elbos @ 2008-03-23T16: 06:00
Paul was the soul fell to the feet, was it possible?
Suddenly, Rebecca woke up and started coughing compulsively, Paul leaned beside
- Are you okay? "Said Daniel who helped to his feet.
- That bastard ... is me ...
- Have you been bitten? "I cut the girl.
- No, I do not think, at least while I was choking me bitten. "Rebecca looked at stocks to new arrivals. Rebekah
Rather, Paul was relieved, but felt it was the only one a little quieter, the stranger walked down the aisle and stopped when he arrived at the feet of infected even trembled compulsively, she pulled another gun, a little smaller than the previous his belt, and fired once. That man was not going to move more.
- Target located and killed. - Responded more to herself than for others.
- But who the fuck are you? "He said even with a shaky voice.
- I can not give that information. "He answered sharply.
- Have you come to our rescue? He turned to inquire.
There was a long silence, Daniel broke up.
- rescue you? ... Well ... No. .. We are not here for that.
- Daniel. Shut up. - Interrupted.
- not going to help. - He said Paul.
She slipped his gun and looked at Paul, was going to say something, but his expression changed to a more alarming.
- Dan, has features of a chimera. "He said with evident nervousness.
- What are you talking about? - Paul was beginning to doubt whether it was a good idea to answer that call.
- What? - Dan got up quickly. Paul reacted
draws his gun and pointing to the woman who did not even blink.
- Wow! - Daniel stumbled trying halted while he raised his hands.
- Quiet. Not that this is all about but I would like to know.
calmly and slowly, her teaching into the palm of his hands, he said.
- Relax, put the gun down, please.
- not until someone tells me is this "chimera traits."
- Okay, I'll explain. But not here in any mom ...
Behind him, a hit like a punch to the door rang, interrupting him, and then another and another and another until it became a uniform noise onslaughts against the door that the two knew they would not hold too much and vibrated in its hinges.
- Damn! - Paul cursed, leaving point to it.
"Look around, shuffle all the possibilities ... Look around, shuffle all the possibilities ..."
As a repeated mantra mentally focused. Suddenly he remembered that in the same room had a desk and threw quite hard shot into the room.
- Where you going? - Rebecca asked when he had left the kitchen.
- Come here! Help me with this.
The bureau was placed in an awkward position against the wall against which he had to move.
She hugged him and pulled him. Before jury would weigh a ton but did not seem to weigh too much. Rebecca was the other side who had left to push.
- God! Heavy. - Said the young woman gasped.
Paul did not answer, simply pull with all their will and after a few minutes they became anxious because at any moment the door would give in to such pressure got out of the room and heads for the door.
"They must be so hard to make dozens"
Rebecca was withdrawn by the female soldier, and Paul noted that the bureau was moving more easily, this woman was strong indeed, but something was wrong, even to throw, did not move the site.
passed through the small hole he had left the cabinet to remove the carpet and this time climbing up the furniture returned to his post to help push
- Now Shoot! Paul
mustered his last strength and screaming in frustration gave the last stretch until his back touched the door, and retired for the two girls ended up placing.
When finished, he slumped exhausted on the furniture. Paul noted that he was almost losing consciousness.
- Hey, hey, hey ... -Daniel came to reinstate. - Are you all right?
- My head hurts. "Answered
was true, the effort I was exhausted and starting to feel real stitches in the cerebral cortex.
- probably is due to lack of vitamins. -Dan rummaged through the bag had been attached to the shoulder and pulled out a small yellow boat and opened it. -Take one of these, you will.
Paul took one of the little capsules and introduced in the mouth, and took the bottle that Daniel offered.
took a long drink and then handed it back, but continued to sit trying to catch his breath. Rebekah
looked but said nothing, as if he had the right words or the courage to say something.
- Better? "Asked Daniel. Paul
The wall was vibrating to the relentless beating. That was the big problem, no sleep, no rest ever, are insatiable.
- two minutes and go. - She said as she picked up her walkie. - Sara Here, the target is killed, there are two survivors, one of them seems a chimera, but shows no adverse signs, be prepared.
"Ready for what?
His thoughts were interrupted when Rebecca crouched beside him and held out her small, feminine hand to fend off the rebel lock eyes and stared at him.
- Are you okay? "Paul knew that was not what he really meant Rebecca. - Do not want to scare you but I think I know what a chimera they say.
Paul looked for an answer.
- Your eyes ... - Rebecca's voice trembled
Paul stood up forcefully to ignore their pain, turning stumbling to the bathroom while he felt his stomach had tripled in weight.
opened the door and came within inches of the mirror. Her heart sank when he discovered that his eyes, blue above, had become a perfect mellow brown.
