Sunday, October 21, 2007

D&g With Italian Flag On

elbos @ 2007-10-21T11: 25:00

With the arm still sore and dizzy from the anesthesia wore his clothes, filling water bottles in the bathroom.

was not hungry, surely the way given intravenous fluids and food while he was sedated.

clothes was adjusted and revised gun ammunition, no problem. Prepared to leave but the door had no handle, no visible opening system. Observed and his mouth turned into a grimace between despair and disbelief, could not open it.
put his hands on the metal door looking for some loophole through which to open, in several attempts pushed the door, but to no avail. Desperate fury struck the door and sat supporting her back against it.

"I call the watchman?"

no time to auto answer to that question shuffled the various exits of that room.
plant was in a quite high therefore ruled out the window, understood apart from noise and subsequent arrival of beings to him, there is only one exit.
Suddenly he raised his head and his eyes widened, he had been a crazy idea but the only thing he could think to go:

ventilation duct. After a look

the roof is located but then fell disappointed. Too narrow.
Unexpectedly the door where he was supported relented and fell back. Feeling real terror of the fragile situation in which he was, shifted as a frightened cat, ended up sitting a few feet away from the door, leaned against the opposite wall and pointed his gun at the opening and its future and more than likely figure that might emerge from the door but saw nothing.

Sitting up without losing the guard approached with caution and good arm holding the gun. He went as far as possible to take a look at the sides of the door. There was nothing anyone.
Believing that once had a lucky break, took the backpack resting at the foot of the bed and turned back to the door, but someone was in it.
With the fear gone into the body and pointed at his head shaking, did not want to waste bullets. Waited for him to come closer for a better shot, however, came, on the contrary, a person collapsed like a pack.
He realized it was not one of them but soon would be. Moved quickly and lay down beside him.

"But what ...?"

The man was almost maimed, without an arm, several pieces of flesh torn and tattered gown as blood-soaked claws and, in a sleeve put B-2.

- Lar ... COF COF go ... see ... you ... - spat blood staining the ground

nervous, not knowing that looked to all sides.

- Where do I go?

- No matter, they will discover-COF ... ... Kill me.

Extending the arm that held even held out a plastic card with a strange logo.

"Do ...

knew he had no choice, no one is accustomed to killing, unfortunately the more you kill, the easier it is to do it again. Drew his pistol, stepped back and released its torture that poor wretch. The roar of the gun echoed in the empty room and let to Paul for a few seconds with an annoying ringing in the ears.
14 bullets. Should take advantage of good to get out of here.
went out the door, he found a fork.

"Right or Left"

was really lost, even though I worked here, had never gone through these halls and less in this building, there was no need nursing technicians.
The hallways looked clean and the monotony particular, had shiny metal walls and the floor was marble corridors of the building all were equal and boringly monotonous. They say when you have to make a choice of left or right, we always choose the dominant hand so I decided to go the right way.
No signs were in the building that those beings have been here.

"But then, that man ..."

tried not to think about what their senses told him, but unfortunately, he had lived all this firsthand.

"... Escape viral Cellar, an unknown virus, no one took responsibility." Isolated

information, did not know what impact has the disaster elsewhere. Although he bristled the hairs on his neck with thought.

"What if the infection has reached other countries?"

had to remove those thoughts from your head if you wanted to stay sane.

"The strange thing is that I have not gone crazy and" Survivor

an apocalypse worthy of a screenplay by George Romero, remembered as the wrong room because he was spared and their closest friends and family.
A call to one of the offices made her to know everything. He picked up the handset but before you say anything, a person had terrified on the floor of the building underground experimental someone had made a mistake in the waste disposal an experiment and to know the effects would remain in quarantine, by the language used is very pessimistic and warned that he did not like. Forthwith
told his family and closest friends and that if he could not call them that night to leave the city. Detained most of the employees of the company by threatening to kill them if they tried to escape, his friend Nizar security forces belonged to the company, which is not exactly modest. Had a technology that would enrage the former Soviet Union, Nizar himself had to prevent employees from escaping.
What had to happen, happened. Waves of infected
citywide pursuit and killing was not like them. As a gore version of Nazi Germany.
The escape could not have fallen behind to pick up Mary, when they wanted to take the car, the road was already a huge river of cars. Unable to leave the city.
course, did not blame her for anything. But her if she felt guilty.
the end, a small group of four people trying to learn that had dimensions that, but the overall electricity cut did not help at all and do not know if there was "Check-Points" of the army.
An army was not trained for these situations, an army that does not know what he was facing, would need help from the UN or NATO and getting pessimistic, I was not sure they could do something against this tide undead. While I was walking

absorbed in his gloomy thoughts, an inner pang pierced from top to bottom. Unable to stand collapsed, the pain was as if they were circulating too cold ice floes through the skin, his head ached as if I had a big hornet buzzing around the brain and could not take it anymore. Trying not to cry for not alerting the infected could walk around, twisted in pain until it came so suddenly as the pain ceased. Half dazed by the pain himself on the wall.

"Damn, what have I done?"

Now is when we felt a deep fear, did not think this would be normal consequences of being admitted to an ICU. They had done something.
Recalling a stranger had said something perfect symbiosis.

With that question in his head, walked reeling and in pain, to find the exit of the building, looking for friends in and out of this nightmare.

His friends, had long had not thought of them, did not even know whether they would live.

"are well"

That hope was one that encouraged him to continue, could have been shot long. No. I was not going to rest until the truth comes to light, I wondered what had happened in fact, find the person responsible for this.
With renewed energy quickened his pace until you reach an elevator.
pressed the button several times but did not work.

"It was rare for me to leave him so easily ..." Addressing

deep breath and steps are minded to go down 4 floors where anything could happen. Sharpening the ear could hear faint noises downstairs, can someone who was alive or not.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Girdle After Myomectomy


Photobucket Album
Chapter 3