Thursday, February 21, 2008

Fast Heart Rate And Numbing Of Arm

elbos @ 2008-02-21T16: 09:00

missed blood ran cold to hear again the moans and groans of those beings on the other side of the door. The banging had attracted here.

- Rebecca, leave everything where it was. "Paul said as he approached the door.

- What? - He joined while pale.

- That's right, we will not get out, but still, this door is thick-Paul examined the door with your fingers with cold blood to know they were thumping from the other side. - We stayed until we were rescued. There is a window to fix and you have to help me.

He turned to the door and crossed the hallway, she sighed and followed him despondent.

- Do you have something planned? - Rebekah said impatiently

- No Rebecca, not that we do. Help me with an exasperated

door preventing the door came in to give a bang. All you had to plug the large broken glass was done there were still large cork punctured some of the clippings and other papers. The uncoupled and between the two, supported on the wall so gourd as much space as possible. The temperature of the room was a couple of degrees lower than in the whole house and it showed, the fingers of Paul resented the rough feel of cork. Once blocked, got hands in pockets to warm them, a shiver ran through his body.

- God ... What a mess. "Said Rebecca. He was squatting, reading some of the ominous headlines.

Paul could see over her shoulder and white photo of a black haired boy with his jaw out and eyes.
looked away feeling that the stomach is shrunk.
A thin layer of steam went out of his breath and returned to reality.

- Come on, get out of here, you'll freeze. - He said looking away from the headlines.

She even went with her white blouse and jeans. Her long blonde hair fell disheveled by face but not even it away to keep reading headlines.

- Alicia, please let us go from here. - Insisted

- How did you call me? - Asked turning missed.

- What?

- I've named Alicia. - Said as he sat

Paul bowed his head to avoid his gaze.

- A slip, sorry. "He said ditching the conversation. She felt his gaze

entering her skull. It was not the best time to talk about it.

Without saying another word she opened the door and waited. She watched with a mixture of understanding and tenderness.

- Hungry? - He said as they left the hall. Paul

were calculated that approximately 5 am, the clock did not work, probably due to some stroke of the previous hour.

went to the kitchen and prepared a breakfast of milk and cereals. The food was in good condition, as if the house was ready for his arrival. They ate a few cookies without uttering a word. Paul was thoughtful all the breakfast. He missed his own in an intense and desperate. I knew you'd most likely have become one of those things.

"No, it was not my fault ..."

- What?

Paul did not realize this last thought himself had whispered.

- Nothing ... Sorry, I'm a little tired.

got up and put the glass in the sink. He left the kitchen with the hope of spending a couple of minutes alone. I needed that.

just stayed up a couple of minutes lying in bed, knew not to fall asleep, but could not help it, he felt very tired, his body was relaxed and felt comforted, suddenly a blinding light hurt him in the eye knowing that they were closed when the light went, was in a sandy desert, there was nothing and no one around, walked but it was like not to move the site, tried to move faster but still saw the same thing, just sand everywhere, even to run, not moving, the anguish and frustration caused screaming desperately for help. Suddenly he noticed something under his feet, hands were coming out of the sand, hands and gray rotting foot caught him and threw him, one of those hands suddenly reached out to grab the neck, grabbed the hand to get away, but was no longer a dead hand, was soft and warm and soon found Rebecca in front of him with pale face.

- were dreaming. Paul

released and returned to lie down, grunted as he tried to stretch his body to return to leave relaxed.

- Sorry, I should not have fallen asleep. - He apologized, she just smiled and gave a hint of wanting to lie down.
space had to leave because it was a single bed.
was really tired. He turned his head to see Rebecca, his wife of tragedies who looked on with deep tenderness and a rebellious lock of hair slipped over her eyes. He reached out and took him away from her face, she smiled again.
was beautiful even with dark circles and that fatigue and anguish on the face. But no, dared and turned looking at the ceiling, and then a few minutes he got up carefully, looked at her a second. He must be dead tired, he had closed his eyes.
He looked out the window, the streets looked deserted as the sun went down the blind so that she could sleep peacefully.

- Paul ... - She was half awake. - Do not leave me alone.

Those three words hit directly on his soul as if he had received three gunshots. Eyes became moist and he shrugged his soul. He lay down behind her and surrounded her waist with his arms.

- I will not move from here - he whispered in her ear.

were a good time as well until Paul noticed a hiss on the other side of the door.

- Are you listening?

- Yes. - Answered distressed.

Paul sighed looking up a little bit more calm.

grabbed the gun from the table without putting on shoes and left the room, until you reach the door. Put his ear to the door. It was like a growl liquid.
let out some air and burst open the door to the time he took a step back.
He scanned the room, was a scrawny men out there staring at him, but did not move the site, just smiled, it seemed an infected no visible injuries or purple color, but there was something strange about him. And soon discovered as the smile changed to a notch that grotesque and inhumane man shrieked and then pounce on a startled Paul.
could not afford that creature entered the room, so I leaned against it.
was moving too fast in comparison with infected and soon had a surprised Paul cornered against the wall, but she tried to bite. His hands hovered over his neck, was trying to strangle him. Air began to run out of struggle, and he summoned all his strength to pull him against the wall in the place he was before, but it did not happen as expected, the rate through the wall like a knife through hot butter, but even the wall fell down, was as absorbed by it.

