This time I I had to let it loose and not upgraded for many days, but I'm so ... *-* Love me Like These days have been lazy, sleep late, watch dramas, movies, shopping and asdf, but not everything is perfect ...
may not know, but this year I went to fourth half (last year) and I prepare to give the PSU (University Selection Test ¬ ¬), so I decided that this year I incribiría in high school. Several people have told me to go to a pre hurts, but I feel I've forgotten many things and I know, I know I'm not going to study alone in my free time, so I decided to do pre, to remember and reinforce what is already stored in the recesses of my brain: 3 My mom agrees to take a pre, but wants it to be something I do not get stressed and preferably be the end week (oo), but do not know ... I have no bad marks, in fact my NEM so far is 6.8, but this year I feel that if I take lightly, I'm not going to emerge in the PSU D: In addition to give up the science test and feel it is so but so much stuff (though can and not be so in the event, or idea) and I feel that the time to give physical because it's not my favorite classes and I forgot all folic offer nothing * cries hysterically *. Well, now the drama is that I do not know what pre choice: 3 clearly if you go to a pre pure nice things to say you sign up there and I do not know where to start, what things to consider when choosing one, etc. So far more than me tinca Pedro de Valdivia, but my boyfriend's sister studied there and he says it sucks and others have told me is to go to waste pure silver xd Others have told me that is very good and served them sick at the time of the PSU and I like "So what?! @ _ @ "And so with several pre, not only with that. I know many of you already paid the PSU and I really appreciate them much if I orient a bit with this: 3 Thanks in advance.
Drama 2: Do not know what to study: D
Drama 3: I go to extract wisdom teeth.
Because I have more space and will affect my other teeth. XD But I'm afraid I asked my mom if she changed the subject dolíay o.oU which left me not at all peaceful. Hurt? Survive? Nobody knows ... ok, yes, but it sounds more dramatic.
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