He turned to look at Sara, who had followed him, as if she had the explanation of the incident, but she had a neutral expression, almost of resignation.
He again turned to blink several times. There was no change, his new eyes shone a golden hue without the slightest imperfection.
"But what the hell ?..."
- How long? - Asked Sara.
- How much does. What?
- Have you been abducted or at least in a laboratory, am I right?
- Yes .. Well ... A day or two ago, I do not remember very well.
- why do not you tell us before?
- What the hell I know? "Paul began to be fed up with so many questions. - Just be wondering but not answer any of my questions.
. Well, calm down, if nothing has happened so far, so good, come down to our floor and then Dan, you better explain your status.
Paul sighed, it was all so confusing, so tiring ...
- I can take a shower before we go? Sara
would deny, but maybe it was compassion he felt for the guy who shot just nodded and closed the door behind her.
undressed and gave the hot water, the water smelled a bit strong and was becoming cold after a while. He went and started the job.
When I had relaxed a bit in my eyes closed and clearly heard Sara's voice arguing with Daniel
- Are you sure?
- Fully, you've seen his eyes, is something unique, you know I'm the first reluctant to rescue civilians, not our mission, but this is different.
- What if it's a trap?
- No, Rebecca, the girl ... I do not think you have look at all aspects of mind what he said.
- Okay, you're the boss.
The door was locked and the shower produced a loud noise that prevented almost hear yourself and you did not hear again.
"How I can hear him?
did not want to get more nervous and trying to calm it down to a hallucination caused by stress and fatigue that besieged him, due to lack of sleep or vitamins as he Dan suggested. Term
completely wash, put a towel tied around his waist.
When Rebecca came from the room spoke
- I've left clothes on the bed.
It was a narrow black T-shirt and jeans and old but comfortable.
He dressed quickly and walked out the door.
- I'm ready.
Dan nodded two or three times, looked like a nervous guy by nature, had not noticed it until now.
She had brown hair, almost red and stubble unshaven, his face was so innocent, no doubt a good person.
Sara on the other hand had a aura of seriousness and inflection. She turned the corner at him.
- Everything is ready, we leave. Rebecca
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Acetaminophen Sinus Infection
elbos @ 2008-03-12T15: 59:00
little time left to shower with a towel covering all her slender body.
- Hot water does not work long, "he said with a smile uncomfortable.
Paul nodded smiling back as he rose. He tried not to look into her eyes, did not want to notice that she had cried, it was unnecessary to worry.
- I'll change my clothes, except that this crumbling building, do not ever come.
Paul nodded absently as he pretended to be placed well trousers.
felt again that feeling that I should do something. He remembered the door knob, took one last look at the room turned to Rebecca and she
The door was solid, but a hole the size of a fist on where there was a knob made it impossible for the entrance, approached the eye to see if he saw something inside.
"There could be infected" That sudden thought
him back instinctively, something hit his back, but before he could know it was, strong arms embraced him with such force that left him without air.
did not have to imagine anything else, Paul growled angry and started with all their might back. Was in the middle of the hallway and did not stop until both stumbled and fell on the floor.
Paul pulled himself together quickly and firmly grasped his gun while his eyes searched for the target.
the same guy again, this time with a much more angry and furious gestures, Paul did not blink, just said as his routine repeated hundreds of times, the worst thing is that routine was a do or die, and so was well for several months.
opened fire before the creature could react, a bullet pierced his chest causing it to shake the whole body. And the other hit the floor by blowing up a tablet of parquet.
When he wanted to do the third shot, had disappeared from his scope, the body is fused with the ground as if it's sinking. Perhaps
had done with it, or maybe not, but he would not rely on, have an enemy so impossible any effective defense.
At least the bullets had been found to affect him like any other. Glanced at the door, hitting the other side were, had grown accustomed to them, smiled sarcastically, but should not forget, even the most rotten of all, he could be ordered to swell their ranks.
Before I could stop smiling, a tremendous roar deafened him, he noticed as the building itself trembled slightly and had to lean against the wall to avoid falling headlong.
But what the hell is that? - Rebecca screamed when the shaking stopped. Paul
no answer, entered the room and went straight to the window. Just what I imagined, all the fire escape was not subject to the facade. Supposed to, tens, not hundreds of those who were infected on the roof had fallen down the stairs or until they broke down and collapsed.
