said hesitantly.
No, not me. He heard Winston invisible shelves after a few meters on your right, just the opposite where he had sounded the shelf. "Looks like we are not alone. I am in charge, you follow making the purchase.
"If, after all, is the professional"
- Come on, what remains to be take? "Asked Rebecca
- Iodine, canned foods, useful field of surgery and antibiotics, quicklime, earplugs, thirty-five chemical light sticks, five fire extinguishers ...
Why the caps? "Interrupted
- People can not sleep with groans. "He said sorry
- Well, what we have left?
- can not find the light sticks and as fire extinguishers, will be difficult to transport. Ah, there's scalpel. He pointed and went to take half a dozen packaged scalpels.
- This is a chemical warehouse and health insurance, if not find food.
- Damn! Come see this fast! - Winston shouted
quickly ran to where he was. The adrenaline coursed through his veins, and her blond hair was drenched in sweat, still had not recovered from his encounter face to face with those infected, his hands were sweating and falling almost the gun a few times.
"get to hold this pace if not all days are so"
crossed a couple of shelves with Rebecca in the lead, until she slowed while putting a face of surprise and disgust. Came to him and understand his reaction.
Chained to a wall were a row of 7 people, all dead, by the looks had been there for days, some were not chained, lying on the ground and in the scene were clear signs that there had been a fight. Many scientists had robes, but also had military uniforms. The chains had a really nasty looks. Winston read a pretty yellow sheet. After reading it, made a pained face and sighed. Folio shot down and to the side of Paul giving him a pat on the shoulder.
He went to pick up the sheet and started reading.
No I can help but wonder if anyone will read these words, but I write to keep my sanity, nothing else. My nerves are coming to an end ... yet I can not believe what is happening. Is it supposed to end this way? Do not want to die. It is still not ready .... My wife, my daughter, my mother ... my whole family has been murdered. But it does not affect me. At this point, my life is most important. That's all. I have come to take refuge inside the store but I do not think that they do enter, just we have ammunition and the nerves are overwhelmed, one of us is hurt, says that is not infected but I do not trust. I would not put my life at stake for anyone already chained to one, if it becomes one of them you kill, if it did not become, that God will protect him ... When someone has read it is possibly dead. Just ask anyone who finds my body, if I am infected please kill me mercilessly. Do not want to end this way. He looked
bodies as he passed the note to Rebecca.
"Still, this does not explain who caused the noise sounded
A helicopter and remote.
- Time to go, I hope you've caught what you need because I intend to stay any longer. "Said Winston going to the other output.
looked at Rebecca. They were ready to go and more after they had seen.
When they reached the other door where Winston was waiting, another shelf fell. Groans ...
- Do not look back, "cried Winston as he opened the door and drew his weapon. - Vamos!
crossed the door like a shot and up the stairs quickly. Rebecca ran before him and they went both to the ground.
* BAM * * BAM *
The shooting added more tension to the distressing situation. Rebecca was faster and wake up with astonishing agility and continued to climb stairs. Paul was behind it, the shooting did not cease. Reached above the door was already open, Rebecca was already outside. Accelerated the pace and left, cold winter morning hit her in the face. By time he was not breathing clean air, dizzy, I inhale two puffs of clean air and Rebecca look at her.
was in the middle of the enclosure waving a helicopter flying overhead.
One of the outputs of the main building was opened and it appeared Steve, Henry and Louise in that order, running as he is pursued by a very dangerous thing.
The helicopter was descending was a Russian MI-24. A helicopter war rather than rescue.
"A Hind, what the hell are you doing here?" This same thought
face brightened.
"International assistance ..."
Encouraged by this thought, stood next to Rebecca and imitated.
- Too - Luisa screamed hysterically as she arrived with them.
- Come let us go to the pileup this and get out of this fucking hell. "Gasped Henry. - Where is Winston?
"I'll find him, go up. "He said Paul
his footsteps, trying not to think that could have happened but inside I knew it was as much as possible.
opened the door and pulled out his gun, and heard no shooting, nor was moaning ... dark eyes gradually became accustomed to the darkness, down the ladder, a pile of bodies are crowding a few meters from the landing, but none belonged to Wiston.
advanced to the doorway and then I saw, was unscathed and kept a tubular container in his pocket.
- Pablo! - Said surprised "I'm glad to see you, I feared that you would have gone without me.
- Come on, the helicopter waits. "He said trying to pretend peace.
did not know he was hiding, but would eventually find out.
returned to walk out the door in silence, and had gone all the helicopter and waving from inside. Is fixed around and realized that those signs meant. They were surrounded by hundreds of infected. Wiston
already had a head start, left behind him as fast as he could, those infected ever made a more narrow fence. Winston finished inside and the helicopter began to spin its blades, the noise increased so that eclipsed the screams and moans, though short journey was made eternal. Felt the heat of infected bodies were closing in on him, were too close. Jumped almost hopeless while the Hind is beginning to lift.
A hand grabbed him and shot him, noticed that his legs were being seized and even lost a shoe, suddenly a sharp pain came from the twin. He had been bitten
finally went to the floor, breathing hard. In their faces I could see a mixture of fear and pain, except in Wiston, the smiling, seemed to enjoy this.
- Has been a bit eh?
smiled - I've been bitten ... "muttered Luisa
- The pant has protected the saliva comes in contact with your skin, so nothing happens. "Said Winston. - Not infected.
There was a general sigh.
That response left him without air Wiston, hope was reborn.
- Still ... You should see if the wound is serious .- Winston commented.
Paul rolled his trousers, the sock was stained with blood from the ankle area, and Rebecca took it sterile gauze was applied to the affected area.
- is superficial, that coal had sharpened teeth. "She said as she applied a disinfectant.
- Enrique, are you going to tell me that was the spray that? "He said trying to downplay the issue
Oh, this? Taking a spray-free stickers. "It's a repellent, the infected have a great sense of smell, can smell you on the other side of a wall, this environment it does is disguise the smell.
Helicopter I travel over the smoky city in chaos, road to a more hopeful course, or not ...
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