"But what the hell?"
heard the creaking of the door, Paul became rapidly.
Rebecca enters the room and closes the door until I tell you. - He said with his hand still holding the gun.
She obeyed.
sharpened ear for any signal to indicate the position of the aggressor, turning several times on itself.
If this monster through walls, you could attack from behind at any time. Tension in their muscles would become more significant, had to remove the trigger finger to shoot no error, however, did not return.
Paul realized he was panting loudly and made a few breathing exercises to relax that were brutally cut when a noise startled pipes throughout the building, seconds later, a clear sound of water across the wall. Unconsciously
looked at his watch broken.

"Now what happens?"

He went into the bathroom and shower water jets came out, soaking the ceiling and floor.
an attack and is now returning the water, too much coincidence.

- Rebecca, is gone ... that ... thing ... You can come out and we have water, but not when it is cut, you need to hurry.

Rebecca opened the door cautiously, and then look out the bathroom, smiling at Paul.

- I need a shower as soon as possible, then tell me what happened.

And without waiting for an answer, she went into the bathroom and Paul heard as he closed the door on the other side with the latch.
Paul was forced to act quickly, went to the kitchen at full speed, and stirred shelves and drawers in search of empty containers and larger.
found a five-liter bottle and several smaller bottles and filled with the tap without worrying about the waste, a the bottles are turned by the pressure tap, cursed himself and returned it to its site, and would worry after cleaning the floor.
When he finished, put the sink stopper and let the water keeps coming out.
Once filled out everything, turn off the spigot.

"What now?"

Only twenty minutes had passed since the last attack and the adrenaline was running out of steam, but I was tired, could not afford to feel tired.
The next step, once secured the supply and the site was the defense, I knew that after the attack should strengthen security measures. But
would not only, expect sitting leaning against the bathroom door waiting for Rebecca to end his long shower.
began to remember that this situation was very similar to that lived long ago, when nobody knew what was going on at home, which brought together several people with him, including his brother, in order to better defend the undead invasion.
shook his head in disgust and for the first time in a long time, let streams of tears ran over her face as she heard the water running.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Nursing Teaching Plan For A Diabetic

elbos @ 2008-02-08T22: 39:00

"Killing is easy in theory. Fucking hard in practice. "

thought after using the knife to kill the creature. Rebecca helped her finally shed the lifeless body of the window. He sighed and looked around the place, it was still work to do before relaxing.

first thing was to close windows and blinds closed, those infected can go down the fire escape and reach them, even remotely possible given its agility, not be ruled out that option.
course not a mere blinds serious obstacles to stop them, but they would have time to react before they came.

The small room was well furnished with a television that Paul could see the dust that not a lot to be lit.
The house was completely full and unsettling silence, should ensure that they could use this site as a fort until they could rescue them.

The departure lounge is split into two narrow corridors.
On the left, the door was opened fully to the left of this there was another room that could not see but which came the first rays of the sun.
not think twice, ran down the narrow hallway and closed the door to the landing roughly.
Seconds later she realized it was a mistake, the noise may attract more infected. Leaning against the door
turned his head and saw the room that had not reached to see the kitchen.
Even in the living room door was timidly and Rebecca. He was completely pale, not knowing I could have sworn it was an infected
He motioned to come over.

- Come on, no one there.

She walked slowly towards him as Paul hit the ear to the door, there was no road noise and did not know if that was good.

entered the narrow kitchen, and opened several shelves on which food was canned and in bulk. He kept his precious brown and picked up a package and examined it carefully.


"refugee food seems ..."

left the package over the sink. Then he opened the tap, nothing, no water

sighed in anguish, to which he had not eaten enough but still could not relax.

- Stay here and take all the food you find in good condition. I'm going to explore the rest of the house, I shall soon. - Whispered as she turned toward the hall
- Vale ... - murmured with a taste for irony. From his tone I sensed that not any fun to be alone. He left the hall

steadily, grasped the gun with both hands, as he had seen on hundreds of occasions in the spy movies, with except that it was not and that his hands shook.
He retraced his steps down the narrow corridor, passing through the classroom door stopped to take a look. Everything was the same.
continued up to the corner. He had two options, move straight to the front room and turn left. Had not yet decided when stared at a point in the room, something that did not fit.

"A camera ... Here?"

One size still camera focused directly visible enough.

"Either I'm very confused or Big Brother is not rolling on floors."

Overcome your fear and with a grin that resembled a smile went forward.
An ordinary door blocked the way, there would have been a problem opening knob. Was uprooted and had been closed previously.
pushed but did not budge an inch, so I decided that it would investigate the other side.
turned on his steps, as a distant murmur was heard Rebecca revolver and walk through the kitchen, not cared for her and crossed to the right.
Three doors, one on the right, one front and one on the left.
The left door was ajar, turned on the light and waited a second to any motion, looked at the floor, none shadow obstructed the passage of light into the hallway, she realized it was safe and opened the door completely.

was about to shoot the front being reflected in the mirror, take the pellet gun movement was to crash his gun against the door frame and the impact bent a finger. He tried by all means not shouting, just released an "ay" very content, while resting on the frame grabbed his finger still holding the gun. With tears in his eyes and snorting was introduced to the bathroom, almost slipped because of wet conditions, should be a broken pipe because the ground was soaked with water.

