Saturday, September 22, 2007
Largest Capacity Dvd Changer
Dando gun for loss, Paul left the office taking care not to step on the putrid body of the man, leaving the door creaking, was found in a large office with papers on the floor, sparking computers with monitors broken, tables overturned and blood, much blood. However, the most daunting of all this grim picture were the dozens of fingerprints and blood-stained footprints crisscrossed everywhere, a complete collection, but did not see anyone, but neither could ensure that those footprints were living beings.
Carefully reviewed all the compartments of workers and their tables in search of something that might serve as a weapon, trying to make as little noise as possible, lighting of the place was quite weak, and halogen lit flickered intermittently, the silence in that room I was getting on my nerves. Had just closed a drawer of a smoker when a metallic sound broke the fragile calm, rang again, this time as if he had dropped a spoon on the floor. The sound came from a hallway adjacent to the room turning the corner.
dared not see what happened without a decent weapon, just realize that it had held your breath all the time breathing and was sweating, swollen lungs and exhaled slowly, needed to relax. Reviewed the drawers of the tables were still right and found a small sword-shaped letter opener, may serve as a dagger, although it was not too keen, put it in the belt buckle and again heard that goddamn noise we've been listening for quite some time, this wail of something that previously had been human, that buzz that made you hair stand on end, was like the growl of a dying beast and stalking. Gradually
that sound was multiplying until it seemed that the entire floor was groaning. A disco inferno began to hear through the building, doors opening and closing, the walls were shaking and the sighs, the moans he drilled above the ears. This was a macabre tune when it announced a possible death, the bravest of the brave have put to mourn on the floor like a baby to hear and feel all inside the building
"Now is the hell "
There was no other option but to leave by legs, the fire escape was the end of several corridors crossing was his only salvation, so I ran as much as I could, ignoring the growing crowd coming towards him and the noise grew in a corner of a sudden, was blocked by another infected immediately, Paul attack again as it did with the previous but this one grabbed him off balance to the body and he fell to the ground and drop the backpack. Aching for the fall
rose slowly and located a few feet toward the backpack narrow corridor separating him from salvation, as noted scared grabbed the foot,. The infected was holding him down awkwardly but with anger in his right ankle ready to bite with a mouth dripping blood, but something like darker and thicker.
a kick broke free, stumbled picked up his backpack and ran out the door a push. But all was not yet out of danger, several of these beings are already moving towards the door, glanced could count ten to twelve. He closed the door and leaned against it by exerting pressure, while seeking a loophole.
"no good, they would gain in number and strength"
peering to the surroundings and to his surprise he saw climbing stairs up to two people with individual jackets which they were familiar. The closer was on the gleaming black vests acronym
- Out!
did not need to repeat it twice. Sticking to the wall a few steps down.
The door swung open to make way for the fervent wave hands rigid tooth and looking forward to something to eat.
Too close, one of them managed shoulder deep scratch protected by nothing more than Paul's civilian clothes. From there his memories are confused, dizzy, stung the scratch and could only remember a lot of noise of guns, people screaming and rattle it feels to be inside a vehicle.
When he awoke, his tongue was asleep and felt in the mouth the taste of anesthesia, opened his eyes and found himself in a kind of UCI in which the only table was theirs in the middle of the room, with a dim light and red, everything seems normal except that there was a surveillance camera in the ceiling.
be tried to incorporate, but to get to know what would happen after she had not. A deep voice, very serious, like someone had smoked for 40 years in a row, spoke but does not seem to address him.
- Incredible ...
Another young voice replied
- Tests confirm a complete symbiosis, we did sir. Dazed and
ardiéndole shoulder, was in a nearby mirror wearing nothing but the typical hospital gown and with a fantastic track on the left hand attached to a bottle of dubious content.
deep voice again to say a few words that time if they were directed towards him
- How are you, Paul?
That voice ... I was strangely familiar.
remained silent - Do not say anything? You should be grateful boy, we've saved lives and also have in you something special ... Paul
clouded in his thoughts, he turned his head to discover that the voice came from a corner where he was an old speaker.
"Qq-happened to me? "Stammered
- you're safe ... I have saved my life but you can not stay ... ... Special. - Seemed to seek the right words to hide something.
"What the hell is this? ... God, that headache"
The voice went on, this time in a hard and defiant tone:
- Seriously. Not dead because I want to go on living, we are interested. Furthermore, you know some of us gives way ... Naughty.
"Why not have me killed? Do you want to talk? "
Before I could answer the stranger spoke again
- I would love to continue this discussion but I have what it takes, we will see in the afterlife.
The speaker gave a click and no longer hear the voice again.
