Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Large Fibroids, Nausea & Headache & Dizziness

Angel, Prison Break and deep hatred for TVE ¬ ¬

! For the 1st time I update the 3 series that was supposed to "keep up to date" xDD (Lost, My Name Is Earl and VM: P) so in a way he "used" xD Easter to incharme a series: D

At the end I put the batteries with Lost and I'm going to pace USA) because after so many chapters flojillos, seeing the 2x17 and has driven me to engage in the series as before, that piece of chapter! : D

But a week ago I also finished Season 3 of Angel, which I bought last year xD and I was out there leveraged. So far is the best season of Angel I've seen, I was hooked so I only lasted a few days: P and the extras were not bad, is there another deleted scene buenisima!
xD Well, now I look forward to the 4th season (I thought I read there that comes out May 4) to agenciarmela along with Buffy's 7th taking advantage of the 3x2's Court English: P

And still I ran the series (well, not quite, that I have out there floating around the 2 nd of The 4400 u_u) pos kept watching Prison Break, we had seen the capital pilot some time ago, but say that I hooked the truth, and the next 2 I saw not that I've marked a lot, but the thing is gaining interest ... so I'll be seeing it from time to time, but I will follow : P

And now I spend a little deep hatred for TVE. Damn, have to remove Everwood vueto for 2 nd time! T_T and not just Everwood, Smallville also, that followed her, but hey, fuck xD And it's over, the very goat *** have changed to Tuesdays Desperate Housewives, that is, the same day that House ¬ ¬ I'll see House, because I lost 2 Capys MD and now I lost

xDD EDIT: Andaaa but if not removed Everwood, and Smallville, just stopped broadcasting for 3 weeks ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ me piro

Ale to study, or at least I try xD


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