"Wow, this bathroom is more deadly than the roof burst infected ... "joke

So the brave when death gives them back, or when fear leads them to the brink of insanity.

He went to lie cold water on your finger a few seconds, but had no water was to be expected. The bathroom was spotless, except for the floor. A slight mechanical hum made it's skin crawl, he turned on his heel and looked out the door with gun in hand. The camera had changed position and was directly aimed at him. A chill ran down her spine, something creepy was in that house, but think of something dangerous in a city that is full of death at every corner, it sounded a bit obvious.
He looked at the camera, thinking he would be watching, decided not to waste any more time and brandishing his gun went straight to open the front room.
opened it but doing a puff of air to push back the door and slammed the door. Opened it again, this time carrying his weight against the door when there was enough gap to pass, slipped the door preventing it make a sandwich. Now understand this violent storm, one wall was a large window shattered and the room was a study in a flurry of full papers. Entered at his feet fell a newspaper clipping which read as headline:


The wall was a large cork where subjects were even some cuts.




Poor people did not know at that time it was not just a murderer, if not that they were their own executioners.

Paul thought for a few seconds on the first victims, at least they were not suffering this hell, or perhaps are one of the countless masses of people out there looking for more victims. He shook his head, taking off those thoughts. It was time to auto discouraged. He opened a drawer of the oak table. Several
clips, thumbtacks, a lighter, folios and a letter opener. He took the back burner and go back to where I had entered. He was the last room to be seen. Be assumed that before entering a bedroom and their suspicions were confirmed, a small bedroom that had not been cleaned in days, with a small bed, a TV and a cabinet soon to open, everything was women's clothing.

"Well, it would have been rare here having a man sleep desserts semi nude male celebrity. "

turned on the television and sat on the bed. Nothing interference all the time, no chain operated. He sighed wearily turned it off.

- Rebecca How are you going? - Said as he walked to the kitchen.
- Well, there is enough food for a month if we manage well and ...

* Bum * ...

A sharp noise interrupted the sentence.

* Bum * Bum *

more hits, all performed in the solid door. There had to throw too much imagination, had been found. Barely

Monday, February 4, 2008

Telescope Digital Slr Installation

To my fan n º 1 ^ 3 ^

an hour after taking off, the wound stung, his head was no better, she felt stunned, as protagonist of a story that he preferred to be the first to fall, the city, possibly the entire country was being decimated by infection, of a synthetic virus created by man.
The hum of the blades could not communicate to more than two meters. Yet Paul thought the noise was louder and louder multiplying, Winston pointed to the window of the helicopter.

My team! "I shouted to him to be stuck hearing - There are people who will spend the next few days, we will go to military center to protect, Nizar has given very specific orders!
Paul looked at the opaque glass of the helicopter trying to imagine what kind of people would be treated. Anyway, not going to trust or its shadow over the coming days.

Soon, Rebecca sat at her side. I had no desire to talk and kept looking out the window, pretending not to notice him.

- How are you? - Rebecca inquired aloud.
- Well, not that Nizar noses discovered with much mystery, and I paint I was there, I have an ankle bitten by an infected mad and my head is spinning ... Well, I guess well. "Replied wryly.

Rebecca laughed so sad irony.

- I think I'm going to town, or what's left of it ... To collaborate with Rebecca reconstrucción. "He said sadly almost in his ear.
- A little peace, at last, right? - She smiled, did not know if he had heard perovolvió to look in the mirror as if trying to find something interesting
- Do you want me to stay by your side? "He said nervously, quickly putting her hand on his arm.

Paul's face looked serious, but felt that he was concerned and then faked a smile.

- No, not what I expected and quite hard for me to keep me safe.
- Are you telling me not to protect myself?
- No, I'm saying is that you now have the opportunity to escape from all this, take it.
sit-stay "And like a good girl to expect greater resolve it? Because that is what will happen.
- Do you think that attitude to conquer the world going to solve anything? "He got mad, first did not want to leave her and the other, too dangerous. - Many people are trained for situations of risk has died and we are still alive, let us not turn the wheel of fortune. Rebecca

would replicate when the helicopter suffered a concussion.

- What the hell is it, Victor? - Winston asked over the intercom, alarm.

- Everybody quiet back there! - Relaxing the pilot said as he fought with the cross-currents that shook the helicopter air-temperature sensors of the engine must be obscured by dust, or have been damaged by moisture! According to the dashboard, we have the main turbine are about to burn, but that's impossible.! We are about to land!

"Immediately Paul looked out the window, down a darkened main street gave way to a scene quite cataclysmic, hundreds, perhaps thousands, of men, women and children, a shapeless mass of people crowded in front of what was supposed a great wall of collapsed buildings to purpose. Behind her several cars and helicopters were stacked and then, as a small population of fireflies in the vast darkness, buildings and the largest of all, the tower of TVE. Small buildings

dimly lit. The focus of the helicopters scoured the ground. Paul

narrowed eyes and a helicopter beam avivo an anguish that had momentarily forgotten.

- There's something down there! Cry rising from the seat-fast, almost losing his balance returned to his seat.
- Yes, I've seen something, do not worry, they are of ours. "Said Winston. - Chief desciéndanos building above the lowest

The pilot made a nod, tacked and low altitude.