- Hello? Is there anybody there?
shouted through the window to his right he could see outside was falling and a storm was pretty strong and dark, he heard more thunder and the room is lit by lightning.
could not keep waiting for something to happen, had to take the lead. He took off his route carefully, and stood up on shaky legs to get up he saw his clothes and backpack were supported in a chair in the room, to his surprise, the gun was inside.
something is wrong, too quiet, fearing the worst, went to the window and looked out. What he expected.
Neither was in a hospital, or is safe. He was in a building that has spent more time at home: ZAC Nursing Chapter 2
Friday, September 14, 2007
Throat Spasms The More I Speak
totally climbed on the roof, helping each other, after a few seconds and were both peering above the area was not a very tall building, but enough to see the awesome spectacle of the street: Lots of people walking awkwardly, many with no body parts like arms, feet and even the chest.
was hard to think rationally that such things were moving, but it did.
The Apocalypse had come. Nizar
and Paul were a couple of minutes watching this whole nightmarish landscape, while far distant shots were heard yet, possibly living people, yet. Paul
Nizar look askance at a bag which contained soil and surprised his grin. Was younger than Paul and that was very strange to keep a straight face, mature, undisturbed. Many of the most experienced soldiers in the country have died from not knowing how to keep the nerves and he was pretty quiet.
- Well, what now where we're going, as you will not fly. "Joked Paul even knew it was funny at the time.
Indeed, the building that went straight into the street Almansa was far enough not to get a jump.
- Sergio is dead. "I cut
- What ...?
- was inevitable, had been infected already.
- Oh shit ...
Paul suddenly felt very depressed and felt anguish for Mary. Nizar
grimaced in a grimace like a wry smile, and pulled out a thick rope wound pack. Small pocket pulled out a small hook that knotted with skill. Paul smiled
The holy rope that had taken more of a jam with her had taken advantage of those infected do not know scale. Sergio was a climber and always carried in his backpack,
The two had learned that night was out of their death, thankfully The night was clear and there was hardly what the clouds with increased visibility.
- Do you like the action movies? He asked Nizar
Paul was immediately changed the face
- Dude ... It will be a joke, right? - Said incredulously.
- Je, can you think of something better? "He said Nizar .- Come on. Hold on to me.
- Can you me? He hesitated
- Do you prefer to ask, please, those infected kind that let you cross the sidewalk? - He mocked
Paul waved his shoulders
- That is what God wants.
Nizar is grabbed even doubtful if you would.
It made several turns on its head and threw the hook into a building about 20 meters bigger than where they were and hit just below the roof.
- Ready?
"One thing we must die ... .- Paul said resignedly.
Without hesitation, Nizar knotted rope to the arm and jumped into the void, and in the pressured air to create a pendulum effect that will go up as much as possible. The seconds were spent endless.
seemed they were going to get when the cable wire reinforced crumbles under the weight, and both were thrown into the building, when it stood being catapulted against the facade. Nizar slammed into the wall of the building and fell to the emergency stairs. Paul had better luck and he went through a window at speed.
Minutes later, Paul stood up in pain with difficulty wiping the glass body that had fallen on his entry had busted a window and was beaten when he fell against a month. He was in a small firm, the table was overturned, broken computer, there were many crystals in the ground thanks to him, blood on the walls and door with broken glass, open.
"The staff here have had a good fight with your boss"
giggled hysterically.
"God, I will pot ... Welcome paranoia"
He put his hand to his waist.
"Shit, the gun ...."
He had fallen, began to search the room taking care not to cut. Suddenly he saw something moving on a glass mirrored floor, something just behind her. Nearly paralyzed by the fear of being unarmed, he bent down and took a piece of window glass, being careful not to cut it. A smell of sour milk came in waves, and it was an arcade. Without thinking twice he turned sharply and fell upon the shoulder as possible zombie at him.
Indeed, with a groan of frustration more than pain, the man fell down. With only a few reflections own youth and physical training, Paul drove the softened glass in the head causing a sickening sound of bones cracking.
The rise was the appearance of this strange, their clothes were tattered executive and stained, and the top of his head still retained a few strands of hair that is glimpsed refined styling, had no visible injuries.
for the broken window he came a little fresh air ventilating the stench of the room.
careful not to slip, with dark blood began to flood the floor joined.
"I lost my gun, I'm locked in a building a few floors of the roof, zombies everywhere and coming storm outside, can be worse?"
Monday, September 10, 2007
Scholarships For Lazy Eyes
through the door, automatically the features of his face and body tensed.
lights were off, on the carpet covering the whole huge hall with a blue color was a dark and dry, and sides of the hall, closed doors and barred including fast and improvised barricades made of planks. All this left his eyes a desolate landscape at the hotel a hotel for those in one night around 1000 € .
