Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pee Dee Christian Music

My stomach hates me ...

And I'm serious, no joke, once again led me wrong with my tummy -.- u
Since Thursday night, I felt something strange, and had a bad feeling that something was going happen. I was not wrong, on Friday morning I woke up with zero desire to go to school, and a feeling as if a steamroller had passed over me. Although I told my mother, she did not seem to give much importance, but after taking my breakfast I started to feel worse ... came the nausea. Now with this
my mother believed me and let me skip school, but I really felt terrible so I went back to my bed to make an attempt to feel better. Quad woke me the only difference was that the nausea was gone, but the illness continued, I ate what I could at lunch, and spending the day in a little felt an improvement, I came , to my mind was calm.
Next Saturday, everything seemed fine, and as I am a beast with Sert me as a little better and embullí around: first roast lunch then many cookies as a snack, and finally a sandwich with ham, cheese, lettuce and tomato for dinner. Do not know if there were all together or one in particular I did not like, but the thing is that at 02:30 am while sleeping I hold intense heat followed by a desire to return all what embers in my stomach tremendous. I do not know how it did not vomit, but feel like I can not disappear. Up close to 07:30 in the morning (I could not sleep more, get up early the other night -.-) my stomach started to hurt, or more precisely the intestines, in addition to that I swelled up all around the abdomen. And so I followed
maso least so far, I have not eaten, I have not taken even water, all for fear that it hurts worse and worse, my mother gave me to go into hospital but I refused because I know , that will not do much for me, at most get a painkiller. Up tomorrow I have an assessment of language so now I'm studying, but I have it mind literally on the floor.
not the first time it happens, but hopefully with situations like this to try to teach me look what I'm eating, but my stomach definitely continue hating me.


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