Friday, April 30, 2010

What Power Adapter In Nicaragua

What can cause a joke ... Start Writing

Well well, today I'll start writing about something I thought would probably not nearly never in my life, but I always say there's a first time for everything, so ... -.-
Bue, one day I finished the secular missing since the alarm had failed to take my mother out of bed ... and therefore I fail to lift me nor ¬ ¬, the issue is that I was not that day and the next day I learn something interesting, there emerged a rift between my teammates with a company ... nothing was particularly Masy nothing less than the flagship of the course. It turns out that this girl had always strongly discriminated against, either by their appearance, their economic situation, the problems in his family, his intelligence over the study etc. Just know that course because I'm not going no more than 3 years counting on it so I do not know much of it, however there were several times I felt identified with she often used because''I believe'' discriminated against me ... you know, at first when you enter you as the''black sheep''of the group until you get used to achieve something that I already do, but something else that I thought I otherwise discriminate and the situation was this girl who discriminated against their own noses, I mean they told him in front of me (however nobody said anything to me, in fact the boys have begun to keep a certain respect ¬.¬... seee my serious attitude and bad rule ¬ ¬ w).
And that was the thing and that she became depressed as his parents sent her to a psychologist (If you stir the head and keeps you thinking as you want ¬ ¬). He alleged the girl mind helped to overcome their fears and showed him the easiest thing one can do when you fuck life: ignore them. She told me so happy I could ride life out there, beyond the problems I had out of high school, for that matter when he met me and saw that I was very ' 'timid''with others (in fact I'm pretty anti-social, I can give to friends and well they do not like to relate almost anyone, much less with the''ignorant''I have for fellow -. ¬ ... but not going to say that) then she also recommended that n was the psychologist who would help me feel better I bla bla bla. (and I had to ignore to not bother us ¬ ¬ though I must admit in''something''has helped me but I honestly prefer to keep my thoughts that he tells me -.-)
The point is that I believe (if I I always xD) she walked all woodcock re happy life when I find out that actually only pretending to holding back the taunts and inside and was about to explode, that day my companions apparently missing Eros had shot the last drop that made the glass overflow and boom ... we all went to the ****** xD haha! If that day is not this girl just sent us all to hell (yes, everyone, including, but not there ... idiots ¬ ¬) but also had threatened to kill them all ... holy mother of god, in that moment I thought this girl is really sick in the head Ò.ó
So I going to another happy day all around , when it could have been one of the last moments of my young and beautiful''life''but was because the director found out and intervened in the case (it happens that there were some frightened and concerned about the issue and do not hesitate to gossip all the authorities of cole ... no more missing the police xD) so the attempt was prevented from murder to some classmates teasing her home from school ... just do not try anything, but as you never know what might be around in another person's head is better safe than sorry.
Now in these days do not go around making fun (I wonder how long it ¬. ¬) rather seems to have some fear it xD but I must admit that even I was scared (and believe me, I'm cold blood for this type of issues) and as I told my mother this is one of many signs that the world is crazy and in fact probably all need a psychologist (siiii! I recommend it! lol> D)
So ladies and gentlemen, watch what they say, we may be making a joke to have fun when we can actually be a sticking points to someone without realizing it and come to the worst consequences.


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