Well. I leave the stress of a thousand things I should be doing to tell you that I bought a Kindle .
As you can see in the link, is an electronic device to read e-books created by amazon, and it is AWESOME. What I have in my hands from Monday:) And I went immediately to read the fourth volume of A Song of Ice and Fire, which had left half a while ago and now I work in a stolen time.
I bought Wi-Fi version, which leaves U.S. $ 139, and I've been using all the free stuff I can use.
Now my comment: Why
why should buying a Kindle?
1. The screen is incredibly convenient: One of the things I read on screens complicated era, among other things, the brightness of the sun. The computer screen becomes useless in a sunny spot, which on a portable device to read you would lose all purpose. In addition, the view tires, much as these screens are super modern. But the Kindle has pixelina (so christened with a friend xD) and screen-eyes or reflect sunlight. To give you an idea, it looks almost like a sheet of paper.
2. When you say portable, I mean it: In size, the Kindle is a bit bigger than my hand (about 8 inches). Is very thin and weighs less than a quarter of a kilo. With all that, I can throw in a pocket or purse and feel the weight.
3. Rate of change of page: It may seem minor, but it ruins a lot of continuity when you have to wait a long time to finish the sentence. With the kindle does not happen, the page change is almost instantaneous, it's like reading a book and having to turn the pages.
4. Notes, bookmarks and highlights: The Kindle allows you to make appointments that you like and save the text (we display them in a special section all together), or posting to twitter / facebook to share. You can mark any page or make notes in the text, which in some cases is very useful.
5. English Dictionary: For when you read in English, if you encounter a word you do not know very well. The Kindle has an English dictionary (Oxford) that shows the meaning of a word just put the cursor next to it.
6. Fun stuff for the text: For the things about the kindle format (. AZW, if I remember correctly) one has a lot of fun applications. One of the things I liked is the ability to increase / decrease the font size, which makes it super comfortable for myopic people like me. You can also choose from three different font types, increase / decrease the spacing between lines and words per line.
7. Surfing the Internet: Although this is not much proque recommend a PC is still better, with the Kindle you can surf the web. Just put the web site and shows it (even I got my e-mail). In case of not having a PC at hand, serves.
8. Internet Downloads: Many people do not know but amazon have books "free" to the public (something that the ownership of copyright as it is released to spend time and books are "public .) The thing is that you get with the Kindle Kindle Store (or from your computer) and "buy" at $ 0.00. The books, with this, you instantly get to your Kindle for start reading at the moment. You can also download free samples of books, which are typically several pages, to see whether it pays to read / buy / download a particular book.
9. File Conversion: You spoke of the fun applications that texts are shaped for Kindle. While the Kindle reads. Pdf, it is as "image", so you can not do anything fun with the power and you adjust the screen size of the Kindle, which is tiny and not very recommended. However, this does not mean you have to be chained down just things amazon store. If you send an email to the address you provided when you buy Amazon Kindle, and you put "Convert" in case, the commands you free to your Kindle and converted to the format (if you are connected to wi-fi. If you use the 3G network is the most expensive model, you're charged a little MB). And I have a 27 books in Kindle format and all thanks to this system.
10. Battery: The battery lasts long. I have not yet exhausted, but has spent almost nothing in all this time. As the page says, lasts from 3 weeks to a month, so do not have to be recharging it every time:) what is certainly a plus.
11. Space: Kindle is about 3.5 GB of space, and if one takes into account that most books do not weigh almost nothing, this is enough. I, as I said, I have 27 books, but still I have 3.1 GB free. : D
12. Music: Although I have not done for space issues, you can add music to kindle and the play while reading. There are books that come with the application "Text-to-speech", where a half robotic voice will read aloud.
:) I find that it was a good buy . It is very comfortable and practical, does not have the discomforts of electronic screens, but is almost the same level as the paper. As for me I liked most is the screen, even with the sun coming fully reflects nothing, something that even saves paper (several times I've been a little too dazzled by a sheet white and the sun hitting hard on my head.) If you are thinking about buying one, I recommend it fully. It allows you to walk with your entire library in your pocket, and if you are an avid reader comes to your mind:) taking into account that one can find almost all the books on the Internet for free.
Greetings!: D
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