Down and getting closer, a small building that could be widely helicopter.
Paul looked down, the darkness could not see anything too clearly. I look at the roof as they descended, her eyes widened with terror, in large, occupying the roof that read: HELP

When the helicopter's engine stopped ringing again feel the fear running through his veins. The trip was of course a good night's sleep and wake up again now the nightmare.
helicopter door burst open, turning the head could see Wiston out really fast.

secure the perimeter! - The order came to their ears from somewhere outside. Restless

but afraid, just joined a little while trying to see what was happening outside the window. A few black silhouettes
prompt and coordinated back and forth quickly with rifles and attached to them, lanterns were a macabre dance illuminating every corner. Enrique

looked outside.

- should not look out, sir, is dangerous. - He told the pilot wisely. Enrique

understood the situation and frustrated returned to his seat, but Paul saw something shining on the floor, a few meters from the door.
He got while looking at it and went outside.
The night was calm, the air was thick despite being on the outside and felt cold in nothing but his arms wrapped in a shirt. He did not care, curiosity was bigger, despite knowing that the area was not safe, that bright thing attracted him.
was crouched for a better view on the granite floor was a small metal key with no prints, no signs, nothing. Just a key.
Someone put his hand on his shoulder, startled whirled.

- back to the helicopter, I do not like this. "Said Rebecca, wrapped in a blanket of gray squares that held with the other hand, in a tone of fear that Paul received.

Keep the key in the pocket of the jeans back to the helicopter went to Rebecca grabbed his arm and covering her with a blanket.

Soon she had been his only companion, his only outlet for not going crazy, felt it his duty to change things was to protect.

A silver shadow crossed in front of his line of sight at an incredible speed. Instinctively clutched awkwardly while Rebecca took out his gun. I did not know how, but seconds later, the helicopter taking off in a thunderous noise and looked to where he saw the faces look distorted from those who do not sleep.
were men, women and children of all ages and condition. Some seemed to be apparently intact, while others had terrible wounds that went beyond what a normal human being could withstand. The vast majority wore the clothes they wore at the time who became one of those things. Others, fewer, were completely naked or with clothes in tatters because of the weather, accidents or God knows that reason, it is doubly disturbing to the eye.

"Where did they come from?"

His mind was not the response was a small roof with a small door off the building. Except that this time there was no door.

did not see anyone on the team, just a mass of rigid arms stretched toward the couple slipped perilously close to the roof.

"Use the gun? No ... Too. Does the knife? Je ... It is sharp and would be suicide "Even

could hear the beating of wings of the helicopter left the site.

took the girl back without the threat was coming slow and lethal to the roof. I look fast.

"About 20 meters of fall ... Assuming that there is no more down there partying ... "

The fire escape was still intact.

- Baby, do you have vertigo?
- A little - distressed answered, still looking at the mass approaching.

- Go down the stairs, and hide in the first window you see safe. I'll follow you.

- Damn ... Is there another alternative?

- and every second not less.

were already a few feet away, let the hand of Rebecca, who ran downstairs.
Without turning to face those beasts several meters away on the opposite side, reached the far corner.

- Eh! I am here bastards. Come get me! - While not believe what he was doing but had to give it time.

The response grunted painfully infected and approached him.

"A little more ... A little more ... Now!"

was about to throw off his feet to run, but could not slow down, if he failed he was dead. I could feel the breath of the crowd in his neck, jumped onto the balcony of the fire escape metal making a tremendous noise.
His head was still within reach of the rotten and rushed down the steps. A window was open, I assumed that Rebeca was already inside. Going to get in when a body fell to low away from him hurtling to the ground and making an unpleasant noise when falling.

"Damn, what the hungry ..."

In another situation would have laughed at your thoughts, but wanted to find out what would happen if a suicide bomber fell over. Squat passed through the window.
not see anything, it was dark and I could not see beyond one meter. Groping was introduced into the interior.

- Rebecca? He whispered. Noto

a small hand on his shoulder, startled, jumped.

- Shh, I'm here. Listen, "I whispered softly.

-sharpened ear, at first did not hear anything, but began to hear a slight strumming.
could be heard nearby, probably in the same room, nervously tried to scan something in the dark, but in vain, he saw nothing. Loudly cursed his bad luck
Your bag ... It kept a flashlight, but had remained in the helicopter, along with the rest of the team.
His body stiff with tension and felt helpless, I had to find a switch.
He felt the hand of Rebecca and took it. His hand was cold and trembling, stepped forward while the other hand wanted the wall.
He soon discovered that he was in an apartment, stumbled awkwardly over a chair and caused a noise in the silence seemed magnified a thousand times. Rebecca

dropped his hand, try to catch it but was not in the same place. His pulse and exorbitant in itself grew and began to ring the ears. He closed his eyes one second, or so he thought there was no difference.
light suddenly illuminated the whole room, their eyes adapted to darkness at that time suffered.
They were in a small room of a humble dwelling. It seemed that everything was in order, there was no sign that any of those things would come here. Rebecca
was just a few feet away looking at him with wide eyes and face red with blood.

