Thursday, June 22, 2006

Can Lemonade Dissolve Bladder Stones

go, but if I'm alive: /

After nearly a month without writing (by vagueza among other things), here we are.
Classes have finished, tomorrow are the notes, which are extremely bad for 1st time in my life and I will also have a nasty summer and I'll be basted until September y. .. y. .. yuck my life sucks: _ (
And above, this is my last year (and I hope to remain so xD) in my institution disgusting, because even if you hate, even if it sucks, but it is very hot, but the heaters are a shit, though knob and services have not run the risk of becoming locked until you do and trying to jump over do you much harm, but the teachers are idiots, even when full of canis shit, cazurros and racist and even if you have to change institutions because there is only 4 º ESO ... it was my school jooooo U_U and of course now I have to change institutions for 1 st bachelor, so the new institutions and new people. I'm not cool at all: _ (and besides I think I have about 100 times the word "fuck" ¬ ¬

OK, now that I've had a bit depressing my life, I leave here some icons of Nightwish that I posted in [info] nightwish_icons
ammm also add that I just engage in a new series! and gives me the feeling that xD but little is known later speak of it;)


01. 02. 03. 04.
05. 06. 07. 08.
09. 10. 11. 12.
13. 14. 15. 16.
17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24.


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