Llegaste primaverita !!!!! * 0 *
Oh yeah, I was expecting it time in a while -3 - I know that started on Tuesday but did not have time to write! T0T
At last, no more cold mornings, warm clothing no more fed up, no more colds in the summer winding but cold like me to finally o_o , days when the sun is present, environments in which the bright little flowers and the birds sing merrily ok, that sounded way too cloying o_o , freedom to walk with clothes ed fashion and light, ending the school year, at last!! the most beautiful season has arrived !!!!!!! \\> 0 \u0026lt;/
Too bad only three mesecitos -3 - and then it's fucking sweltering summer with her ¬ _ ¬ so I aprobecharé
é 3 months hese can pump while passing-w-and indeed, yep, I'm in the last quarter of the secular oo so far I think I'll take gymnastics (I told you I'm a vague shit! ! xD) while with the only other note I have three I need to reach the final average, (the hardest is sociology, I need a 9 or 10!! T0T) but equally I can not neglect to too ; s subjects, if I get frowned upon in some, even with a 10 in the first quarter, with the note in the final is going all to hell (excuse my language so flowery but I find no other way to say -.-)
Aesop, I'll see what about the fate ¬. ¬
Greetings! ^ ^ Oh yeah
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