- Did you touch anything? - Asked Rebecca
- Huh? I thought you'd turned on the light.
replied - I'm not for jokes. "Moaned

was about to answer when he remembered the scratching, where did it come from?
The room was a sort of L, could not see who was doing this little sound. He pulled out his gun and checked the magazine.

"10 ... More than enough bullets to kill something"
But I did not have any other charger

- Rebecca, stay behind me.

She obeyed, and could see her decompensated breathing. I was terrified, and understands, because he felt the same way, the last hours had been frantic and adrenaline was taking its toll, ever felt more exhausted.

were careening slowly making a wide circle as Paul pointed his weapon. Gradually

was seeing what was causing this hiss, someone was sitting at a desk against the wall and write something.
Hardly had evidence but it was one of them, a man in his twenties, with long hair and a goatee. He wore a black shirt, horribly dirty and torn.
be fixed not writing anything, was holding a pen brandished as an ice pick and circulated in a disorderly pile of pages and the table was scratched, how long have you been well? He did not turn at any moment, seemed lost in his illness.

"A zombie autistic?"

did not want to find out, and not wasting a bullet, took the knife and with a wave of unrest was directed to its target.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Is Real

elbos @ 2008-02-02T23: 20:00

The noise was deafening, the elevator down at full speed and threatened to be affixed to the ground if not slowing down.
- Infected? She reached to deliver above the din with a lump in the throat.
- I'm staying here to find out "Winston said as a code typed into a nearby panel. - Vamos!
was a sound decompression of the warehouse door, grabbed the railing Winston opened it and pulled laterally with all his might. Opened and all passed inside. Paul looked back to see when the warehouse door was closed and the elevator opened. Could not see more dead bodies piled up in the elevator but no movement.
The door was closed and could not see.
The turn around was the largest room he had ever seen. Media as two apples, boxes filled with metal shelves stacked and packed.

- Come on, do not stay there, we still have things to do, "said Rebecca.
- Wait, I have not yet secured the room. "Winston said most in the distance.
- And how you intend to ensure all this yourself? He laughed Paul
- Okay, if you want to help go to the west side of the room and do not hesitate to shoot if you have problems.

moved away a little, with small steps and arms at the ready. Rebecca was behind the looking for anything of interest.
The shelves were crammed with boxes of what appeared to be drugs, some were open and its contents were scattered on the floor.
"There may be people down here, do not let your guard"
* FuuuuPUM * Paul
suddenly turned half down the trigger. But behind it was just Rebecca with her eyes closed and his face drew the guilt of the noise, still rolling on the floor, jars and packets of aspirin.
The disapproving look and sighed.
They looked at each other with their eyes open, shelves seemed to have fallen somewhere.

- Winston? "He said hesitantly.

No, not me. He heard Winston invisible shelves after a few meters on your right, just the opposite where he had sounded the shelf. "Looks like we are not alone. I am in charge, you follow making the purchase.

"If, after all, is the professional"

- Come on, what remains to be take? "Asked Rebecca
- Iodine, canned foods, useful field of surgery and antibiotics, quicklime, earplugs, thirty-five chemical light sticks, five fire extinguishers ...

Why the caps? "Interrupted

- People can not sleep with groans. "He said sorry

- Well, what we have left?

- can not find the light sticks and as fire extinguishers, will be difficult to transport. Ah, there's scalpel. He pointed and went to take half a dozen packaged scalpels.

- This is a chemical warehouse and health insurance, if not find food.

- Damn! Come see this fast! - Winston shouted

quickly ran to where he was. The adrenaline coursed through his veins, and her blond hair was drenched in sweat, still had not recovered from his encounter face to face with those infected, his hands were sweating and falling almost the gun a few times.

"get to hold this pace if not all days are so"

crossed a couple of shelves with Rebecca in the lead, until she slowed while putting a face of surprise and disgust. Came to him and understand his reaction.
Chained to a wall were a row of 7 people, all dead, by the looks had been there for days, some were not chained, lying on the ground and in the scene were clear signs that there had been a fight. Many scientists had robes, but also had military uniforms. The chains had a really nasty looks. Winston read a pretty yellow sheet. After reading it, made a pained face and sighed. Folio shot down and to the side of Paul giving him a pat on the shoulder.
He went to pick up the sheet and started reading.

No I can help but wonder if anyone will read these words, but I write to keep my sanity, nothing else. My nerves are coming to an end ... yet I can not believe what is happening. Is it supposed to end this way? Do not want to die. It is still not ready .... My wife, my daughter, my mother ... my whole family has been murdered. But it does not affect me. At this point, my life is most important. That's all. I have come to take refuge inside the store but I do not think that they do enter, just we have ammunition and the nerves are overwhelmed, one of us is hurt, says that is not infected but I do not trust. I would not put my life at stake for anyone already chained to one, if it becomes one of them you kill, if it did not become, that God will protect him ... When someone has read it is possibly dead. Just ask anyone who finds my body, if I am infected please kill me mercilessly. Do not want to end this way. He looked

bodies as he passed the note to Rebecca.

"Still, this does not explain who caused the noise sounded
A helicopter and remote.

- Time to go, I hope you've caught what you need because I intend to stay any longer. "Said Winston going to the other output.

looked at Rebecca. They were ready to go and more after they had seen.
When they reached the other door where Winston was waiting, another shelf fell. Groans ...