Paul could see that many had been buried under the mass of iron, others surely had left the column, but what was worse is that almost all were still moving.
was really tragic, did not know if they felt pain, but felt a deep pity for those people, those same people who not long ago had a house, a job, a mortgage, everyday problems ... In short, a life.
Rebecca was on his back, he saw her reach her long blonde hair drying with a towel and wore a sleeveless black shirt and brown trousers comfortable camouflage.
has fallen ladder. "He said shrugging his shoulders and changed the subject" We must do something.
Do what?
Euh ... Well, I think we should try to get out of here, let us see, this is not a shelter, it is a trap and not much time take it, so the first thing would be to make a distress call.
How are we to do? I think the 112 is offline for a long, and would be very odd that someone would respond. Paul sighed shot
Let the sarcasm is not the time ...
Vale ... Sorry, I'm really stressed out, it seems it's been years that I do not smoke. "He apologized.
Paul shook his head in a gesture to downplay the issue.
occurs to me, could use a large sheet or something, and hang on the facade or roof ...
* * * *
fissssh noise came from the kitchen. Assumed it had fallen a cereal box misplaced, with a gesture to calm Rebecca left the room, leaned out the door and saw the ground a gray box the size of a shoebox, the window was open and the smell typical of that time went through his nostrils .
first thing he did was look out the window. The intense morning light blinded him, he put his hand as a visor.
When he could get used to the change of light was a small square was empty, only saw garbage bags and scattered papers, also of metal trash cans overturned, scattering debris down the street half rotten and full of mold, and there was a big spot dried blood on the steps that hit the building where found, but no sign of life, at least human. Disenchanted
closed the window and crouched next to the mysterious package, did not quite trust whether to open or not, but if someone had purposely thrown with malicious intent was not quite had to worry about survival, and to try jodersela others. Finally he decided to open it, inside was wrapped between protective plastic walkie-talkie.
Someone had thrown it out the window, not yet explained how he had reached the top floor, but that someone wanted to contact him.
- What happens? - He shouted from Rebecca other side of the house.
- Ven. - He said while considering the walike.
heard his footsteps come into the kitchen.
- Hell, call me crazy but I do not spend another day without a piti ... What is that?
Paul shrugged and shook his head, puzzled expression.
- looks like a walkie
Rebekah left the towel on the counter leaned next to him.
- Turn it on. "I ordered with excited eyes.
Not too sure what I was doing or the consequences that took the Walkie, came after a paper was written in pen almost intelligible
Channel 4 Looked at each other puzzled.
- What they want, they tune into the soap? - He mocked her.
- Do not be gross, is a military walkie with different coverages, ie channels. We tune into channel 4.
- Ya, I know, is that this is making me very tense and wanted to downplay the issue. - Answered in a friendly tone.
it on, immediately a loud static filled the kitchen, nervous, by the tremendous noise decreased the volume and tune the appropriate channel, had to reduce even more the sound as the first interference of noise made them shudder. Paul hit the talk button
- Hello? Almost immediately
cold and sharp voice spoke
- Red Who Speaks Here?
- Eh ... Paul the appliance - say finished, knowing it was a stupid response.
few seconds passed, Paul doubted if I should hang, finally heard the voice again.
- How many survivors are? Any ... Injured? - Said the voice following reels with questions, noted that he doubted to have the last word. Paul understood it was an understatement to say whether there was bitten.
- Yeah, well, this is not exactly the Ritz. Rebecca muttered looking around.
- two of us, we are not injured but if we need help. - Cut Paul making an accusing look
Rebecca Paul Rebecca motioned that snorted and left the room with distaste.
- Come on over there, do not move from where you are, let any weapon you have in the ground.
- Okay. - After a few seconds and said he sensed that the conversation was over
sighed frustrated, got up, looked at the clock. 12:23
hoped that would not have to go immediately, before I wanted to catch everything useful that could be within your reach ..
- Rebecca, come ... - Said, directing his voice to the hall. Nobody answered
not tried again, something was wrong, they headed for the exit, but a couple of hissing at the window he warned of the expected arrival in the room of the new individuals.
even before two steps forward, one hand held her by the shoulder
Eh, Eh ... Easy. Where you going? - He said a female voice with a small Catalan accent.
Mi ... friend, do not answer. "He said turning around
A short-haired brunette, beautiful, stared at him with intense black eyes.
The clothing was very strange, seemed an elite of the army, but after having been overtaken by a cavalry. The two who
last wore a green camouflage uniform worn enough, the two had an army beret and the neck was a gas mask.
She looked back, as if seeking approval from your partner, then pulled out a gleaming and cocked 9mm Parabellum
"In the house was infected?
