elbos @ 2008-05-29T22: 49:00
The minutes passed slowly and tense in the room only heard the groans and endless shots of the unfortunate who had the misfortune to shrink from death.
Paul took the opportunity to remember all the events that led to this situation.
looked expectantly at the two curious "soldiers" in front of him.
"should bring some food"
- Rebecca, Where do you put the bag?
seemed very dazed, looked with glazed eyes as if he did not understand the question, replied after a few seconds.
- is in the study. - His face scared a little, was pale and seemed strangely isolated from the world.
- I'll get it. - He rose with a grunt tired, I was numb the back for the effort.
At the door he turned to fix on the camera was still focusing on the door. Surely would get the plot.
opened the door, the bag was a brown cloth bundle that was on the desktop. He went to pick it up but froze when he heard faintly a croak that came from somewhere in the ground.
All internal alarms and without thinking, jumped over a second, reached into the bag and felt the familiar touch of Brown, the bag quickly and turned sliding feet advantage that the floor was full of newspaper clippings.
With her hand felt safe, however, knew it was a false security, shoot in this new world was an almost certain death, would attract thousands, maybe millions of undead to the focus of the noise. But worse is that now, can not reach your goal.
only had small remnants of jet black feathers all over the floor of the room mixing with newspaper clippings ..
"Where ...? Damn it," A crow? "
That was the first thing that came to mind, but then was horrified to think carefully about what that meant, I knew I was possible infection in other mammals such as dogs or rats, but among the birds ... I had no idea, if so, the human race could be considered officially fucked.
whole body tensed, waiting for any signals that indicate danger to react. Despite the cold morning and the drop in temperature of the room, her hands were sweating. He took the bag, weighed a lot, took a quick glance inside was the worn and dirty fanny Rebecca. Slowly
was heading for the door without giving back to the room, cold room he was getting into the bones and colds was no big idea at the time. Groping grabbed
the knob and turned it, the adrenaline coursed through his veins and horror reached its highest point when a couple of steps was small drops falling on the ground red wallpaper that hit in newspapers, spread in a visible . With eyes followed the path and found the deadly bird resting on the ceiling light and had something in his beak really rather not know. Were forced to react, because he was being hypnotized watching with a mixture of fear and curiosity of the bird that watched him with his gaze blank and disturbing.
closed the door behind him, slipped his gun into the back of his pants and rubbed his fingertips nervously itched, damn, that bug more chilling.
- All right? - He spoke a voice almost in his ear. Paul
jumped significantly, Sara realized her side and looked at him quizzically waiting for a reply.
- Eh .. If I take some food from the kitchen and go, okay? - Stammered the heart to point out the mouth, damn woman, what a fright he had given.
- I'm preparing the harnesses. "He said walking away to the kitchen, still smiling, seemed amused by the situation.
not for the presence of Daniel, would not have relied upon it at any time, in recent times few survivors who had, most suffering from a neurotic syndrome, why not blame them, since the onset of the undead, the world is a continuous nightmare, but those who can not withstand the pressure endanger everyone who came near them .
Without wasting any more time into the kitchen, Rebecca seemed to be half-way, something had disturbed her, but she played it down.
had been placed in the window climbing harnesses, Daniel went first to the burdens of those two, he found soap powder and a couple of boxes of cereal, then lowered Rebecca, only Sara were in the kitchen and he was tempted Asked who the hell were, but he refrained. Time
Paul was even wondering if I should if I was doing the right thing, down little by little trying not to look down, not because he had vertigo, but for the countless dead tide that was forming below them, was already falling deadly, kill you in the fall was a blessing, these living beings devour their prey without mercy.
Paul looked down a moment, men, women, even children, some nearly intact, others with broken bodies, with fatal injuries by necessity, but all were moving in the sun, the feeling they produce is chilling, any concentration of people , is a loud bang, but infected remain silent, only hear the footsteps or the shuffling of feet and a whine alone, is shocking.
When completed their journey, was in front of the window, an outstretched hand will help you get invited. Approaching
squinted again to accommodate the passage of the darkness, the gentle hand became a pair of strong arms that forced him into practicing and now I unhooked the harness. belonged to a black man with a black military uniform, not even looked into his eyes. The room was small consisting of two berths in the right side. Locate
Daniel, left, near Rebecca manipulating an object in an open briefcase on a table.
Lying comfortably on a bed was a young woman high with short hair and looked at him with an expression that seemed to admire Paul.
At the foot of the bed and sitting was a man who looked suspiciously like Bruce Willis, it certainly was not him, but he looked pretty. Was to stand and talk with them, know them more, but Daniel was called to come over.
Rebecca was pale and had a gauze covering his index finger.
- I have to make some tests.
Paul would argue, but saw that it was unnecessary to ask why, it was a chimera but did not really know what that meant.
- Agreed. What do I have to do?
- Eh .. Let your finger, please. I need to get you a drop of blood.