- Do not look back, "cried Winston as he opened the door and drew his weapon. - Vamos!

crossed the door like a shot and up the stairs quickly. Rebecca ran before him and they went both to the ground.

* BAM * * BAM *

The shooting added more tension to the distressing situation. Rebecca was faster and wake up with astonishing agility and continued to climb stairs. Paul was behind it, the shooting did not cease. Reached above the door was already open, Rebecca was already outside. Accelerated the pace and left, cold winter morning hit her in the face. By time he was not breathing clean air, dizzy, I inhale two puffs of clean air and Rebecca look at her.
was in the middle of the enclosure waving a helicopter flying overhead.
One of the outputs of the main building was opened and it appeared Steve, Henry and Louise in that order, running as he is pursued by a very dangerous thing.
The helicopter was descending was a Russian MI-24. A helicopter war rather than rescue.

"A Hind, what the hell are you doing here?" This same thought

face brightened.

"International assistance ..."

Encouraged by this thought, stood next to Rebecca and imitated.

- Too - Luisa screamed hysterically as she arrived with them.
- Come let us go to the pileup this and get out of this fucking hell. "Gasped Henry. - Where is Winston?
"I'll find him, go up. "He said Paul

his footsteps, trying not to think that could have happened but inside I knew it was as much as possible.

opened the door and pulled out his gun, and heard no shooting, nor was moaning ... dark eyes gradually became accustomed to the darkness, down the ladder, a pile of bodies are crowding a few meters from the landing, but none belonged to Wiston.
advanced to the doorway and then I saw, was unscathed and kept a tubular container in his pocket.

- Pablo! - Said surprised "I'm glad to see you, I feared that you would have gone without me.

- Come on, the helicopter waits. "He said trying to pretend peace.

did not know he was hiding, but would eventually find out.

returned to walk out the door in silence, and had gone all the helicopter and waving from inside. Is fixed around and realized that those signs meant. They were surrounded by hundreds of infected. Wiston
already had a head start, left behind him as fast as he could, those infected ever made a more narrow fence. Winston finished inside and the helicopter began to spin its blades, the noise increased so that eclipsed the screams and moans, though short journey was made eternal. Felt the heat of infected bodies were closing in on him, were too close. Jumped almost hopeless while the Hind is beginning to lift.
A hand grabbed him and shot him, noticed that his legs were being seized and even lost a shoe, suddenly a sharp pain came from the twin. He had been bitten
finally went to the floor, breathing hard. In their faces I could see a mixture of fear and pain, except in Wiston, the smiling, seemed to enjoy this.

- Has been a bit eh?

smiled - I've been bitten ... "muttered Luisa

- The pant has protected the saliva comes in contact with your skin, so nothing happens. "Said Winston. - Not infected.

There was a general sigh.

That response left him without air Wiston, hope was reborn.

- Still ... You should see if the wound is serious .- Winston commented.

Paul rolled his trousers, the sock was stained with blood from the ankle area, and Rebecca took it sterile gauze was applied to the affected area.

- is superficial, that coal had sharpened teeth. "She said as she applied a disinfectant.

- Enrique, are you going to tell me that was the spray that? "He said trying to downplay the issue

Oh, this? Taking a spray-free stickers. "It's a repellent, the infected have a great sense of smell, can smell you on the other side of a wall, this environment it does is disguise the smell.

Helicopter I travel over the smoky city in chaos, road to a more hopeful course, or not ...

Dyshidrosis Treatment

elbos @ 2008-02-02T20: 46:00

Nothing changed his mind, the brave girl was determined to continue despite repeated, ad nauseam, that could not be ensure their protection. Even for half an hour left reinforcements arrived, while the group had divided to find what had initially come here to do: Look up drugs.
Winston, Paul and Rebecca went down the hallway that connected the building with the store, did not like the idea of moving to a building completely unknown and serious weaponry, but at least the confidence that Winston and his infectious self-confidence demonstrated by moving him comforted. Iban corridors in silence for Paul is dizzy on how similar they were all on several occasions he thought he had been there. Background, as a rumor, the morning brought the new routine of the city. Grunts, shouts and occasionally a shot.
Suddenly the lights dimmed lit corridors leaving nothing but the light coming from windows.

- There has been an electrical short, too accurate. Are the nine o'clock sharp. It must be that the building itself regulates the light. - Winston muttered as he looked at his watch.

could tell the tension in the air. Paul looked around nervously, anxious groping Rebecca Henry revolver he had borrowed before separating. Winston, however, notable that the only thing that was appreciated was winding down.
Minutes later they were, to climb a wide staircase, front door, supposedly led them directly to the store. The double gate was closed and its circular glass windows let in light into the dark hall.

"Here, you will be more manageable - Rebecca Paul suggested holding out his gun at her.

- Baby, I've been handling a Colt Python from 9 years, I feel safer with this than with a bra. - Answered sharply rolling drum
Paul smiled and his face hit the small windows of the door trying to see something.
not have to wait long to receive a signal inside.
A bloody hand awkwardly slapped with an open hand on the glass. Paul withdrew his face immediately and Rebecca hit a short sharp scream but Wiston unlock your gun with ease, as if waiting for that pass.
Finally some action. Rebecca, that weapon is too powerful to shoot within a corridor so narrow, it could screw us eardrums. You just open the door and walk away. You, Paul shot only what is necessary and whether there is only one, I leave it to me. What I said?
Do not use my gun - Rebecca answered.