No, the insurer before ...
said no more, she turned and walked slowly past the gun. Crossing the door
turned on his heels to the right, Paul could not help wincing when she fired twice.
Paul tried out the door, but arms held him.
Eh ... Wait. - I whispered a male voice faltering.
Daniel, no one injured. Quick!
Daniel, released him and went quickly although fragile and uncertain step toward the door, pulls a small shoulder.
You - you said the woman. - Do not move from there okay?, Do not worry. Neither
case, Paul walked slowly, reached the doorway, she saw Rebeca against the wall and very pale, and with eyes closed.
is feared the worst, a little later I was lying on the floor and shaking spasmodically the well-known attacker.
Hey, what's his name?. - Asked The girl, Rebecca had a sorry state, it seemed senseless, or worse, Daniel opened an eyelid and it shone a small flashlight. - Hey, Wise up!. What is your name?
Paul shook his head trying to get back to reality.
Rebecca, do you hear? Hey, wake up. He began to speak in a soft Daniel.
The other girl got up and went to Paul.
be all right, they have not bitten, apparently. "Are you the helicopter? What are you doing here?.
Eh ... We came to the radio tower.
"radio tower? Here there is no radio tower. "I looked
little time left to shower with a towel covering all her slender body.
- Hot water does not work long, "he said with a smile uncomfortable.
Paul nodded smiling back as he rose. He tried not to look into her eyes, did not want to notice that she had cried, it was unnecessary to worry.
- I'll change my clothes, except that this crumbling building, do not ever come.
Paul nodded absently as he pretended to be placed well trousers.
felt again that feeling that I should do something. He remembered the door knob, took one last look at the room turned to Rebecca and she
The door was solid, but a hole the size of a fist on where there was a knob made it impossible for the entrance, approached the eye to see if he saw something inside.
"There could be infected" That sudden thought
him back instinctively, something hit his back, but before he could know it was, strong arms embraced him with such force that left him without air.
did not have to imagine anything else, Paul growled angry and started with all their might back. Was in the middle of the hallway and did not stop until both stumbled and fell on the floor.
Paul pulled himself together quickly and firmly grasped his gun while his eyes searched for the target.
the same guy again, this time with a much more angry and furious gestures, Paul did not blink, just said as his routine repeated hundreds of times, the worst thing is that routine was a do or die, and so was well for several months.
opened fire before the creature could react, a bullet pierced his chest causing it to shake the whole body. And the other hit the floor by blowing up a tablet of parquet.
When he wanted to do the third shot, had disappeared from his scope, the body is fused with the ground as if it's sinking. Perhaps
had done with it, or maybe not, but he would not rely on, have an enemy so impossible any effective defense.
At least the bullets had been found to affect him like any other. Glanced at the door, hitting the other side were, had grown accustomed to them, smiled sarcastically, but should not forget, even the most rotten of all, he could be ordered to swell their ranks.
Before I could stop smiling, a tremendous roar deafened him, he noticed as the building itself trembled slightly and had to lean against the wall to avoid falling headlong.
But what the hell is that? - Rebecca screamed when the shaking stopped. Paul
no answer, entered the room and went straight to the window. Just what I imagined, all the fire escape was not subject to the facade. Supposed to, tens, not hundreds of those who were infected on the roof had fallen down the stairs or until they broke down and collapsed.
Paul could see that many had been buried under the mass of iron, others surely had left the column, but what was worse is that almost all were still moving.
was really tragic, did not know if they felt pain, but felt a deep pity for those people, those same people who not long ago had a house, a job, a mortgage, everyday problems ... In short, a life.
Rebecca was on his back, he saw her reach her long blonde hair drying with a towel and wore a sleeveless black shirt and brown trousers comfortable camouflage.
has fallen ladder. "He said shrugging his shoulders and changed the subject" We must do something.
Do what?
Euh ... Well, I think we should try to get out of here, let us see, this is not a shelter, it is a trap and not much time take it, so the first thing would be to make a distress call.
How are we to do? I think the 112 is offline for a long, and would be very odd that someone would respond. Paul sighed shot
Let the sarcasm is not the time ...
Vale ... Sorry, I'm really stressed out, it seems it's been years that I do not smoke. "He apologized.
Paul shook his head in a gesture to downplay the issue.
occurs to me, could use a large sheet or something, and hang on the facade or roof ...
* * * *
fissssh noise came from the kitchen. Assumed it had fallen a cereal box misplaced, with a gesture to calm Rebecca left the room, leaned out the door and saw the ground a gray box the size of a shoebox, the window was open and the smell typical of that time went through his nostrils .
first thing he did was look out the window. The intense morning light blinded him, he put his hand as a visor.