- According ... - Does not like needles but left to do. Daniel
placed the finger into a contraption that looked like a stapler with a few LED lights, a few seconds later felt a finger prick.
- Do not move. "Said Daniel - will not be long.
Paul waited patiently but each time he blazed over the finger, was about to complain but Daniel interrupted.
- Unable to ... Sara
approached them, Daniel tried to break to talk privately with a firm hand, but Sara stopped him, that of Rebecca.
- We have a right to know what happens to Paul.
Sara was about to say something that Paul assumed it would be something they do not like.
- OK - Daniel appeased with a condescending gesture. - I'm not sure what happens, and I can only do ... Well ... conjecture. The device detects the infection is limited, very limited ... Would have to analyze your blood in a lab to be sure.
- Sure of what? "I cut Paul. Daniel looked at Sara watching her response, Sarah just nodded.
- I think .. I think I could ... I need a sample Your saliva
- About my saliva? - Paul swallowed unconsciously the same loud.
- Yes, really - Daniel and was pulling a small suitcase a dropper and some glass plates. "If I can see if your saliva can cause infection ... I think they know everything.
- Okay ... Paul
left to skeptical, and did not trust or its shadow, all this time, has left almost fear for those infected, the zombies were bad considering almost child who had become the world, an ignoble competition to survive at all costs.
While pondering the evidence looked for those who had just met. Really disguised fatal, trying to talk to each other, I knew that was the center of attention, along with Rebecca, now her eyes fell upon Rebekah looked back. Had not been set yet but I had a beautiful gray eyes. Paul smiled
trying to appear calm, she did the same.
- Ehh ... Already ...
- I'm tired, release it ... - He was surprised that Rebecca suddenly so determined to act.
- Good news, now the virus does not behave - Dan remarked "now."
- What do you mean today? - This time he acted
involved - I mean is that your immune system has ... Able, somehow, with the virus. The color of your eyes is a sequel, as the scabs of chickenpox, there is always some once the process.
There was a deathly silence, they all looked at each other and Paul did not know whom to look. The swarthy man finally break the ice.
- Let's see if I understand ... Here the small, "was infected, but it is not?
Paul gave him a dirty look to the stranger that gave him an icy stare undeterred ...
- Yes, that is.
- It seems like a good idea to carry with us.
Paul was about to enter anger, this time not going to let lying like a dog to its fate.
"Bruce Willis" spoke in anticipation of the likely fight.
- Okay, okay. Calmémonos, please, these guys will be tired. Why not let them rest and then we discuss?
was a good idea, although he was not tired, felt a need to know everything that had happened in a few hours, what the hell was a chimera, which makes this group here, and especially if they had seen where he led the Wiston helicopter because they had lied to the radio tower.
left his backpack on the floor attached to the foot of the bed, and reluctantly left the room, was a beautiful house, right was a very nice terrace, and went there.
the sun was already on the very top, leaned against the railing, look where you looked there was only destruction, zombies isolated on all sides, fires no one who can stop them, but more startling is that the usual noise of life daily in the city, had disappeared.
Behind the door was reopened and appeared "Bruce Wilis" who spoke to him. He leaned back to the city.
- Every time you have a problem with Trey, remember three words: He goes to Rob.
- Come to Rob. - Repeated missed.
- Yes I am Rob. - He held Paul's hand and shook it
- The handsome - added an unfamiliar female voice.
was the tall girl with short hair
- Is he cute?
- Yes, really ... - She also leaned on the railing between the two.
- Let it now ... - He complained
Rob - No, you've looked to you - she laughed. - Here my brother was in Los Angeles to Philadelphia just to have the record of police harassment, imprisonment was the one hundred and two love letters from women who had been in the news ... - He laughed again delighted slapping the shoulder of his brother-Oh, sorry, I have presented, I'm Dora, Dora Waitling ...
- Encantado Dora - two kisses were given complimentary.
- not what you have in mind, it has gone very wrong.
- Like all ...
- already well ... I leave you, Sara asked me a couple of things. - It was goodbye with a smile.
Paul turned and stared the city.
- What happened to Trey?
- From what I've heard, you know the person who created the virus, and also found infected with the primeval.
- I thought that the infection was an accident.
- Television said a lot of crap, was shot in the dark about the truth, West Nile virus, Ebola mutation ... Nobody knew shit.
- And what is truth?
- illegal genetic experimentation.
- sounds like a bad movie plot, tell me.
- Reality is always stranger than fiction. Do you know the so-called genome project?
- I heard something.
- I was almost finished, they found things that even I understand, but it was something like that genes were the key to determining if you are good at something or not.
- what does that have to do?
- not exactly that relationship is, but then came the virus.
- And all this painting on Trey?
- Well, the Big Kahuna and he were partners in the police academy, but eventually Trey criminology and our medical-scientific man, that son of a bitch was a genius and now has defied death itself,
- But then, you know who you are and what they look like, right?
- Yes, he calls himself in many ways ... Kahuna, Tom Sawyer, Saiya ... Wiston.
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