- And I do not shoot like crazy. "Answered Paul.

- I speak as a real prodigy - Winston laughed. - Seriously, Let us place ourselves.

The two men stood at the farthest distance that allowed the steps they had at their back and shot position, holding their weapons with both hands.
- With that uniform and you have nothing more than a gun? - Paul commented while watching the door
It broke my assault rifle when he opened his head to one infected ... Russia had to be ... - Winston answered without eager to talk. Rebecca
put his hands on the two knobs and waited for a signal to open.
- Now!
doors were opened while Rebecca was left to fall back. Time stopped for a moment, darkness came dozens of hands and then staggering figures.
only reacted when he heard his side of the gun shots Wiston. Immediately discharged his weapon in front of them but not worry about aiming. The noise made by the two arms echoed over the groans as a macabre melody.
"ten, eleven ..." He counted the shots
to but his mind went blank when a hole appeared with a fast transient a daughter, his instinct told him to shoot screaming, but could not even write it down and quickly approached Rebecca who was still sitting on the floor. He was unable to shoot, he now realized that it is impossible to prepare for something similar.
Meanwhile, a shot struck the girl. Winston nudged him he reacted instantly, but it was not to shoot at targets, a tangle of dead bodies are crowding at the door.
- Because you have stopped shooting!? They could have killed him! Winston-Shout pointing to Rebecca.

- Sorry, I get stuck ... I could not shoot a girl! He defended Paul

- She was no longer a child, will never be a girl! "Said Winston - In war, the difference between dying and living is decided in split seconds, I can not allow doubt, put in peril.

- I'm not a soldier, I'm not used to it, and still keep my scruples. Paul-challenged, she felt too humiliated.

- In this hell we are all soldiers, you should have learned long ago.

- Shut up you two! -Interrupted before Paul could answer "Hark!

Paul changed his pale face terrifying enraged. In the distance, footsteps, screams and groans were heard throughout the complex.
did not need to repeat, joining Paul helped Rebecca as Winston made his way through the bodies killed. Paul tried to close the door, but the bodies piled stopped him and gave up. Ran down the hall, passing beside the door shooting. As they arrived at another door, opened it and closed it behind him.
The hall had been left behind and now were in a room that was occupied only by a giant freight elevator inoperative, probably because of lack of electricity in the area, and beside a ladder. The roof was unattainable, there were pockets of enough power off, to be lit enlighten them everything. The air was stale and the darkness became more and more intense as roaring down the metal staircase that led to endless store.
With one hand on the gun and over the railing, Paul was in the rear nervously looking back, just saw Rebeca in the dark before, repeatedly tripped over it. Halfway an inhuman scream shook Paul bristling hairs of the neck, down more quickly, and failed to see anything, Paul kept his gun and went down and feeling around with his free hand, without thinking if wants, he found the warm hand of Rebecca and intertwined.
- Did not have any light? - Asked Rebecca.
- Yes, but do not want to be a light source saying "eat," Winston replied - Do not be afraid of the dark, afraid of what they hide, and anyway the power generator down here, while we will restore electricity.
continued down a few steps in silence. No air and ran toward the sweltering heat. Holding hands yet, he thought of the previous summer, Nizar, Mary and he, as always ... The gang, it was amazing that the three have survived.
had never believed in God and certainly far less, but perhaps it was fate that wanted to survive, like a miracle. They say that the you get older person becomes more religious, it may be fear of death and it may be what was happening now.
His thoughts were dashed when Rebecca let go of his hand. Had fallen and were in a T-shaped hallway, the hallway leading to a huge door, like a hangar. The elevator was on his back and watching a Winston counter with a flashlight the size of a pencil.
He stopped in front of the elevator door, returning to his thoughts.
"There. "Winston said while the entire stay lit so blinding.
light burned his eyes. Blink several times to get used to the change of light. Rebecca covering her crouched
eyes with his hands, Winston, however, only looked at the floor.
A rumor reached him near anything mechanical.
The elevator was going down.

Almond Wood And Arsenic

elbos @ 2008-02-02T20: 3:00

"predict the unpredictable"

Bonita sentence is what we always said Nizar. In his work there were no timetables or routines. Everything was improvisation, is a good motto if you want to keep up with a bodyguard of a president as well billionaire gangster, a monopoly of medical and chemical fields.
Paul would have given anything at that time for having learned that slogan to fire.
Sitting, leaning against the door, holding the beatings of at least one infected, as he struggled to find a solution to get out of there, they could not enter, but did not move cautiously
Rebecca was washing his face to cool.
minutes passed in silence, none of them dared to say anything. The only sound was the clumsy footsteps across the door and occasionally some rap on the door as you guessed stumbling against the door. Suddenly, the hope was to make sense, when they heard three gunshots.

"deliberate and accurate shots, is an expert marksman."

They looked at one second.

He made a gesture of peace to Rebecca.

stood up and opened a few inches the door. The narrow passage was a nightmarish landscape. A lot of blood on the walls and could see the shoes of a child damaged lying on the floor.

