Thursday, December 30, 2010

Terminator Vs. Saleen?

"Merry Christmas? e_e

Better late than never, they say. I hope you had a nice Christmas, full of love, peace and Gifts>: D And as I have nothing else to do I'll tell you as it was My Christmas already?: 3 Well, my parents are separated, so a strange deal, Christmas (or rather Christmas Eve) were spent in the house of my father and New Year's celebration at the home of my mother. I like to spend Christmas at the house of my father, because in his living room has a fireplace, 3 and makes everything so Christmas *-*, I would put a picture, but I have uu asdf. This year my Christmas was not as exciting as in previous years (I miss believing in Santa and nerves die thinking I was going to bring Christmas \u0026lt;/ 3 uu), but it was a quiet night. Was my grandfather, my grandmother, my aunt Paula, my cousin Christopher, Uncle Gaston, his wife, my dad, my brother and me. As every year, my grandfather, my father \u0026lt;3 made his now famous bread of Passover: 3 is so good that even my mother, who for years has not spoken to him, asked one xD that even I do not like my sweets, sugar, etc. I like: 3 and it's not like Easter bread from supermarkets, but is much richer: 3 and my grandmother made chocolate: 3 I do not like, but I took it well: DDD And between eating and talking, when we realized it was twelve, so CHAN CHAN to open presents (because yes, here in Chile that people have anxiety problems or something, but almost no one holds up the other day to open presents). I gave him all the years, perfume, earrings, clothing, handbags and that sort of thing, but my dad bought me a plasma tv *-* so now I can play wii there, and it looks great: DDD and gave me a very nice desk lamp. Then I went back to my house and slept. The next day I opened my gifts from my mother and my maternal family. And guess what my mum gave me O: gráficaaaaaaaa *-* Although a table is a genius and I wanted a wacom xD but I do not care, because I really did not expect such a gift.'ll See My mom recently had to operate and the operation was expensive and blah, then he had already spoken with my brother and me that this Christmas may not have gifts from you, so now what we had assumed, and when I saw that we had gifts I was so happy *-* Now the bad, I have not used the table happy, because I wanted to run a quick scan and digitize my pictures that I have D: as to get used to (?) I do not know , which happens to uu my printer is a hp, and is used to scan a program, hp solution center believe it's called, well, the story is that the program did not work and spent much time trying to make it work ¬ ¬ , so I decided to find the cd of the printer to uninstall and reinstall it, but clearly lost the CD ¬ ¬ so I went down the drivers, the installed and nothing! ¬ - ¬ So if anyone knows I can do appreciate it so all eternity: 3 Um, well, where was I? Oh yeah, then 25 in the afternoon, I met with Bastian, my boyfriend, to deliver his gift: a game for the DS (which chose my brother because I suck for those things uu) and gave me some earrings and a necklace, which I loved with my whole being *-*

I think I have thrown it a little, but these days have been exhausting. I've been with my cousins, my mom and my brother, arranging things to celebrate New Year and we have like two days straight to the supermarket to buy things, why do we always forget something. Now it appears that rice lacks the onigiris (The theme this year is quite oriental, Japanese and Chinese food: 3) so I have to go early morning to buy and certain to be really full . How sad my life XD

Already, I go, I go to do some things ... like trying to dominate the world, you know.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why Do Penguins Wear Tuxedos?

Hello. I've decided to write fanfiction. Yes, wow. Sure, I happen to be participating in the HP Big Bang and my obsession with Persona 4 has exceeded the limits, so ... re-write fanfiction. After all this time. Still

I do not know whether to go [info] relojesdepapel or [info] alas_cortadas , which will assess when you have something to climb. For now, I have to get the idea.

Love you, I hope you still want fangirls xD

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Unsweetened Dried Cranberries

The new member of my family

Called Mandarina tail, is 4 months, stealing shoes, destroy walls, pee where it should and looks like a sausage ♥

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Poptropica With Motorbikes

Help Chilean fangirls!

Chilean, I have a request for help / proposition.

I can not give details but I wonder if you or someone you know (preferably in Stgo or can easily come here) is interested in writing stories based in a medieval fantasy setting. They are offered in exchange for publicity and money when the time comes. Interested, contact me.

adores They do not know how much.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Womans Guide To Thyroid

30 days shipping meme

Day One: current favorite couple
Domyoji Tsukasa and Makino Tsukushi

Day Two: Your first couple
Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask

Day three: couple need to happen and
Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley

Day Four: Couple with best chemistry
Patroclus and Achilles ♥

Day Five: couple with less chemistry.
Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter

Day Six: Best Kiss.
Kagurazaka Makoto Izumi Sano xD

Day Seven: Scene more heartbreaking.
Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater

Day eight: Couple with more baggage.
Day Nine: The relationship more believable.
Day Ten: Why are not married in real life?
Day Eleven: dream couple.
Day Twelve: Best wedding / prom ...
Day Thirteen: TV's favorite couple.
Day Fourteen: Family favorite book.
Day Fifteen: favorite couple in real life.
Day Sixteen: favorite movie couple. Day
seventeenth-official couple never thought that, but it did.
diechiocho Day: cutest couple
Day nineteen: you bet the couple from the beginning.
Day Twenty: The couple "can not take any more sexual tension."
Day twenty-one: A couple who love you and nobody understands why.
windy day: A couple who hate and nobody understands why.
Day twenty-three: A crazy triangle / quadrilateral would work great. Twenty-four
Day: A crazy triangle / quadrilateral would never work. Twenty-five
Day: A couple adorable, but it would never work. Twenty six
Day: A couple who hated and ended up loving. Twenty-seven
Day: A couple who loved and then lose. Twenty-eight
Day: A couple who will never understand. Twenty-nine
Day: Best first meeting.
Day thirty: Your favorite couple "forever and ever and ever."

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Airport Security Can I Leave Laptop In Sleeve

Finally: No more classes!

And yet it seems incredible it is as if at any time were to tell me that on Monday there is evidence or something, but hey, I have almost three months to overcome the trauma that left me middle third.
I'm so happy, now I can do everything I can think of and if objections of conscience. Oh, yeah. No longer that little voice in my head telling me "Hey, you should not be studying?" I think I disappeared
much around here, but I have more time now that will try not leave this forsaken. There were many times when I said "Oh, this deserves an entry in LJ" but never came to fruition for various reasons.
For this holiday, I have many things planned. Perhaps travel or maybe not. But what is certain is that I will try not to let it launched again and dedicate myself to draw a lot a lot this summer, because I have been an "artist" frustrated throughout the year. Also I want to start using my DA account .
I also enrolled at the HP Big Bang because I saw a post of [info] gabilu and I thought very interesting, so now I have another motivation to draw. I joined the Big Bang in reverse, because I think I'll have more freedom and because the great thing I'm not drawing, so I can adjust the picture to my abilities and not limiting myself to draw something as a fiction . Although I must say that I am a little nervous, for surely there are people who draw fantastic, but hey, I guess it will be a reason to strive. I just hope that someone will take pity on this poor girl so cute and want to write a fic based on your doodles.