elbos @ 2008-02-21T16: 09:00
missed blood ran cold to hear again the moans and groans of those beings on the other side of the door. The banging had attracted here.
- Rebecca, leave everything where it was. "Paul said as he approached the door.
- What? - He joined while pale.
- That's right, we will not get out, but still, this door is thick-Paul examined the door with your fingers with cold blood to know they were thumping from the other side. - We stayed until we were rescued. There is a window to fix and you have to help me.
He turned to the door and crossed the hallway, she sighed and followed him despondent.
- Do you have something planned? - Rebekah said impatiently
- No Rebecca, not that we do. Help me with an exasperated
door preventing the door came in to give a bang. All you had to plug the large broken glass was done there were still large cork punctured some of the clippings and other papers. The uncoupled and between the two, supported on the wall so gourd as much space as possible. The temperature of the room was a couple of degrees lower than in the whole house and it showed, the fingers of Paul resented the rough feel of cork. Once blocked, got hands in pockets to warm them, a shiver ran through his body.
- God ... What a mess. "Said Rebecca. He was squatting, reading some of the ominous headlines.
Paul could see over her shoulder and white photo of a black haired boy with his jaw out and eyes.
looked away feeling that the stomach is shrunk.
A thin layer of steam went out of his breath and returned to reality.
- Come on, get out of here, you'll freeze. - He said looking away from the headlines.
She even went with her white blouse and jeans. Her long blonde hair fell disheveled by face but not even it away to keep reading headlines.
- Alicia, please let us go from here. - Insisted
- How did you call me? - Asked turning missed.
- What?
- I've named Alicia. - Said as he sat
Paul bowed his head to avoid his gaze.
- A slip, sorry. "He said ditching the conversation. She felt his gaze
entering her skull. It was not the best time to talk about it.
Without saying another word she opened the door and waited. She watched with a mixture of understanding and tenderness.
- Hungry? - He said as they left the hall. Paul
were calculated that approximately 5 am, the clock did not work, probably due to some stroke of the previous hour.
went to the kitchen and prepared a breakfast of milk and cereals. The food was in good condition, as if the house was ready for his arrival. They ate a few cookies without uttering a word. Paul was thoughtful all the breakfast. He missed his own in an intense and desperate. I knew you'd most likely have become one of those things.
"No, it was not my fault ..."
- What?
Paul did not realize this last thought himself had whispered.
- Nothing ... Sorry, I'm a little tired.
got up and put the glass in the sink. He left the kitchen with the hope of spending a couple of minutes alone. I needed that.
just stayed up a couple of minutes lying in bed, knew not to fall asleep, but could not help it, he felt very tired, his body was relaxed and felt comforted, suddenly a blinding light hurt him in the eye knowing that they were closed when the light went, was in a sandy desert, there was nothing and no one around, walked but it was like not to move the site, tried to move faster but still saw the same thing, just sand everywhere, even to run, not moving, the anguish and frustration caused screaming desperately for help. Suddenly he noticed something under his feet, hands were coming out of the sand, hands and gray rotting foot caught him and threw him, one of those hands suddenly reached out to grab the neck, grabbed the hand to get away, but was no longer a dead hand, was soft and warm and soon found Rebecca in front of him with pale face.
- were dreaming. Paul
released and returned to lie down, grunted as he tried to stretch his body to return to leave relaxed.
- Sorry, I should not have fallen asleep. - He apologized, she just smiled and gave a hint of wanting to lie down.
space had to leave because it was a single bed.
was really tired. He turned his head to see Rebecca, his wife of tragedies who looked on with deep tenderness and a rebellious lock of hair slipped over her eyes. He reached out and took him away from her face, she smiled again.
was beautiful even with dark circles and that fatigue and anguish on the face. But no, dared and turned looking at the ceiling, and then a few minutes he got up carefully, looked at her a second. He must be dead tired, he had closed his eyes.
He looked out the window, the streets looked deserted as the sun went down the blind so that she could sleep peacefully.
- Paul ... - She was half awake. - Do not leave me alone.
Those three words hit directly on his soul as if he had received three gunshots. Eyes became moist and he shrugged his soul. He lay down behind her and surrounded her waist with his arms.
- I will not move from here - he whispered in her ear.
were a good time as well until Paul noticed a hiss on the other side of the door.
- Are you listening?
- Yes. - Answered distressed.
Paul sighed looking up a little bit more calm.
grabbed the gun from the table without putting on shoes and left the room, until you reach the door. Put his ear to the door. It was like a growl liquid.
let out some air and burst open the door to the time he took a step back.
He scanned the room, was a scrawny men out there staring at him, but did not move the site, just smiled, it seemed an infected no visible injuries or purple color, but there was something strange about him. And soon discovered as the smile changed to a notch that grotesque and inhumane man shrieked and then pounce on a startled Paul.
could not afford that creature entered the room, so I leaned against it.
was moving too fast in comparison with infected and soon had a surprised Paul cornered against the wall, but she tried to bite. His hands hovered over his neck, was trying to strangle him. Air began to run out of struggle, and he summoned all his strength to pull him against the wall in the place he was before, but it did not happen as expected, the rate through the wall like a knife through hot butter, but even the wall fell down, was as absorbed by it.
"But what the hell?"
heard the creaking of the door, Paul became rapidly.
Rebecca enters the room and closes the door until I tell you. - He said with his hand still holding the gun.
She obeyed.
sharpened ear for any signal to indicate the position of the aggressor, turning several times on itself.
If this monster through walls, you could attack from behind at any time. Tension in their muscles would become more significant, had to remove the trigger finger to shoot no error, however, did not return.
Paul realized he was panting loudly and made a few breathing exercises to relax that were brutally cut when a noise startled pipes throughout the building, seconds later, a clear sound of water across the wall. Unconsciously
looked at his watch broken.
"Now what happens?"
He went into the bathroom and shower water jets came out, soaking the ceiling and floor.
an attack and is now returning the water, too much coincidence.
- Rebecca, is gone ... that ... thing ... You can come out and we have water, but not when it is cut, you need to hurry.
Rebecca opened the door cautiously, and then look out the bathroom, smiling at Paul.
- I need a shower as soon as possible, then tell me what happened.
And without waiting for an answer, she went into the bathroom and Paul heard as he closed the door on the other side with the latch.
Paul was forced to act quickly, went to the kitchen at full speed, and stirred shelves and drawers in search of empty containers and larger.
found a five-liter bottle and several smaller bottles and filled with the tap without worrying about the waste, a the bottles are turned by the pressure tap, cursed himself and returned it to its site, and would worry after cleaning the floor.
When he finished, put the sink stopper and let the water keeps coming out.
Once filled out everything, turn off the spigot.
"What now?"
Only twenty minutes had passed since the last attack and the adrenaline was running out of steam, but I was tired, could not afford to feel tired.
The next step, once secured the supply and the site was the defense, I knew that after the attack should strengthen security measures. But
would not only, expect sitting leaning against the bathroom door waiting for Rebecca to end his long shower.
began to remember that this situation was very similar to that lived long ago, when nobody knew what was going on at home, which brought together several people with him, including his brother, in order to better defend the undead invasion.
shook his head in disgust and for the first time in a long time, let streams of tears ran over her face as she heard the water running.
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