Monday, May 31, 2010

What To Say In A First Communion Card

time (after a long long time)

meme stolen from Miss [info] rebeka_black

Make a list of your 12 favorite characters (try to be the same fandom but the thing deviate much).
Without cheating, answer the following questions, that is, without seeing the questions, list your characters.

Characters: Dan

1 .- 2 .- 3 .-
Blair Serena Nate

4 .- 5 .- 6 .-
Jenny Rufus Lily

7 .- 8 .- 9 .- Eric Chuck

10 .- 11 .- 12 .- Georgie
Poppy Lifton Dorota

13 .- 14 .- 15 .- Vanessa Cyrus

you ever read a fic Six / Eleven? Want to read some?
No, but now that I think GM would be great. Especially after this season finale

x3 Do you think Four is hot? What sense? Ask
Thaly. I think I can say it better.

What would happen if Twelve Eight impregnate?
... would not it be reversed? Really? It would be epic fail.

Can you recommend any fic about Nine?
Unfortunately, not many. I wrote about a while and then I regretted it. I would say: "Look and then pass me that this guy forget it as you can not imagine".

"Two and Six would make a good couple? Yes
They are one of my ships.

"Five / Nine or Five / Ten?
Five / Nine. Until the canon's ruined me (but in the early chapters was SO yes).

What if Seven was two and Twelve having sex?
"Eh ... eh ... * Walks away with shock face * "Make

summary for a fic Three / Ten.
No. .. x33 I can not see ... "Dorota looking for a father to his son after being abandoned and Jonathan again looking for Eric. But they find something better, find each other. "

Is it possible to fluff One / Eight?
Oh yes, I recommend the lj of [info] hoomygoth .

What kind of plot that you would use if you wanted Four to deflower One?
in the shower. When Nate was living there. And that's it.

anyone in your friends list read Seven Slash on?
I think not.

anyone in your buddy list read on Three het?
suppose so, but I like much your Femslash.

anyone in your friends list write or draw Eleven?
do not know if they do, but I know of someone who wants: 3

anyone in your friends list wrote a Two / Four / Five? What Five scream at a moment of great passion?
Wow, it would be great. It would be great if they did. Say "Nate", but well short, and shy.

If you wrote a songfic about Eight, what song would you use? Womanizer
or If you're not the one.

If you wrote a One / Six / Twelve, what are the warnings?
Incest, crack, do not know.

xD What line would link to Two for Ten?
"So you've been reading Gossip Girl blog

...". What could be the secret extravaganza Six sexual?

If Three and Seven match, "Who would be up?
Time to throw up? Thnks. I do not know, would fight constantly.

"One and Nine are in a happy relationship until Nine suddenly runs away with four. One, with a broken heart, spends a night heavy with Eleven and a brief moment of bitterness with Twelve, then follows the wise advice of Five and finds true love with Three. "What title would you give , as this fic? Name three people in your list of friends who could write. Appoints a person who does should.

Nine / Four is a good match, though.

"It all Begins and end with a Van der Woodsen."

Who would write? I do not know, do not think anybody did because D / S Should Die.
Who should I? Thaly, because we would laugh a little with Georgie.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Rechargeable Aa Batteries 1.6 V

Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!....(?)


ahem ... sorry, that you will say more inconsistent start but I do not care xD, what happens is that for several days, for some strange reason my keyboard stopped working, and therefore Went these days using the onscreen keyboard (very uncomfortable by the way ¬ ¬) and a few little minutes I was just playing some cablecito around and reinstalled the keyboard program and returned to work !!!!! yupiiii!! > 3 \u0026lt;
So here happy as I need to download xD! I was thinking, take the keyboard to any service! only uu was going to spend money even though I have another problem ... I HAVE NO IN BLACK INK !!!!!! CARTUCHOOOOO T0T and above do not come cheap but good TT, TT will have to get as

