Days super complicated! @ 0 @
Uff ... long time since I wrote here a few months and will be good oo
But, today I come to vent a little what you're going these days:
reviews ... . ... way too many reviews! God
T0T'll go crazy with so much work, reviews of each subject, practical work, oral lessons, integrated assessments (including as content all you saw in the year, although fortunately they are only four ¬.¬).... much! T0T But still there is something that calms me, knowing you are the last days school, of which I am free of this annoying and finally part of next year I start to prepare myself for what I want to be in my life: study medicine and become a medical doctor! * A *
Seee, and the school telling me -.- tired over the years I went to the garden are 14 years of my life I started studying oo (I feel old!), But hey only a few days and will end Masy throughout this ordeal will tell uu
Then as I was in assessments * 3 *
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