"You have a lot of nerve to shoot and" quiet

few steps echoed in the hallway where he was approaching.
without meditating, slowly came out of hiding and ran his eyes across the aisle to stand in the silhouette that was heading.
He stopped, but her face showed no surprise. He was dressed in uniforms similar to the GEOS but without a helmet and a great emblem drawn on his vest.
Instinctively, Paul took his business card pocket. Logos match. Still would not move or fail to observe the movements of that subject.

- Are you Paul? He asked, keeping his gun. He was a man in his thirties. The accent was foreign, seemed to be an American. His voice was soft, but direct

- Who do you ask? "He answered quickly. Since childhood he had learned to talk without really saying anything and dodging questions with skill.

- Relax guy, I'm here because you are in deep shit and that someone cares about you ... If not, I would not have gotten into this damn hole trap. - Slowly came a communicator to his mouth and spoke again. - Subject found, recójannos in an hour.

- Who do you work? "With one hand in his side made a slight gesture of refusal to Rebecca that was hovering at the door. Then scratched the tip of the fingers itched for some time, he assumed it would be by the suffering adrenaline every time he looked in distress.

- For those who can afford my services. "I run at large strides down the hall, but stopped short when one of the zombies was getting out of bed.

A pain almost forgotten came back to rob Paul, a buzz that kept him from not even thinking, she closed her eyes and clenched his teeth to keep from crying. Tan soon as it was the pain came.

She opened her eyes and the zombie fell from the ceiling and moved several meters, had not heard gunshots.

- But what ...? - Rebeca said his side had already left the bathroom and looked at him with eyes off the infected orbits collapsed on the ground, it rose again.

The other guy just looked at Paul with a look of interest at the time of caution.

- We must leave here now. "But when he took two steps, the door that housed the temporary lair Paul and his new companions, opened to show Henry's sleepy face.

- What nose going on here? - Henry shouted, running his hand over his face trying to clear.

note that is just up and certainly did not expect this shit.

- Is he going with you? The man asked softly, as he threw a hand sneak the weapon.

- If not infected. "He said and stood among them.

- Ok, here we are safe. "He said through the door while Henry watched him askance.

were all half asleep and still in their beds when they entered. Luckily, they had no idea what had happened out there in the bathroom.

"If they found out would be a good reason to throw me out of the group by reckless and expose "their girl" High Noon "

He sat in a chair and looked into the eyes of Rebecca, who entered at that moment the door.
was a look of understanding, the two knew not to talk about it.

- Well, this is the situation. We are in a fairly central building of the city, which means that there are thousands of these bastards. I do not understand as you continue to live but I do not care, we are going to get fuck out of here, just wait for the cavalry is about to arrive. Now if you'll excuse me I have to talk privately with your friend. - The left everyone perplexed with his verbiage. Even Paul was slow to react when the man led him to another room next door.

closed the door and the man still unknown to Paul began walking about the room.

- Good boy, is a joy to see you still alive. I was the first to find and is a relief. "He was telling.

- What? Who I want? Why? I stammered, becoming less and understand her life like a movie directed by screenwriter macabre and cruel.

The man looked at him with sorrow.

- Okay, you have not heard yet. Tell me that you know what happened. "He said his tireless nonstop trip around the room.

- Well ... Not much, trying to invent excuses tried any credible story "Someone to scattered a virus or a biological weapon by the city. "He said trying to show belief in what he said.

- know the same people out there. "He was saying while he took a cigarette and a lighter zippo. - I can?

- Uh, yeah sure, go ahead. "It allowed Paul, stunned by his kindness

- Well ... What I paint this? - His head was spinning and still did not believe this was all real.

- I do not know very well, but you're someone important in the hub of all this, I still do not know why you got into the laboratories. - Paul opened his mouth to protest, how the hell knew that? The man ignored and continued - But there's tracking equipment you are looking for and not necessarily to buy you a coffee, I guess I try to keep you out alive but do not ask me why, because I have no idea. - He said, without looking at his face, that made that Paul put on the defensive.

- And as you're not from those teams that want to kill me? - Answered. Beginning to dislike all this.

- Because you would have blown the fucking head. "I said as he just told a joke - I'm just the idiot who sent here to save your ass. All doubts about why you seek you mentioned it to Nizar, I guess you know.

- Nizar? Nizar've seen, right?

- recently found him, with minor bruises is better than everyone in this room together, given the lack of military personnel, he is responsible for all the south of Madrid. He ordered me to look for you in this area has found interesting things, you also told me to meet him at the communication tower TVE. In about an hour we gather and prepare your luggage that we leave. - Concluded on his way to the other room.

- How do I know I can trust you?, Even know your name. "He said quickly.

The man stood turned away.
- Call me Winston. - She smiled, then walked away "Well this is the plan, prepare, because we are going to get out of here soon, we will take you to a safe point and there will be safe, if I say run away, you run, if I say that I Pareis , I haven, and if I tell you saltéis ...

- jumped - Completed Rebeca, who seemed the most animated of the room.

- Well, ye ye take the helicopter first, I will show you what it is and Paul and I, second.

- Do not you come with us? "He said Enrique

- The first is to bring, we still have work to do.

- Well, I'm going with you, "Rebecca said as she closed her bag, had picked up everything very quickly. 3:17 a.m.