Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Virgnia License Template

'm back from London ...

Well here we are ... back to reality on Monday and got to the airport in Seville on 20: 30 or so.
About the trip ... as saying "super-mega-cool chupi" fall short, because it was geniaaal, there was no incident, except those small glitches with these Italians Italians ... ... U_U and theft of a camera, but nah, everything else went great: D

1st day, Wednesday, March 29: We arrived 14:00 Heathrow Airport and then settle into the hotel, which was not bad but you do not see the lint that was under the bed ... xDD, because then we only had time to walk around and around Covent Garden and we T_T rained

2nd day, Thursday March 30: went to see a little with the city and around Covent Garden andurreamos found a good church where Joss sure xD hear my prayers and called Forbidden Planet Geek is the largest store I've ever seen (I must say that I have seen very few xD) but just seeing the window ... the window enterito buff was Serenity! and when I ran into is when I freaked really, oohh ESLA everywhere, like Buffy and Star Wars and the whole universe of Burton, just remember and get excited: D and the best is when I discovered the 2 nd floor in the basement, all full of movies, books and comics: O Overall, I left a bundle there, as it should be, and I brought a punk-xD one Spike Buffy comic, 2 magazines of those that only sell there, a book as was Serenity, as was another Nightmare Before Christmas (the 2 fairly thick and loaded with data curious and very cute pictures ^ ^) a cute figurine of Edward Scissorhands and a Jack Skeleton and also 2 trading card packets Buffy and Serenity: D and above in the store that played music Molon, fuck took putting all time I was at the Kaiser Chiefs: O
I must also say that that day I did my 1st practice with English to ask for in a Macdonalds xDD

Later we went to Picadilly (oohh charming neighborhood: D) and then to the National Gallery , which by the way half the people who came with us went to enter the museum to see a fat black like that to dance like Michael Jackson T_T juas juas

We also visited the house of Blair and the neighborhood that they live all the ministers, and protecting the door a bunch of cops with machine guns O_o
Then we got to Big Ben, which bonitoooo:) and I made a picture in a booth with a lot of these famous porn
xD And at night a small handful (the best of course! lol) went to a musical, Chicago is nothing more and nothing less, I have so far only seen the musical Buffy xD but this impressed me was fantastic, ohh that music, actors, and danced, and sang, great, great:)

3rd day, Friday March 31: took a bus to Oxford, juas that city, nice and it seems ... very safe until they let us go our air: O

After eating at a Macdonalds (that I have fed every day, and now I have mono ... mmmm macnuggets) went to Stratford-upon-Avon, William Shakespeare, and many beautiful houses equal, and above found a store "Alternative Fashion" come on, half-Gothic punkarra, how nice was all the clothes ... and still face U_U I bought a few sheets Molon, a shirt of Emily The Strange (for fiiiiinn! !) and a sea monkey socks with skulls:)

4th day, Saturday April 1: we planned to go to Portobello, a famous flea market around here, but the rain we changed plans and went to the British Museum, waaa I could finally see all these things as pain in the ass of the books of social xDD no, seriously, I really liked: D
After walking a long time, we arrive at Science Museum of London, but as we had little time for me I only had time to see a few dinosaur skeletons and a few other interesting things (I felt sorry for not being able to spend more time in this museum eh) Then we

by Buckingham Palace, and saw the guards do ... those rare guards here and there and giving a rare saltitos xD Then we went to 24 hours next to the hotel to buy chocolate and then mount fiestuqui Room in room: D

5th day, Sunday April 2: morning we took a good throw to the Tower of London (not yet named because if a house O_o) was also very cool ... the torture room and all the weapons:) _ jojojo also saw the jewel in the crown and others of various kings (go stones they had) and then again those guys dressed in a strange way xD and then I found a black lollipop with esqueletitos cute and delicious for my tummy:) _

Later we saw the famous London Bridge, but we did not happen because we did not have time u_u and then went to the Tate Gallery, that where people stop to look at pictures for hours trying to understand or something for that I will do u_u I tell you the truth, if there was a table with 2 lines only saw 2 lines (oh that I'm Shallow ... xDD) that if there were a few paintings of Dali, and those molaban me before and I could see them really close and "in flesh and bone":)

And as was already the last night we went out a few (others stayed in the hotel Betis-Sevilla watching without comment ...) a ratillo night, we ate at an Italian if I think about how rich he was the pizza makes my mouth water:) __ and then went to a cinema with giant arcade, we went there for a while and miraculously caught running running the last train of the night (at 12 o'clock xD) by the hair, we were going to leave the heart, but it was exciting: D, and we had a great time to be the last night and over while riding in escalators and an aunt with a guitar was singing a sad song on the subway and I got the blues because they want to go back ... After

:____( as usual, since we met about 12 or so in one room and we decided not sleep all night xD and up to 3 boys transvestites! Juajuajuaaaaa aunts were allowed to paint and all xDDDDDDDD

6th day, April 3: last day, I pissed off and started playing edge U_U collect all the things in the room and rush the rest of the morning going to an exclusive exhibition of sketches by Michelangelo in the British Museum who said that alone would be exposed in that month and no more, and before I went shopping in Covent Garden for see if you catch a Sex Pistols T-shirt, but there was that I liked so in the end it nah ... and back to the hotel and catch the bus sadly and very tired of not having slept the night before anything else and 2 h daily ...

u_u Anyway, almost lost the round by boat flight and 10 people without a teacher, but in the end everything went well, and my nasty people:)

And then if I have time to hang pics : D


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