meme stolen from Miss
Make a list of your 12 favorite characters (try to be the same fandom but the thing deviate much).
Without cheating, answer the following questions, that is, without seeing the questions, list your characters.
Characters: Dan
1 .- 2 .- 3 .-
Blair Serena Nate
4 .- 5 .- 6 .-
Jenny Rufus Lily
7 .- 8 .- 9 .- Eric Chuck
10 .- 11 .- 12 .- Georgie
Poppy Lifton Dorota
13 .- 14 .- 15 .- Vanessa Cyrus
you ever read a fic Six / Eleven? Want to read some?
No, but now that I think GM would be great. Especially after this season finale
x3 Do you think Four is hot? What sense? Ask
Thaly. I think I can say it better.
What would happen if Twelve Eight impregnate?
... would not it be reversed? Really? It would be epic fail.
Can you recommend any fic about Nine?
Unfortunately, not many. I wrote about a while and then I regretted it. I would say: "Look and then pass me that this guy forget it as you can not imagine".
"Two and Six would make a good couple? Yes
They are one of my ships.
"Five / Nine or Five / Ten?
Five / Nine. Until the canon's ruined me (but in the early chapters was SO yes).
What if Seven was two and Twelve having sex?
"Eh ... eh ... * Walks away with shock face * "Make
summary for a fic Three / Ten.
No. .. x33 I can not see ... "Dorota looking for a father to his son after being abandoned and Jonathan again looking for Eric. But they find something better, find each other. "
Is it possible to fluff One / Eight?
Oh yes, I recommend the lj of
What kind of plot that you would use if you wanted Four to deflower One?
in the shower. When Nate was living there. And that's it.
anyone in your friends list read Seven Slash on?
I think not.
anyone in your buddy list read on Three het?
suppose so, but I like much your Femslash.
anyone in your friends list write or draw Eleven?
do not know if they do, but I know of someone who wants: 3
anyone in your friends list wrote a Two / Four / Five? What Five scream at a moment of great passion?
Wow, it would be great. It would be great if they did. Say "Nate", but well short, and shy.
If you wrote a songfic about Eight, what song would you use? Womanizer
or If you're not the one.
If you wrote a One / Six / Twelve, what are the warnings?
Incest, crack, do not know.
xD What line would link to Two for Ten?
"So you've been reading Gossip Girl blog
...". What could be the secret extravaganza Six sexual?
If Three and Seven match, "Who would be up?
Time to throw up? Thnks. I do not know, would fight constantly.
"One and Nine are in a happy relationship until Nine suddenly runs away with four. One, with a broken heart, spends a night heavy with Eleven and a brief moment of bitterness with Twelve, then follows the wise advice of Five and finds true love with Three. "What title would you give , as this fic? Name three people in your list of friends who could write. Appoints a person who does should.
Nine / Four is a good match, though.
"It all Begins and end with a Van der Woodsen."
Who would write? I do not know, do not think anybody did because D / S Should Die.
Who should I? Thaly, because we would laugh a little with Georgie.