The smell of damp earth and putrefaction became more and more unbearable as he slowly lowered the landing with his footsteps echoing throughout the room. It was midafternoon, when it is visible, and it had rained all day. The board received the keys used to store was empty, the last step down the little staircase, sound of something breaking under his feet did break that awkward silence that reigned throughout the place, not daring to move even an inch.
tried to discern any movement around her, waiting about a minute to see that no the calm was broken. Sighed with relief, but behind him on the floor and spotted a shadow in less than a split second, reacted running outwards. Around him were more of "them" but there was a particular route and should not get out of it. Carefully took the streets, always trying to go through the opening wider and much twisting turning a corner. Every time "they" were more numerous and not just slow, as people think.
As he ran he remembered how the first night it happened, the disaster became a kind of universal selectivity, in which only the strongest survived, at least for a while ...
"They" were closing more and more about Paul and had to turn down an alley that was not within its route.
"Great .... Works ....
Amid the dead was a large tunnel and around the valley to safety.
Paul knew that every second was vital and that it was too late to turn around.
was trapped.
I could hear the cries and smell the putrid breath of them, so I only had a choice: Scale.
looked at the first window of the alley, put his foot on the small balcony of the window and tried reach with hands on the next floor balcony. Came very fair with his fingers and had no time to find best place to go.
Someone or something grabbed his pants, who else but "them".?
People infected with a virus still unknown, which is spread through bodily fluids and blood, its devastating effects ... Simply, transforms a person into a healthy and be good .... In an animal .... Totally enraged, filled with homicidal rage with one goal: Eat and spreading the virus.
Those who laughed at the old zombie movies, eat-brains may now be joining the ranks of these.
cinema has always represented slow, clumsy and without any intelligence, that is partly true, but what nobody knew was that "reason" and can learn things like animals, some already know how to work together to earn their food and this is what really caused the disaster is of such dimension.
Although Paul did not know really how big is this dimension and if it even has affected other countries.
There he was, despair and suffering to reach the second landing of the window, not come, when it was already lost ....
* BOOM * Middle
stunned by the noise, looked up and saw his friend Nizar on the roof of the building, holding black slide a shotgun, Mossberg model, and targeting that state be about to get to Paul, now lying on the ground, with virtually no head and blood splattered all over the street. Nizar
quickly threw the gun on small landing window and fell to him, grabbed the hand of his friend and helped him up.
Paul to go up, leaned over the fence of the balcony and breathe hard with a flushed face of obvious exhaustion. Was safe.
- Thanks, man .... Has been a hair. "He said to catch his breath. Nizar
turned her head to him, nodded in approval and leaned back against the wall.
- Thank God I saw you, the situation is getting increasingly difficult, too infected. He started to say .- I had to go through the roof of the building, the entrance was crowded. I think that is no longer secure the site of the clinic.
- So, where are we going? He was still panting.
- I heard on the radio that apparently are being standardized, as far as it goes, some areas, these include enabling a refugee center on the outskirts.
- No car will be impossible to reach. "He said grimly.
- I know, luckily no one in the garage for employees of the clinic, I hope you have gas.
- will have to try ... "Replied resignedly. Nizar
looked around.
- What about Mary?
- We did not get away in the street Almansa number 4, I think.
- They have to go look.
Paul jumped.
- Well underway.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Opalescence How Long To Leave In
candles a room that had experienced better days were consumed slowly. Between the dim light could be recognized with two figures crouched pose tired. Neither people imagined they would end up hidden in the strait and messy room so long. One of the silhouettes, stealthy as a ghost, approached a window and pulled the blinds with a listless hand movement. The light from a lamp post outside the face brightened. He was a young boy, his face showed no emotion, his lips were sealed with neutral expression, long hair fell carelessly over the sides of the face and clear eyes had a shine off. Slowly sat down on the floor full of papers. The other woman's silhouette is guessed, was crouching with his head between his knees and breathing rapidly.
The boy looked up at her.
- is taking too ...
She looked at him, his face red, denoting that this situation overflowed and stammered and sobs uttered:
- No thought of coming out, right?
He grabbed his hands, he was cold.
- well, here they can not come. -
tried to calm her anxiety she sighed but nodded.
He turned around, grabbing a table crowded Browning of things, checked the charger and put it in the back, holding the belt, his movements were quick and precise it. Then, he grabbed a backpack and opened it, inside was a sub-gun M41K, nuts, two water bottles, chocolate and enough ammunition. It took the gun and put it on the table without a word, adjusted his body bag and walked to the door decided. Behind
heard as she grabbed the gun and whispered.
- Paul, be careful ...
paused a moment, and without turning around, nodded, opened the door and disappeared behind it. And here begins
Calla Lily Decoration Toronto
mine. This blog is devoted largely to writing my stories I'll put order chapters, the first is titled: Report of hell.