When he could get used to the change of light was a small square was empty, only saw garbage bags and scattered papers, also of metal trash cans overturned, scattering debris down the street half rotten and full of mold, and there was a big spot dried blood on the steps that hit the building where found, but no sign of life, at least human. Disenchanted
closed the window and crouched next to the mysterious package, did not quite trust whether to open or not, but if someone had purposely thrown with malicious intent was not quite had to worry about survival, and to try jodersela others. Finally he decided to open it, inside was wrapped between protective plastic walkie-talkie.
Someone had thrown it out the window, not yet explained how he had reached the top floor, but that someone wanted to contact him.
- What happens? - He shouted from Rebecca other side of the house.
- Ven. - He said while considering the walike.
heard his footsteps come into the kitchen.
- Hell, call me crazy but I do not spend another day without a piti ... What is that?
Paul shrugged and shook his head, puzzled expression.
- looks like a walkie
Rebekah left the towel on the counter leaned next to him.
- Turn it on. "I ordered with excited eyes.
Not too sure what I was doing or the consequences that took the Walkie, came after a paper was written in pen almost intelligible
Channel 4 Looked at each other puzzled.
- What they want, they tune into the soap? - He mocked her.
- Do not be gross, is a military walkie with different coverages, ie channels. We tune into channel 4.
- Ya, I know, is that this is making me very tense and wanted to downplay the issue. - Answered in a friendly tone.
it on, immediately a loud static filled the kitchen, nervous, by the tremendous noise decreased the volume and tune the appropriate channel, had to reduce even more the sound as the first interference of noise made them shudder. Paul hit the talk button
- Hello? Almost immediately
cold and sharp voice spoke
- Red Who Speaks Here?
- Eh ... Paul the appliance - say finished, knowing it was a stupid response.
few seconds passed, Paul doubted if I should hang, finally heard the voice again.
- How many survivors are? Any ... Injured? - Said the voice following reels with questions, noted that he doubted to have the last word. Paul understood it was an understatement to say whether there was bitten.
- Yeah, well, this is not exactly the Ritz. Rebecca muttered looking around.
- two of us, we are not injured but if we need help. - Cut Paul making an accusing look
Rebecca Paul Rebecca motioned that snorted and left the room with distaste.
- Come on over there, do not move from where you are, let any weapon you have in the ground.
- Okay. - After a few seconds and said he sensed that the conversation was over
sighed frustrated, got up, looked at the clock. 12:23
hoped that would not have to go immediately, before I wanted to catch everything useful that could be within your reach ..
- Rebecca, come ... - Said, directing his voice to the hall. Nobody answered
not tried again, something was wrong, they headed for the exit, but a couple of hissing at the window he warned of the expected arrival in the room of the new individuals.
even before two steps forward, one hand held her by the shoulder
Eh, Eh ... Easy. Where you going? - He said a female voice with a small Catalan accent.
Mi ... friend, do not answer. "He said turning around
A short-haired brunette, beautiful, stared at him with intense black eyes.
The clothing was very strange, seemed an elite of the army, but after having been overtaken by a cavalry. The two who
last wore a green camouflage uniform worn enough, the two had an army beret and the neck was a gas mask.
She looked back, as if seeking approval from your partner, then pulled out a gleaming and cocked 9mm Parabellum
"In the house was infected?
No, the insurer before ...
said no more, she turned and walked slowly past the gun. Crossing the door
turned on his heels to the right, Paul could not help wincing when she fired twice.
Paul tried out the door, but arms held him.
Eh ... Wait. - I whispered a male voice faltering.
Daniel, no one injured. Quick!
Daniel, released him and went quickly although fragile and uncertain step toward the door, pulls a small shoulder.
You - you said the woman. - Do not move from there okay?, Do not worry. Neither
case, Paul walked slowly, reached the doorway, she saw Rebeca against the wall and very pale, and with eyes closed.
is feared the worst, a little later I was lying on the floor and shaking spasmodically the well-known attacker.
Hey, what's his name?. - Asked The girl, Rebecca had a sorry state, it seemed senseless, or worse, Daniel opened an eyelid and it shone a small flashlight. - Hey, Wise up!. What is your name?
Paul shook his head trying to get back to reality.
Rebecca, do you hear? Hey, wake up. He began to speak in a soft Daniel.
The other girl got up and went to Paul.
be all right, they have not bitten, apparently. "Are you the helicopter? What are you doing here?.
Eh ... We came to the radio tower.
"radio tower? Here there is no radio tower. "I looked
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