so crazy it says goodbye, bye! > 3>

Friday, May 14, 2010

Tech Deck Trucks Rubber

abroad? ... OO

Oh yeah ... it's a very funny situation that happens to me several years ago xD
Habra started from 4 th grade, where on a normal day like any other my fellow ; eros asked if Argentina really was ... nani? I said to myself, ovbio answer them yes, but then I jumped to another question: if my parents were Argentine or foreign ... whut? again? again said yes but I doubt arose: that both interrogation about my origins of birth?, to what I just said, because you have a different accent ......... ... o_O? wtf!
This time step, and it was not long until I ask you again, in this case different partners but the same questions exactly the same, and obviously the same answers from me -.-. And third again appeared when he was in 8 th year, was again ¬ ¬ and the same thing as they say third time's the charm at this time I ask: what country accent? and they told me they did not know of any but seemed o.ó
abroad ..... again I ask the same question until it comes to polymodal , and have asked me about four times Masy always the same answer! and finally today, sip today again I asked the same question, the difference was that there was no partner but nothing Masy nothing less than a TEACHER! O_O
That was the last straw, and less bad than the others did not listen, but I had done an examination on the origins of my exstencia (metiches! ¬ ¬) but seriously, the funny thing is that nobody answered me My questioning of where are the accent with which I speak? nor I can identify what they mean because as I speak o.ó normal as any of the other idiots ¬ ¬ (with moderate control over the vulgar language, of course xD)
not know how many times will continue making me the same question, but now I'm starting to suspect if my parents would hide my true place of origin xD!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pain/tingling In Breast

abounds Solidarity sometimes oO .. Happy Birthday Mom !!!!!!!

If you are thinking that the joint title me wrong -.-... then have the issue rather is related to my beloved high school classmates who this year I surprised ... they go way too supportive behaving ... or should I say way too stupid ¬ ¬.
This started at the beginning of the year, I'm in year 6 to secular and therefore as usual, the guys offered to go travel somewhere together ... like a way to spend the last year, all close together and that by the year following the majority is separated and made their separate ways to college (which -.-).... corny and as a result of this trip arose a question: there are three partners who can not go by economic problems''to''(which will make a private school then I say ¬ ¬) the thing is I heard about this the other (if other, I really did deaf ears and just do not care -.-) began to propose ideas on how to raise money for others, of course, as the director is so j ***** do not hesitate to support them and put in the same bag for all support and when I say all it ALL !!!!!! THAT INCLUDES A MI ME !!!!!! inside and I wanted to kill someone. ¬ ¬ not know about you, but in my opinion is not fair that I have to work BECAUSE I'M NOT GOING TO TRAVEL! bone, this otherwise assist those who are, so they can go together, but for someone like me who does not go! ie I am giving away a trip that I will enjoy even o.o. ... INJUSTICE! xD!
least that in my opinion .. uu and I'm not going to travel to the types simply because they happened to choose the same place that almost ALL the devils choose courses: Bariloche. Do not know what the hell you see a couple of pinches of snowy mountains, I have chosen this Camboriu in Brazil! is much more beautiful the beach! > 0 \u0026lt;¬ _ ¬ damn kleptomaniac and I HATE the cold and on top I have a cold nosequé grab me a lot, so unless I'm going with that.
The thing is they started out a lot of funny ideas of the brilliant minds of my peers: a proposed us to do a matinee (if you do not know if today can turn the gym into a dance floor - _-u), another suggested a lottery (perhaps I am with face pool?>.>) and another suggested that we sell cakes and hot chocolate in the event of the bicentennial Argentina is about (now I need to dress and basket included Paisanita uu), and unfortunately for me all the ideas were approved ... or at least these three.
In short, the rest of this month resongando pass me by this surely but I have no choice, if you do not cooperate with me sooo bad side will see my classmates ... (where there is a cliff when you need to launch your colleagues for this? xD)
That's it ... surely tell you another day to see how it was, if they can raise money or not (I swear that if they fail I laugh on their faces xD jajajaja!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Meaning Of The Yellow Wristband On Right Hand Gay


Chiquitita tell me what's wrong ...

So begins the song and I can only think of her now that I think about you and why I was not there for you even though I promised. Never again, my little girl. Now wait for me and not fall asleep, please do not sleep.

I'll be there for you, When the rain starts to pour ...

this time seriously, kid. This time forever.

I do not know what to say to you when you speak, I just hope not to mourn.

I love you. I adore you. Now and forever. Forever.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Where Do I Shop In Poptropica

\\ ^ 0 ^ /

yeahhhh happy birthday my dear mother!! now serving one more year in your life (and as you get older your xD) never forget that your child is on your side and for the world -. or leave you I want you love, bless you, I love you mommy! never forget! God always follow your hand and help you overcome the obstacles that you impose on your life


and I have not bought your gift! > 0 \u0026lt;do not worry, then run to do it xD!