Saturday, February 2, 2008

Dyshidrosis Treatment

elbos @ 2008-02-02T20: 46:00

Nothing changed his mind, the brave girl was determined to continue despite repeated, ad nauseam, that could not be ensure their protection. Even for half an hour left reinforcements arrived, while the group had divided to find what had initially come here to do: Look up drugs.
Winston, Paul and Rebecca went down the hallway that connected the building with the store, did not like the idea of moving to a building completely unknown and serious weaponry, but at least the confidence that Winston and his infectious self-confidence demonstrated by moving him comforted. Iban corridors in silence for Paul is dizzy on how similar they were all on several occasions he thought he had been there. Background, as a rumor, the morning brought the new routine of the city. Grunts, shouts and occasionally a shot.
Suddenly the lights dimmed lit corridors leaving nothing but the light coming from windows.

- There has been an electrical short, too accurate. Are the nine o'clock sharp. It must be that the building itself regulates the light. - Winston muttered as he looked at his watch.

could tell the tension in the air. Paul looked around nervously, anxious groping Rebecca Henry revolver he had borrowed before separating. Winston, however, notable that the only thing that was appreciated was winding down.
Minutes later they were, to climb a wide staircase, front door, supposedly led them directly to the store. The double gate was closed and its circular glass windows let in light into the dark hall.

"Here, you will be more manageable - Rebecca Paul suggested holding out his gun at her.

- Baby, I've been handling a Colt Python from 9 years, I feel safer with this than with a bra. - Answered sharply rolling drum
Paul smiled and his face hit the small windows of the door trying to see something.
not have to wait long to receive a signal inside.
A bloody hand awkwardly slapped with an open hand on the glass. Paul withdrew his face immediately and Rebecca hit a short sharp scream but Wiston unlock your gun with ease, as if waiting for that pass.
Finally some action. Rebecca, that weapon is too powerful to shoot within a corridor so narrow, it could screw us eardrums. You just open the door and walk away. You, Paul shot only what is necessary and whether there is only one, I leave it to me. What I said?
Do not use my gun - Rebecca answered.

- And I do not shoot like crazy. "Answered Paul.

- I speak as a real prodigy - Winston laughed. - Seriously, Let us place ourselves.

The two men stood at the farthest distance that allowed the steps they had at their back and shot position, holding their weapons with both hands.
- With that uniform and you have nothing more than a gun? - Paul commented while watching the door
It broke my assault rifle when he opened his head to one infected ... Russia had to be ... - Winston answered without eager to talk. Rebecca
put his hands on the two knobs and waited for a signal to open.
- Now!
doors were opened while Rebecca was left to fall back. Time stopped for a moment, darkness came dozens of hands and then staggering figures.
only reacted when he heard his side of the gun shots Wiston. Immediately discharged his weapon in front of them but not worry about aiming. The noise made by the two arms echoed over the groans as a macabre melody.
"ten, eleven ..." He counted the shots
to but his mind went blank when a hole appeared with a fast transient a daughter, his instinct told him to shoot screaming, but could not even write it down and quickly approached Rebecca who was still sitting on the floor. He was unable to shoot, he now realized that it is impossible to prepare for something similar.
Meanwhile, a shot struck the girl. Winston nudged him he reacted instantly, but it was not to shoot at targets, a tangle of dead bodies are crowding at the door.
- Because you have stopped shooting!? They could have killed him! Winston-Shout pointing to Rebecca.

- Sorry, I get stuck ... I could not shoot a girl! He defended Paul

- She was no longer a child, will never be a girl! "Said Winston - In war, the difference between dying and living is decided in split seconds, I can not allow doubt, put in peril.

- I'm not a soldier, I'm not used to it, and still keep my scruples. Paul-challenged, she felt too humiliated.

- In this hell we are all soldiers, you should have learned long ago.

- Shut up you two! -Interrupted before Paul could answer "Hark!

Paul changed his pale face terrifying enraged. In the distance, footsteps, screams and groans were heard throughout the complex.
did not need to repeat, joining Paul helped Rebecca as Winston made his way through the bodies killed. Paul tried to close the door, but the bodies piled stopped him and gave up. Ran down the hall, passing beside the door shooting. As they arrived at another door, opened it and closed it behind him.
The hall had been left behind and now were in a room that was occupied only by a giant freight elevator inoperative, probably because of lack of electricity in the area, and beside a ladder. The roof was unattainable, there were pockets of enough power off, to be lit enlighten them everything. The air was stale and the darkness became more and more intense as roaring down the metal staircase that led to endless store.
With one hand on the gun and over the railing, Paul was in the rear nervously looking back, just saw Rebeca in the dark before, repeatedly tripped over it. Halfway an inhuman scream shook Paul bristling hairs of the neck, down more quickly, and failed to see anything, Paul kept his gun and went down and feeling around with his free hand, without thinking if wants, he found the warm hand of Rebecca and intertwined.
- Did not have any light? - Asked Rebecca.
- Yes, but do not want to be a light source saying "eat," Winston replied - Do not be afraid of the dark, afraid of what they hide, and anyway the power generator down here, while we will restore electricity.
continued down a few steps in silence. No air and ran toward the sweltering heat. Holding hands yet, he thought of the previous summer, Nizar, Mary and he, as always ... The gang, it was amazing that the three have survived.
had never believed in God and certainly far less, but perhaps it was fate that wanted to survive, like a miracle. They say that the you get older person becomes more religious, it may be fear of death and it may be what was happening now.
His thoughts were dashed when Rebecca let go of his hand. Had fallen and were in a T-shaped hallway, the hallway leading to a huge door, like a hangar. The elevator was on his back and watching a Winston counter with a flashlight the size of a pencil.
He stopped in front of the elevator door, returning to his thoughts.
"There. "Winston said while the entire stay lit so blinding.
light burned his eyes. Blink several times to get used to the change of light. Rebecca covering her crouched
eyes with his hands, Winston, however, only looked at the floor.
A rumor reached him near anything mechanical.
The elevator was going down.


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